Name that game!!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So picking a PS3 exclusive didn't slow us down either?

Another to Huung.

BiG D - 6
thatbloke - 5
Silk - 4
Huung - 4
Panda - 3
Ronin Storm - 3
Bele - 2
Temp - 2
Zooggy - 2
Vel - 2
Nanor - 2
Psi - 1
comrade_phil - 1
Traxata - 1
SgtFury - 1

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Hey, that's not true at all. I used it to get one of blokes (Burning Rangers), told him so on Skype, then didn't post the answer; indeed Panda did. I do have some integrity you know. :p

I didn't use tinyeye.

The only tiny eye I know (vaguely) how to use is my jap's eye.


Well-Known Member
Good, I just wanted to clarify that. I have NO IDEA what tiny eye is.

Reverse image search - which for a game like this ruins it really. Hence I crop and flip my images, or take screenies in game so there's no reference image for tinyeye to find.

Also, Vel guessed mine already, so it's over to him.

BiG D - 6
thatbloke - 5
Silk - 4
Huung - 4
Panda - 3
Ronin Storm - 3
Vel - 3
Bele - 2
Temp - 2
Zooggy - 2
Nanor - 2
Psi - 1
comrade_phil - 1
Traxata - 1
SgtFury - 1


New Member
Really need to stop that lol.

BiG D - 6
thatbloke - 5
Huung - 5
Silk - 4
Panda - 3
Ronin Storm - 3
Vel - 3
Bele - 2
Temp - 2
Zooggy - 2
Nanor - 2
Psi - 1
comrade_phil - 1
Traxata - 1
SgtFury - 1


Well-Known Member
Starship commander. Need to stop picking Acorn games.


BiG D - 6
thatbloke - 5
Huung - 5
Silk - 4
Vel - 4
Panda - 3
Ronin Storm - 3
Bele - 2
Temp - 2
Zooggy - 2
Nanor - 2
Psi - 1
comrade_phil - 1
Traxata - 1
SgtFury - 1


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Heh! Huung and Velaphor are vaulting off each other! :D You're artifically bumping up your scores... ;)

Just kidding, some games I never heard of in there, so it's all good! :)



New Member
Hey, :)

Heh! Huung and Velaphor are vaulting off each other! :D You're artifically bumping up your scores... ;)

Just kidding, some games I never heard of in there, so it's all good! :)


It's crazy i keep trying to get games he won't remember but the guys a sponge!


Well-Known Member
Hey, :)

Heh! Huung and Velaphor are vaulting off each other! :D You're artifically bumping up your scores... ;)

Just kidding, some games I never heard of in there, so it's all good! :)


Haha, I talked about this with bob! Stat padding in a forum game would be beyond sad, which is why I'm letting Vel's newest one sit there for a while to give others a fair chance xD