Intended mains


In Cryo Sleep
Since leveling my new druid is a lot more fun than my Pala has been of late, I'm gonna switch to:

Marqjin - Druid (the plan is Feral/Resto, not sure which as main yet.)


Although already mentioned to Sabot, this post can be a point of recall, I can now forsee my first character and most probably my main now being Laminal.


New Member
Lonsecia will be my main, and she's pretty likely to stay Frost Dual-Wield as main spec, with Blood tanking as off. She's still an Engineer, and now also a maxed enchanter.
With that setup, I'll likely have to use one of my miners as a secondary 85 just to aid in acquiring appropriate materials.

After that, it's anyone's guess. I'll likely level all my SSL characters to level 85, with priority being to those with decent Profs (so my S-Priest for her alchemy, rogue for her JC'ing, etc). Lowest priority are my shaman, druid, warlock, mage, and probably warrior (unless I really feel the need for Blacksmithing weapons).

So yeah. My Paladin will likely be a Protadin/Ret, unless I truly suck at those, in which case I'll sulk and go Holydin again.


In Cryo Sleep
well im going to stick with Tolgore for the expansion so add another dps:D:D pow pow pow i shoot you in the face :D:cool: pow pow


Garthmerenge-DPS (main)
Esaki-disc preist
Sakata-prot warrior