I don't see what all the fuss is about with this game. I mean, in the sentence describing one of the pictures it says "SC allows you to attack units on land, sea, and air" but plenty of other games allowed you to do that. And it says " The impressive scale comes across in such scenic vistas as this." It's not really scenic, forgetting about the man made hunks of metal, in the background towards land, it's just green, no buildings, little trees, just a mass of land with nothing on it. Quality rather than quantity, surely?
I fail to see anything new, this game has tech levels, which nearly every game under the sun has. Ofcourse, you have a massive unit cap, which doesn't seem all that bad, allowing for some massive battles, but what I don't like about massive battles is it's generally too hard to control, but that's my fault, rather than the developers.
Can someone tell me what the big OMG is about?