This is the whole point though, they don't have to pick. They got it just right in wotlk, with it taking AAAGES for a casual player to get the real nice stuff, lots of smaller chunks of playtime over a much longer period of real life time.
...I could've sworn this was a 2-page thread of on-topic material when I went to bed...
So basicly if you dont like it, leave, stop paying each month and just go.
Silkth said:Not trying to be nasty at all. I just beleive there should be something for everyone in wow, and anyone saying the best stuff should be raiders only (when for casual gamers it takes a month to get one piece) is a tad snobbish / elitist.
I have nothing against people being able to get better stuff than me from raids afterall. So why be against it taking me an age to get similar items in my own way.
Not trying to be nasty at all. I just beleive there should be something for everyone in wow, and anyone saying the best stuff should be raiders only (when for casual gamers it takes a month to get one piece) is a tad snobbish / elitist.![]()
Can you back that up? I'm really not sure that's the case...
If all you can do is heroics, then you can get the following without ever entering a raid instance:
i245 head and shoulders - triumph emblems
i245 ring, trinket, libram - triumph emblems
i245 bracers and chest - crafted
i264 boots and legs - crafted
That will put you on par with an ICC10 raider in most of the major equipment slots, and certainly a decent enough set to get into ICC10/25 PUGs. And once you're in ICC25 PUGs then you're going to start getting drops that are better than us "hardcore" raiders doing ICC10. Bloody casuals...![]()
lol yeah I'll just dig out 16,000g for the two ilev 264's
Pocket change!
Again I don't see the problem with being able to obtain this loot. There's still much better to be had in raiding.
Done. Again
This is my biggest point - if you've not got the time to raid, why do you even need raiding level gear?
I can understand the want to have the best items the game can offer, but when you won't actually be using that for any reason other than to run low content like heroics, it's totally unnecessary. That, and if you are running only heroics, having that kind of gear then just takes the fun out of the heroics by making them too easy, leaving you with no challenging or fulfilling content at all...
ICC10 = 251s
245s aren't all that much different, 6 ilevels is very little in terms of stats. Fair enough the 232 -> 251 is a nice jump, but it's still only 1 tier. It just feels very wrong being able to buy the previous tier set with only heroic content having been done.
Well that is exact my point tbh what i wanted to make, the snobbish/elitists are the majority in this game so well if they want to make more moneys they make the game for this kind of players, there is just not enough money to be made from the casual gamer.
ICC10 = 251s
245s aren't all that much different, 6 ilevels is very little in terms of stats. Fair enough the 232 -> 251 is a nice jump, but it's still only 1 tier. It just feels very wrong being able to buy the previous tier set with only heroic content having been done.
If anyone still ran Ulduar then your point would be valid. But they don't. So how can you expect players to get ilev 232 from an instance nobody runs?
If things were as you say.. no badges.. you basically introduced a scenario where someone hits 80 and hits a brick wall. They can't get anything better than ilev 200, and that's way too low to raid ICC, and noone runs Naxx anymore letalone higher stuff.
Eventually because of this, your raid recruit pool dries up - so you can't raid any more without reruiting ilev 200 people and then back-pedalling to all the older content whcih I'm sure you'd just LOVE.
Blizzard aren't daft, they opened up 232 to HC's because they are quite well aware that players would struggle to get Ulduar groups once all the shiny new ICC stuff went live. They didn't want to have a situation where a player doesn't have good enough gear for ICC and *can't get it either*. Would make no sense!
Reading over the last para.. year Blizz aren't daft. So I hope when introducing CC, they don't make it class specific (like priests>undeads) or go overboard needing three CC's per pull.. else we're in for a world of pain. I guess I'll keep my faith in them for now.