Name that game!!


Staff member
Yeah, but bloke's post constitutes two guesses otherwise, as it was both a game and a franchise :p


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Getting back on game.... Thatblokes pic

Dungeon Master. Great game on the Amiga that :D


Junior Administrator
Getting back on game.... Thatblokes pic

Dungeon Master. Great game on the Amiga that :D

Correct... I loved it, though I was never any good at it at all!

13 - BiG D
12 - thatbloke
11 -
10 -
9 -
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, Tempscire
7 - Huung, Xarlaxas
6 - waterproofbob, SgtFury
5 - Nanor, Xylak,
4 - Kasatka, Velaphor
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Iron Fist, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, Gribley, eMP3Danie


Active Member
If I say "screw the rules I have money" will you hurt me? :p

I think that getting the franchise right (or at least a close number in the series) can be alright in cases where you could be shown screenshots from either game and not know the difference, much like with my M&M screenshot, but when the games completely different graphicly (like with VTM: Redemption and VTM: Bloodlines) you'd have to get the right one.

But then again, if someone gets the franchise right but then the next person gets the exact game I'd err on the side of the person who got the exact game. . . .

That's just me though! I vote that Tempscire updates the first post with his own rulings as it's his thread after all!


Active Member
If I say "screw the rules I have money" will you hurt me? :p

I think that getting the franchise right (or at least a close number in the series) can be alright in cases where you could be shown screenshots from either game and not know the difference, much like with my M&M screenshot, but when the games completely different graphicly (like with VTM: Redemption and VTM: Bloodlines) you'd have to get the right one.

But then again, if someone gets the franchise right but then the next person gets the exact game I'd err on the side of the person who got the exact game. . . .

That's just me though! I vote that Tempscire updates the first post with his own rulings as it's his thread after all!

I'll update any concrete clarifications I've made, certainly :) But as I say, if the screenshot poster is willing to accept an answer they will be allowed to.

With the VTM: Redemption/Bloodline thing I knew that it was the first one and just couldn't remember the exact sub-title (and couldn't be arsed to Google it to make sure :P). But I was more than happy to let Xarl make the call and it was his right to not accept my answer.

As another consideration it also makes sense that some of the arbitration comes down to you guys as well since I have been, and want to continue, playing this game as well. I shouldn't be arbitrating for stuff I'm involved in :p

EDIT: Rules update in the original post


New Member
Right, then, something shorter, huh?

Well, after poking about thinking it was a Spectrum game I realised that it probably isn't one of those.
So, what else was being funky with colour in 1985?
The BBC Micro!

Well, I tell you... I had to do some MORE poking about to find this one.
Fortunately I came across a site specialising in BBC Micro games. After that it was relatively easy to determine that the game in question (that you posted a little screen shot from), is a platformer (although that's obvious) known as "Frak!".

(long answer for a short title :))


Active Member
As I want to get the game rolling again and I have checked that Xylak is right, I'm going to give him the point and ask him to set up a new screenie. A quick google search of Frak! will bring up the self-same image.

13 - BiG D
12 - thatbloke
11 -
10 -
9 -
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, Tempscire
7 - Huung, Xarlaxas
6 - waterproofbob, SgtFury, Xylak
5 - Nanor
4 - Kasatka, Velaphor
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Iron Fist, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, Gribley, eMP3Danie