OK as an extension of the whole badminton thing. Wol myself and 2 chaps I work with went to the Bitterne place tonight. Was awesome to do something active for the first time in an ashamedly long time. Sort of threw the whole thing together this afternoon but work out nicely.
Did however get home and get told we were muppets by my housemates gf as there turns out there is a load of badminton courts available to the public in St Marys. Which is somewhat closer and easier to get to for everyone but I guess Wol

When would like to do a THN badminton session. Bitterne place is now known ground to me however is a bit of a trek. Total cost for the court for 40mins (more like 50 as we just kept playing

) and racket hire for 4 was £9 and some change. I'll investigate St. Marys and see what the setup is there.
Has anyone else had any further thought on getting sponsored themselves with this. I'm going to do my own BMI and get sponsored through work, friends and family and then am more than happy to pool with others as well if people want to do that.