


New patch. From The Word of Notch, patch notes:
  • Implemented a new lighting engine with the help of MrMessiahs (can be turned off)
  • Changed the options around, added a new “Graphics options” button
  • Added beds. If all players in a map sleeps in a bed during night, the game immediately skips until morning
  • Added three new half-size blocks
  • Added Delay/Repeater redstone dust blocks
  • Added whitelisting to the server. To use, enter “whitelist <cmd>” where cmd is “on”, “off”, “add <player>”, “remove <player>”, “list” or “reload”
  • New save file format, old maps need to be converted (that might take a while..)
  • It’s now possible to have more than five save slots, and to rename saves
  • Scrollbars in both the texture pack list, and in the map selection screen
  • Replaced the Mojang splash image to reflect the new logo colors
  • ... and a bunch of bug fixes and tweaks!


In Cryo Sleep

I am confused by this statement. Same as every other server? Do you mean game as in the others hosted by us or have I missed something?


Junior Administrator
Nope, there's no password o_O

Just the standard server IP, same as we use for TS. promethius.thehavennet.org.uk


Junior Administrator
You need to authenticate with minecraft.net in order to play multiplayer. Sometimes this will go down, and hence you won't be able to play on the prom server.


Well-Known Member
Multiplayer will do that occasionally.

Minecraft.net said:
Minecraft beta multiplayer support is currently under heavy development, and is riddled with bugs. You can help test it, though. It will get better soon, I promise!


Junior Administrator
Minecraft.net is supposed to be getting better ... they're paying for amazon cloud servers so having them break really shouldn't be happening ..


Well-Known Member
they're paying for amazon cloud servers

I believe that's only for the login. I don't think the update and the mysterious call it makes to minecraft.net whenever you connect to a multiplayer server have been migrated (yet).