Supreme commander (SC) RTS


The interviewer said "We know that the team is using dual-core CPUs"

The designers say "with large unit counts, will require a pretty beefy rig"

I guess it's down to what one's perception of 'fine' is.


Indeed HotStuff. I'm guessing for the really HUGE games (like 2 players on the HUGE maps taking 6 hours that he was talking about), you are going to need a beast of a machine (which mine just isn't any more...). SO! If people would like to give money to the fund-eld-to-get-a-new-pc charity, I won't say no! Especially as I LOVE the look of SC...


Well-Known Member
I don't see what all the fuss is about with this game. I mean, in the sentence describing one of the pictures it says "SC allows you to attack units on land, sea, and air" but plenty of other games allowed you to do that. And it says " The impressive scale comes across in such scenic vistas as this." It's not really scenic, forgetting about the man made hunks of metal, in the background towards land, it's just green, no buildings, little trees, just a mass of land with nothing on it. Quality rather than quantity, surely?

I fail to see anything new, this game has tech levels, which nearly every game under the sun has. Ofcourse, you have a massive unit cap, which doesn't seem all that bad, allowing for some massive battles, but what I don't like about massive battles is it's generally too hard to control, but that's my fault, rather than the developers.

Can someone tell me what the big OMG is about? :)


In Cryo Sleep
Ooh lies, Docbot!

It always comes down to a single massed unit in the end anyways. Those big spidery things look like the likely suspect.

In TA it was the krogoth, big berthas and brawlers :).


Junior Administrator
Staff member
in TA i really pissed off my dad (yes my dad it's about the only game he plays :)) by using a plane to scout where his commander was and then bombarded him with a big bertha :D.

Great days. Followed that up by nuking his commander the same way :D


In Cryo Sleep
Haha, I hope you can develop sneaky things in SC the way you could in TA.

Like realising you can pick up the enemy commander with a transport plane!

Of when you whip out the first Pee-wee assassin squads :).

Ace moments! Did anyone get Core Contingency, and manage to power a Vulcan full time? Scary :D.


In Cryo Sleep
Pia - Yes :) And there I was thinking naval fleets were scary ... 'BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM' All gone!

Nanor, I know exactly what you mean; however, let me put this into perspective. You like Company of Heroes, right? So tell me, what gameplay mechanic did that offer which was vastly different to previous RTS games? So why do you love CoH and not, for example, CnC Generals? Why are you putting this game down before it's been released, especially when it's predecessor was tactical warfare defined?

For myself, I just love that madcap race up the tech tree on multiplayer games, whatever RTS I'm playing :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
See maybe we should have a TA revival night I found my discs the other day :)


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, Tets, you obviously haven't played CoH :p.

So much of it is different and well implemented.

Directional cover, directional armour, deployable weapon facings, entire map conflicts, VP mode, real defaceable terrain that creates extra cover.

These all make for a much more tactical experience! It wouldn't matter which angle you attacked a krogth at, you'd just mob it, but only a fool would attack a tiger head on in CoH :).

Edit: To the Furymeister

I'd be up for a TA shindig matey :D. Old school!


Super Moderator
Staff member
i need to find that video i watched a few weeks ago but from what Chris Taylor said it would appear that you can run SC dual screen and have multiple views of the battle field, the current beta is amazing if slow once it gets to 1500+ units though i havn't got round to trying to use dual sceen if it is avaliable in the beta but certainly would be amazing if it is true

edit: it is :D Interview at GT
SC game intro at Game Trailers HD intro standard intro


Well-Known Member
So much of it is different and well implemented.

Directional cover, directional armour, deployable weapon facings, entire map conflicts, VP mode, real defaceable terrain that creates extra cover.

None of that is new. Literally, none.


In Cryo Sleep
I did not say new, I said different and well implemented. There is no game within the genre as good as CoH on the market. It is also more than the sum of its parts. I would say Close Combat, its closest comparable competitor, does not leave anywhere near the same impression.

No RTS I have played before has managed to put all these elements together so effectively.

Though despite all this, I'm still looking forward to SC! TA is an enjoyable game, and I hope it's "sequel" is just as much fun :).

I'd be interested to find out if you're still of the opinion that your CoH skills let you take on 3 opponents at once. I'm sure I could find another 2 willing to try with me...