Well-Known Member
Ulduar is 2 tiers back, not 1. The last tier was ToC, which is where 232s come from. I wouldn't mind players getting decent gear from heroics, but it would have to cost alot more badges. Double the amount of badges needed for the t9 and it might sound more reasonable. Then at least those who spent months raiding to get pieces of gear wouldn't feel annoyed when a fresh 80 gets the same piece in a day.
I really can't get my head around you being "annoyed" though - your gear was better at the time that you got it, then it got out-dated by the next content and became more easily obtainable. This has always and will always be the nature of a never-ending game. In the meantime you can now raid new content for new shinies which are better than the 232's by far.
But eventually you can expect that casual players will be able to get 264's more easily as well. Probably when cata is out, but who knows.
In the meantime you should be happy that people can get this gear and are able to raid with you (should you need them to, which at times, you will).
As for Ulduar/ToC - Yeah, my bad. Points all still stand though. Nobody runs TOC10, so good job I can get 232 elsewhere.