Active Member
No to both.
no to both.
they were his real parents tho, werent they?
Lets have a go at this then:
By far the greatest movie ever made (in my opinion which doesn't say much). An animated tale about a young boy, who is named after a bodily function....![]()
Damn it!! I should [strike]of[/strike] HAVE picked a more difficult one lol!!
probably very wrong but I'll get the ball rolling with Romeo & Juliet
At the risk of being laughed out of THN - was it Street Dance or Step Up?
Shoot me now!
Gonna have to go for a really random one now then. I know it is Johnny Depp birthday this week, so would be an obvious choice for the actor. Now I know in Sweeny Todd there is a young man who falls for the judges daughter..... Probably on a massive tangent, but hey!
Pirates of the Caribbean?