Name that game!!


Active Member
I got the e-mail on my phone saying a new post had appeared, saw it was PoP and frantically alt-tabbed out of my game to post before anyone else could. Hehe. I played it a couple times when I was a kid but never figured out the controls. :(

Now, what will my game be. . . .


(Hope this isn't too big!)


Active Member
It is! :D

I'm amazed that someone got it without hints!

13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -
9 - Tempscire
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung Xarlaxas
7 -
6 - waterproofbob, Xylak
5 - Nanor, Velaphor
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Gribley, Iron Fist, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie

Your turn!


I'll give you that, its "Phantasmagoria 2 a Puzzle of flesh"

I Heard that, Curtis

13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -
9 - Tempscire, Xarlaxas
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung
7 -
6 - waterproofbob, Xylak
5 - Nanor, Velaphor
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Gribley, Iron Fist, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie


Active Member
Huzzah, I thought it was two but hedged my bets. Heh.

Will post my game in the morning, in bed on my mobile right now!


Active Member
Yup! Not as fun as I thought it would be. :(

13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -
9 - Tempscire, Xarlaxas
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung
7 -
6 - waterproofbob, Velaphor, Xylak
5 - Nanor,
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Gribley, Iron Fist, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie