Portal 2 Demo.


In Cryo Sleep
So are you saying the game length should be considered to be the length of the first play through?

In which case, the game length is dependent on who plays it, and isn't really that dependent on the game itself. If this is so, then trying to compare game lengths this way is essentially using an arbitrary metric, and is thus futile.

So lets have some cake :D


Staff member
Yes. Not everyone is going to play through a game the second time, so it is pointless for them to know how long the second playthrough will take. Of course it's going to be somewhat dependent on the player. Every single playthrough will. It is not that difficult to judge how long the average player will take.


Staff member
No, because that's WRONG :p

Seriously. Look at some reviews. They generally say three to four hours.


Of course it's going to be somewhat dependent on the player.

Oh...Guess everyone can do things at different speeds? Oh no. Wait. It's going to be over 1 Hour, Because a games review said it was over 1 Hour. Awsome.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Seriously, replay? For Portal?!

It never even occurred to me to reload the game, much less replay through it...

Puzzle-game-wise, I'm not exactly a dunce. Grantedly, I'm not the most coordinated fellow in the world, but missing a jump here or there does not extend the game by a freaking factor of magnitude!

Whoever is saying they played through the game in under an hour, I believe you. I just think that you haven't played through the whole of the game!



Hoy, :)

Seriously, replay? For Portal?!

It never even occurred to me to reload the game, much less replay through it...

Puzzle-game-wise, I'm not exactly a dunce. Grantedly, I'm not the most coordinated fellow in the world, but missing a jump here or there does not extend the game by a freaking factor of magnitude!

Whoever is saying they played through the game in under an hour, I believe you. I just think that you haven't played through the whole of the game!


It was me Zoog. (/lick, btw.) And it was 30-40 mins ish, Casually playing through, It really wasn't too hard. I just didnt sit there and stare at every bit of writing i saw, and didn't do the Advanced maps (Just the main storyline.)


In Cryo Sleep
Looking at some reviews, one quoted '2 and a half hours', one quoted 'less than three hours' and another said '5 hours for a reasonable gamer'. Four hours sounds like a reasonable estimate to me. I never completed the game, but I think it took me somewhere in the region of 2 and a half - 3 hours to get to the final puzzle (where I quit, upon learning it was the final puzzle).


Staff member
Tets, clarity "the final puzzle" for me? You may have had another hour or two left...


Still don't see how people can take that long on it, It's one of the more easier games out there. Look around for 10 seconds, learn what to do, do it, move on. Doesn't really give much of a challange if you're good at puzzles.


In Cryo Sleep
I can't remember now, but I'm sure there was some kind of in-game indication that it was the final puzzle. There were a lot of those energy balls flying up and down corridors I think, but I didn't hang around long to investigate.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Tets, you missed out on what made Portal Portal!

Also, Gombol: Did you noclip it by any chance? :p


In Cryo Sleep
Did you find a red telephone?

Yes: Well done
No: You didnt finish it.

I remember sitting in a boring lecture once with a mate and he was playing portal on his laptop. We managed to get to about halfway through act 2 by the end of the lecture, which was 45 mins long. Theres a video walkthrough on youtube which is 1 hour 50, and from what I've seen, theres a large amount of farcing about and discussion (theres two guys talking). The room with all the turrets seems to take them ages to get out of, when it only needs a couple of jumps.

Replay? Yea - I enjoy flinging through portals, and wish to replay that funky feeling of flying about! For a fatty like me, weightlessness is quite cool!


Staff member
Again, though, measuring game time by anything other than the first playthrough is just confusing. Nobody else uses that metric. It's like going into a discussion about cars and saying your Ford Focus has 800 horsepower because you measure using horses that are really tired.


In Cryo Sleep
It's like measuring the preparation time of a meal as being how long it takes to prepare it when you know the recipe and how to make it, rather than how long it takes you to prepare it for the first time you cook it when you have to keep checking the recipe and learn how to chop stuff up.....

....oh... wait.

Whichever way, Its definitely not 5 hours long.