Intended mains


Almonseth - Moonkin dps

I intend to level him first, although could see other characters levelling at the same time.

All however have one theme in common, they are dps main specc'd.


In Cryo Sleep
Well everyone seems to want to be a druid and heal so it may change but currently is this:

Zubzub...erm face-Dps/Different Dps


Well-Known Member
Just a little note in case I haven't stated it anywhere else yet: come Cataclysm, each person who gets to be a raider (ie after they've proven that they're geared for raiding and capable of pulling their weight) gets to select a single raiding main character to bring to our main raid nights. If people want to switch to an alt, then for a while they'll not be rolling first on gear for that character; you can switch mains, just don't expect to be able to freely swap all the time without any kind of restrictions. Specifics will be detailed later.


The only DK main we have had was you and you're swapping back to lock? Cant blame you, locks are awesome now. :D

We should have a few Hunter mains, they just havent posted yet? (Mavren, Sabbath?)


Well-Known Member
Meh I'd never really swap from tank (retri when needed).

Maybe if we reach a point where noone really needs loot I'd want an alt gearing up, but I'm never in any hurry for that.


In Cryo Sleep
Hey guys, u know how i love to just pop into a convo and lay down something profound..well this is not one of those times!
It is however a confusing time as i read the initial purpose of the thred i.e what spec u gonna play at lev 85 and a general list of every member, the point i think i may be missing here since no one else has brought this up is...what is the point of this thred ?? when i started playing this game back in the day i chose human mage, i had no idea what mages were good at or played like and had nothing to go on with regards to if humans were better than say ...a disabled murloc. My point is this, you may already have the revised talent trees but you havnt got the revised game, or the revised new world with all its "new" influences, you also havnt played through the next 5 levels which i have been told will take a considerable amount of time. With all of this in mind and adding the fact that most people to level faster always choose dps spec on a character and therefore has a probability that at 85 they may want to keep said dps spec, i go back to my earlier point why is this thred here?
Im not trying to belittle it, it just seems like someone asking me what kind of pie i want to eat next wednesday....well i dont know, its a long time till then and much will happen/change, this btw isnt the point that i would be putting up a thred asking everyone what pie they "think" they will want to eat next wednesday.
Ill be a Worgen paladin in Tank spec tho if that helps :)