Supreme commander (SC) RTS


Well-Known Member
It was a 2v6 (Compstomp ftw) on the biggest map. And yes they got heated, I would've though for easy AI to get spiderbots would be heated alright.


In Cryo Sleep
Hate to be a lazy bandit, but any chance of a fix list?

EDIT: Ah, here we are.

* Rules for reclaiming building have changed significantly, reducing a possible
game exploit.

Ha, I remember in one skirmish I was playing I started building a heavy artillery platform but stopped it after about 2 seconds because I didnt have enough mass. I left my commander reclaiming the partially built structure and went off to muck about with something else, came back 15 minutes later and my comm was still reclaiming, giving a permanent boost to mass and energy income :D


In Cryo Sleep
They are pretty cool but its annoying when you tell one to, for example, circumnavigate an island and it tries to walk across it instead of sailing round it :/ You need to waypoint it so it doesn't do something silly. They are pretty good though, and quite powerful for an early game stage.

Oh, and another thing that needs fixed and wasn't fixed in that there patch is the Cybran experimental rapid fire artilley. It's pretty glitchy; it drives through buildings, sometimes makes the wrong cannon recoil when you're firing (like, you fire upwards and the cannon facing left recoils ???) and even occasionally sinks its cannon arms into the ground. It is pretty powerful though, so that makes up for it :D


Well-Known Member
I've noticed in a few movies the mobile factory emerges from the water and rolls onto land, but in the beta it didn't did they change that? I can't be arsed to play UEF that far for just to know atm :P, busy with Cybrans :D.


In Cryo Sleep
I can't be arsed to play UEF that far for just to know atm :P, busy with Cybrans :D.

When someone says that fairly often I just think, "Well I can't be arsed to bloody tell you then :)" ;).

Anyone able to use the new UI shrinker included in the patch?

Patch Notes said:
* Minimalist UI: A much lower footprint UI has been added in game. This UI
takes up much less real estate. To activate the UI you press + .

Doesn't seem to work at 1024x768 for me, which you think would be the res most needing it :(.


Well-Known Member
I can see everything I need to with the default UI at 1024 x 768, if you compare it with most in-depth RTS' it's actually about the same size.

Oh I found something, pressing Home and End swaps between 1 view and 2 views of the map :), so you can do what 2 screens does, without the 2nd one :D.


Junior Administrator
i know its going to get me hated by Pia, but the minimise ui thing works for me on 1680x1050. also finally found the click drag and move function. stupid holding down of middle scroll button. well my mate found it straight away after me searching for ages, so i can now actually play dual screen comfortably.


In Cryo Sleep
Oooooh bob, I finally got the question you asked me :p Sounds like you found the answer yourself, so fair play. And there was me going on about zooming and extended desktop and bananas.


In Cryo Sleep
well i have recently purchaced this game, and am very impressed, i can play it on maximum settings and still runs smooth, some epic battles in there aswell,

so who wants to challenge the old P Warrior?? :cool: