Intended mains


Active Member
Hey guys, u know how i love to just pop into a convo and lay down something profound..well this is not one of those times!
It is however a confusing time as i read the initial purpose of the thred i.e what spec u gonna play at lev 85 and a general list of every member, the point i think i may be missing here since no one else has brought this up is...what is the point of this thred ?? when i started playing this game back in the day i chose human mage, i had no idea what mages were good at or played like and had nothing to go on with regards to if humans were better than say ...a disabled murloc. My point is this, you may already have the revised talent trees but you havnt got the revised game, or the revised new world with all its "new" influences, you also havnt played through the next 5 levels which i have been told will take a considerable amount of time. With all of this in mind and adding the fact that most people to level faster always choose dps spec on a character and therefore has a probability that at 85 they may want to keep said dps spec, i go back to my earlier point why is this thred here?
Im not trying to belittle it, it just seems like someone asking me what kind of pie i want to eat next wednesday....well i dont know, its a long time till then and much will happen/change, this btw isnt the point that i would be putting up a thred asking everyone what pie they "think" they will want to eat next wednesday.
Ill be a Worgen paladin in Tank spec tho if that helps :)
As much as I myself am surprised to say it, I actually smiled reading this and concur with Gid here :)


New Member
Im not trying to belittle it, it just seems like someone asking me what kind of pie i want to eat next wednesday....


Off topic: Nactall has always been my main and I want to try something different. This will either be the warlock the rogue or the druid (Rogue has the number one spot at the moment)

I will level Nactall and gear him up for usage when needed.


Well-Known Member

Seriously... the title of the thread is "INTENDED mains" and of course things may change as people level up to 85. However, having levelled characters to 80 and raided with them, I think it's fair to say that they have a better idea of how it performs than a total WoW virgin rolling his first level 1.

Cataclysm is an expansion, not a whole different game, and the talents we have now are what we're going to have at 85, three more points isn't going to make a huge difference tbh.

Also, Steak and Kidney.

Also, also, the game.


New Member
it just seems like someone asking me what kind of pie i want to eat next wednesday.... :)

if we know what your favourite pie is at the moment, we can make an educated guess what pie you want to eat next wednesday, but of course you can then say, oh I had blueberry on tuesday, so on wednesday I want to try something different...


Well-Known Member
this btw isnt the point that i would be putting up a thred asking everyone what pie they "think" they will want to eat next wednesday.

If you had to have a certain range of pies for a future event, and you needed to book these pies early to make sure you'd have enough of a range of pies, so that the pie event was a success - you would need to find out what kind of pies people were thinking of eating ahead of time. Sure they might change their mind of the day, but if you can make sure that overall you have a decent range, and no pie in particular is underused, you can begin to guarantee at least the pie makeup of the event will be feasible.

Your pie example was terrible! It's being eaten alive ;P


Active Member
Fuck you all. I crave pie now.


Waaaait for it....

Ya'll just lost, didn't ya?


In Cryo Sleep
Naamooooooo - Balance / tank / resto

I intend to choose an offspec once its released, tbh with the new glyph system its just a matter of gear. Most probs tank as will have a resto shammy (see below)

Namy the Shammy (Goblin shaman to be created ofc) - Resto / Enchancement

Daabu - dps (duh)


In Cryo Sleep
Hey, I know i never raided in Wotlk but that is because I really don't like it *sticks tongue out*

Anyway my order for Cata which I will be raiding in is

Tywylwch - Hunter DPS
Globbit - Druid Tank
Turang - Shaman Healer

Then my Goblin who shall be an amazing something or other, who knows :)


In Cryo Sleep
Neva - Holy/Prot Paladin
Sabbath - Hunter
Cryptic - Rogue
Sakha - Resto Shammy

Not sure yet who is going to be my main for Cata, either Neva or Sabbath any suggestions? :P

PS: Btw is Nevarine me or another char in guild on first page lol xD


In Cryo Sleep
Not sure about the order, but the chars will be:

Tingham - PvP Rogue
Mycinae - Mage - Ranged dps
Mahgnit - Warrior - Melee Dps
Tingsie - Priest - Healer
Tinghamoo - Druid - Tank.

I think my main is most likely to be my druid. Tanks are always useful. I think she will probably be the one I level first too.