Raffle! Yay!


Staff member
Indeed, you read it right, it's Raffle Time again! :D

The two previous raffles have been huge successes, so we're hoping to repeat it once more. As you may or may not know, the funds sorely needed to run our server are more or less dried up, so we need a fresh injection of capital. And you can help!

The rules are simple: you buy tickets, which at €5 each is a bargain. The more tickets sold, the bigger the prize gets :) €2 out of each ticket will go to the prize pool. If we sell an extraordinarily large amount of tickets, there will either be a second prize or a second draw as well. Each ticket you buy will get you one chance to win out of the total amount of tickets.

The prize, then? It will either be a shiny game of the winner's choice from play.com, or shiny new months paid towards the subscription of said winners choice. Or something else, even better (but probably not).

So if you buy 4 tickets and we sell a total of 40 tickets, you will have a 10% chance of winning the prize. Which would be games/months worth €80. Or possibly slightly less, and there will be a second, just as happy, winner. Which could also be you, of course. And we will have €120 towards server costs. Fantastic, isn't it?

The rules are as follows: you post in this thread the amount of tickets you wish to purchase. This is morally (if not legally) binding. In about 2 weeks the entry's closed, the prize is announced, a draw date is set (with about 1 week to make the actual payments for the tickets), and then we proceed with the actual draw. If we don't sell enough tickets we don't go ahead at all, and people won't have to pay for their tickets. But there will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The overly nice people who already give monthly donations will have their donations this month counted towards their tickets. If you are one of these overly nice people, please post below with the amount you're donating this month, plus any eventual extra tickets.

Payment will be through the regular paypal account (not so regular, yet, since we've just got a new treasurer, but you know what I mean). He will verify the payments before the draw.

The draw will be made on The EvilDM Dice server, with results mailed to yours truly and some other trusty members of the community. I will reserve the right to have a redraw if I fuck up the first draw in any way (like having the wrong number of sides on the dice, etc).

So, sign up, everyone! :D

edit: last time this was an issue, so: after you've sent the money, pm waterproofbob with how many tickets you bought, how much you paid and your real name/email so he can correlate it with the pledges in the thread :)


Junior Administrator
Most of us here are from the UK, can we agree on a standard conversion rate for Euros to GBP?

According to my bank account I've sent £10 already this month based on the fact that I have set up a subscription twice - I would like to send in another tenner but will not be able to send that till at least the 30th January.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just for the record, the current exchange rate according to XE.com is:

1.00 EUR = 0.909618 GBP

I'll let DB or Bob speak to what that means for this.


For my part, I have a £5 subscription and I'll add another £5 to that for the raffle.


Junior Administrator
OK a quick note for the subscribers unless anyone really feels seen off as most of the kind donators are donating in the mighty (not so much anymore) Sterling and as the exchange rate is currently
1 Euro = 0.908821502 British pounds according to google anyway are people largely happy for the sake of my brain not melting out of my ears to call it 1:1. For example if you donate £5 you get one ticket although theoretically you are paying 50p more for your auto-frombeingadelcioussubscriber ticket. If those ppl kind enough to already be donators want an additional ticket purchase let me know and I'll number crunch a discount so that by the end all the numbers add up and you will have paid the same as everyone else for your tickets

Hopefully that sorts that issue out.

Any more issues send me a pm and numbers shall be munchety crunched.

I'll also be taking 2 more tickets as well as my auto-frombeingadelcioussubscriber ticket.

Also woot raffle


Well-Known Member
Count me in!

I'll stick in £5 for a second ticket to add to my donator-type one :)


Staff member
I'll take four of your shiny tickets (20 Euro) mister Docbot, lets hope the dice help wean me off Warcrack with a shiny new game >_<


One... MILLION DOLLARS! Oh, wait, no, not really. FAKE BID I TELL YOU!

Though 4 for £20 sounds good for me please!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
For reference, here's the balance sheet so far:

DocBot		€20 = 4 tickets
thatbloke	£20 = 4 tickets
Ronin Storm	£10 = 2 tickets
Nanor		€10 = 2 tickets
waterproofbob	£15 = 3 tickets
Huung		€10 = 2 tickets
Haven		€20 = 4 tickets
Traxata		£10 = 2 tickets
ShifT		£35 = 7 tickets
elDiablo	£20 = 4 tickets
Xarlaxas	£20 = 4 tickets
BiG D		€25 = 5 tickets
Macca		£10 = 2 tickets
Shadow		€10 = 2 tickets
SgtFury		£20 = 4 tickets
T-Bone		£25 = 5 tickets

Iron Fist	tbc (2 tickets?)

That totals to a little over €300 for 56 tickets.

[edit]Bob indicates we'll leave the draw to after payday so thatbloke's £10 included.[/edit]
[strike]I note thatbloke's offer of £10 now plus same again later but I'll let DB and/or Bob call the deal on that one.[/strike]

Ideally could do to sell a few more than that, or such is my understanding.

[edit]Updated list. Updated figures.[/edit]


Super Moderator
Staff member
i will know in the next day or so how many i can afford but i would think it'll probably be 2 tickets