OK guys providing I can get the code thing to work here is the current raffle funds list. You'll notice a couple of additions of ppl who have donated to the kitty without requesting any tickets. I've auto-enrolled these folks. If you have donated and spot your name and are passionate about not gambling then please let me know and I'll remove you.
This is as of 13:00 on the 4/2/09
If there are any discrepancies please let me know. I've done my best to match names to numbers but some may not be right.
For reference, here's the balance sheet so far:
DocBot €20 = 4 tickets
thatbloke £20 = 4 tickets
Ronin Storm £10 = 2 tickets
Nanor €10 = 2 tickets
waterproofbob £15 = 3 tickets
Huung €10 = 2 tickets
Haven €25 = 5 tickets
Traxata £10 = 2 tickets
ShifT £40 = 8 tickets
elDiablo £20 = 4 tickets
Xarlaxas £20 = 4 tickets
BiG D €25 = 5 tickets
Macca £10 = 2 tickets
Shadow €10 = 2 tickets
SgtFury £20 = 4 tickets
T-Bone £25 = 5 tickets
Iron Fist £10 = 2 tickets
Ashya £5 = 1 ticket
Razaak £10 = 2 tickets
The people who have gained tickets are due to unseen subscriptions and donations. There is one subscription not yet recognised. Going from their email addy I'm going to insult the hulk who supports the Sheffield steelers and hope they can PM me letting me know who they are. And yes that does make sense if you are this person.