Portal 2 Demo.


In Cryo Sleep
For those of you who don't follow E3:

Demo of Portal 2. (Couldn't find the old thread to throw this in..)

just look down about 7 threads :p The title starts with "Portal"

but mmmmmmmmmmm does that look smexy!


Nope. Not there for me. I even searched "Portal" in the Search Feature, and came up with a 2 year old thread that i didn't want to hardcore bump.


Staff member
I'd rather see a game that has a few hours of content be a few hours long, rather than having crap added to drag it out.


Staff member
I'd rather see a game that has a few hours of content having good stuff added to it, so that the content is more than a few hours.


Staff member
Why? Portal proved that a short game can be incredibly powerful. If the experience works better in a short format, why should it be shoehorned into something bigger?


Active Member
I'd rather see a game that has a few hours of content be a few hours long, rather than having crap added to drag it out.
Indeed, but having a longer game of equal quality would be the best solution ;) Or....maybe it would. Maybe not, maybe the shortness of Portal was what made it so good. I don't know...


Staff member
um, I think you'll find the use of a shoehorn more practical when stuffing something large into something small, rather than the other way around ;P

Apart from that, correlation does not imply causation.

That is, [Portal was a good game. Portal was a short game] =/= [Portal was a good game because it was short], which in turn =/= [Portal 2 will not be a good game if it isn't short].


Staff member
So why are you implying that longer games are better? Why can't Portal 2 be exactly the same length?

(And, if you want to be technical, a shoehorn is not useful at all for concepts.)


Staff member
I'm not implying that longer games are better, that would be the same fallacy. What I am implying, though, is that I'd like short good games to be longer good games.


Staff member
Your first sentance is contradicting your second. You don't think longer games are better... But you think that short games need to be longer?

Regardless... Why? What did portal lack that could've been added with an extra hour or two?


Active Member
What I am implying, though, is that I'd like short good games to be longer good games.
That is pretty much what I said.
The problem here is, we don't know how good Portal would be if it was longer. Maybe it would suck, because there was not enough new elements to keep us interested for longer time. Maybe it wouldn't suck because the riddle-solving fun wouldn't diminish. Who the fuck knows...
Frankly I wish it wasn't the shortness that made it so good, I wish Portal 2 was way longer but maintained the bewitching charm Portal had. That sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

EDIT: D, what Doc is getting at is that the quality of length itself doesn't make a game good, but that if the game already possesses the quality of goodness, length will enable us to enjoy it for longer time. Makes sense now?


Staff member
What did portal lack that could've been added with an extra hour or two?


Staff member
No it's not. I guess it depends on whether you think of the length (amount of content) of the game is an intrinsic part of how good it is or not. Would it be better if I said "I want short games that I enjoy playing to be longer, while still being as enjoyable to play"?

And if I accept your straw man, you've given the answer yourself: an extra hour or two. (that's not to say I do accept the straw man, I never said Portal was lacking in the sense you're implying. Although I don't think it was the perfect game either.)

Also, you're cheating with a tu quoque ;)