On the subject of child rearing after birth:
I'd completely agree that, prior to child birth, a woman is in a situation where they either carry their baby to term or abort and that this is a situation that she and only she can have final say in as, fundamentally, she is directly linked to the baby.
However, after child birth, this fundamental physical connection has been severed. At that point, it is over to child rearing, which there are many different models for. Some American Indians share (shared?) mothering responsibilities among the females of their tribe such that a single mother isn't solely responsible. In some families, the father actually takes the brunt of the child rearing, leaving the mother to work (my uncle was that way). The point, there, is that choices return to both parents. Sure, there's a huge consideration about what is to be done to ensure the baby's wellbeing and development, but it isn't as one-sided as you suggest.
(Unless I'm also missing your point?)