Name that game!!


New Member
Damn it that was fast lol.

13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -Xarlaxas
9 - Tempscire
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung
7 -
6 - waterproofbob, Velaphor, Xylak
5 - Nanor,
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Gribley, Iron Fist, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie


Active Member
Hehe, well, if I'm at my PC when someone posts I tend to check right away, and I've been really lucky with the last few games! :D

This one should be easy:



Active Member
Yup, it is!

Your turn Iron!

13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -Xarlaxas
9 - Tempscire
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung
7 -
6 - waterproofbob, Velaphor, Xylak
5 - Nanor,
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Iron Fist, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Gribley, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie


Super Moderator
Staff member
apparently i'm a moron and forgot to put ze game up

at work at the mo, i'll try sort something this evening


Super Moderator
Staff member
maybe a little too easy, barbie pet rescue it is next time! :p
though, really not surprised it was you nanor

13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -Xarlaxas
9 - Tempscire
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung
7 -
6 - Nanor, waterproofbob, Velaphor, Xylak
5 -
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Iron Fist, Panda, Pwnstar
2 - Gribley, Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie


Well-Known Member isn't not Mall Tycoon?


13 - BiG D, thatbloke
12 -
11 -
10 -Xarlaxas
9 - Tempscire
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy, silkth, SgtFury, Huung
7 -
6 - Nanor, waterproofbob, PenisMan, Velaphor, Xylak
5 -
4 - Kasatka
3 - Belegon, ChuChu, Iron Fist, Panda, Pwnstar, Gribley
2 - Traxata, Zillet
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, eMP3Danie