Because of the scale you're supposed to fight at I find I'm encouraged to play zoomed out as far as possible, which means I'm playing an old amiga game with 2D icons of various colours. Which isn't any fun anymore.
i usually use the zoomed out view for monitoring whats going on but generally its not necessary since there is a minimap you know! use the minimap to know whats going on, and keep zoomed in on the key battle areas for easier control of your units, its true eht scale of fights can be large but generally in a real game (skirmish ro another player) you will concentrate your forces to key areas, this kind of gameplay isnt really present in the campaigns from what i have experienced so far
Meh, for all its supposed units, I find you just spam the best tank at that tier and send 'em off. Not particularly clever yet there are some nice touches, like being able to click and drag previous orders around the map without having to reissue them. But like I said, I'm only on level 2, and I'm kinda bored already

campaign again?

i would slightly agree here, in alot of the campaign misson you arent really against a menacing attacking ai, they usually just have a base and a couple of aptrols and occasionally send out the squad of peashooter bots and anti airs, and simple spamming one unit will work in a camp
i never found this working in skirmish or against another player, its usually important to gather a good air force early in the game for initial protection, and for bombardment later in the game (by which time it may be too late due to the enemies aa defenses), i find spamming a single unit type doesnt work because most of the *cough* "best" tanks of each teir dont shoot at both ground and air targets, which usually means mixing and matching and setting up forward bases for quicker assaults
in all fairness, this isnt a fast paced rts, its extremely slow and especially on the bigger maps which could probably last days if the teams get an evenly balanced force going, which could lead to mega battles of ultimate pc crushing doom
-----------things i dislike about the game:
-----------lack of unit variety
especially tech3 units..theres like what..two..TWO?!...ffs..
-----------lack of defensive units/structures
sure theres the crappy tech1 turret
and the also crappy tech2 turret..
wait, wheres the tech3 turret?...apart from the super mega expensive absolutely huge artillery turret, which isnt quite what i had in mind...
would be nice to have a decent tech3 point defense turret to deter the experimentals units even a slight bit, lets face cybran spider in your base could be a problem, but if somehow the enemy build 3-5 and send them to your base... are screwed, plain and simple..the only thing stopping your base for going bye bye is to quit now before the horrors start happening
-----------absolutely shitty walls!...
there needs to be a tech2 and tech3 wall possibly with hardpoints, because right now a "fucker spider" as i call them (since monkeylord sounds kinda..lame) can just walk right over your walls and turrets alike, so defenses are actually not defenses at all when it comes to the spider army, i know they are supposed to be powerful, and i like the fact that they are..alot, but there does need to be better defense against them, even if it just means non-walk-over'able walls, then i would be happy
-----------lack of resource options
sure theres power generators and mass about some more, on many occasiona i have been pushed out into the sea by the enemy evicting me from land and i had to set up a huge naval base, which isnt easy due to living off acu resource income
there should be more ways of extracting mass and generating energy (a tidal power generator perhaps) or a wind/water turbine which can be built on sea or land, or a solar for mass, how about some kind of oil rig type structure which can be built in the sea (basically mass fabricator which can be built on water)
i plan to attempt to fix all of the above in a mod hopefully
the rest of the game i quite like, it has a sort of defcon element where everyone rushes to get the big experimentals/nukes (and also the defences to protect them from the enemies experimentals and nukes)
each faction has a distinct style which players have to get to grips with to get the most out of an attack
using strategically placed units, patrols and formation properly ca result in an extremely solid defense or atttack eithout having to have a spamload of units, which is where the strategic side of this game really shows itself..
sure you can spam a highly expensive 500 tech3 bot army, which might do some damage but might also get utterly destroyed by enemy bombers, too..
or can mix and match and use more advanced strategies to perform the same with with less units, less cost and more efficiency
the navy is useful for land and sea attacks just like they should be, it encourages players to have an evenly distributed naval/ground force in order to protect themselves from the enemy, since they have more than just sea attacks to worry about but also enemy battleships bombarding your base from the sea and possibly setting up a naval base near your land base (which can never be good)
i was going to type more but i really just cant be bothered, the game does have a few issues and its style of play might not fit some peoples style of rts play, but the game had alot of thought put into its design, theres so many useful little changes which make managing a huge army a heck of alot easier and theres probably more features than we know just yet
its easy for anybody to complain about the game so early, but we barely *know* the game yet, should probably give time to get used to it
it may be similar to ta but it is not ta, so again..perhapos give it some time it might grow on you or it might not
anyone remember when smart cars first came out?
edit: oh yeah, and the music was kinda pants
edit2: also there is a major lack of options and settings, what happened to the advanced video options where you could tweak every element

and where the hell is the scroll speed option? screen scrolls way too fast, its kinda annoying.....