SWTOR serious challenger for WOW?


Active Member
Also any MMO that demands i pay high street retail value AND a subscription is woefully mistaken and needs to get with the times.

Does make you wonder, how damaging the cost of the next and future mandatory expansions to WoW will be, i hope that it will be cheaper, but tbh activision...


Active Member
Eve is the only MMO with actual expansions that has the model down right - no box to buy and no expansion price - simply a fixed cost per month AND you can 100% legitimately pay for your game time using ingame currency through secured methods.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
We rekindled this thread at the right time, they are offering a few days of free play to anyone who has ever played the game.


Now up to 13% of MMO share.

Is this desparation?

What do people think they wanted profit wise? Is anyone *vomits* an EA shareholder?

It's the most expensive game ever produced, and I suspect breaking even isn't really going to cut it from EA's perspective.


Active Member
It's a prime example of why i hate publishers buying out development studios and pushing them to do things they never would have on their own. Yes the extra funding and support can be nice for a struggling studio, but Bioware was never struggling. And now they've been pushing into making Dragon Ages, Mass Effects and TOR. Its a direction that in my mind has entirely ruined one of the greatest games developers ever.


Active Member
It's a prime example of why i hate publishers buying out development studios and pushing them to do things they never would have on their own. Yes the extra funding and support can be nice for a struggling studio, but Bioware was never struggling. And now they've been pushing into making Dragon Ages, Mass Effects and TOR. Its a direction that in my mind has entirely ruined one of the greatest games developers ever.

Well, they could all quit and reform, but without the rights to their previous projects, that's fairly pointless too.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
It's a prime example of why i hate publishers buying out development studios and pushing them to do things they never would have on their own. Yes the extra funding and support can be nice for a struggling studio, but Bioware was never struggling. And now they've been pushing into making Dragon Ages, Mass Effects and TOR. Its a direction that in my mind has entirely ruined one of the greatest games developers ever.

What's wrong with Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and DA:O?

Nothing, that's what. They're all fantastic games.


Active Member
What's wrong with Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and DA:O?

Nothing, that's what. They're all fantastic games.

The Mass Effect games have become more diluted with each iteration, moving further away from multiple choice dialogue with RPG elements, towards extended cutscenes and generic shooter action. I swear if not for the voice acting and story writing they wouldn't have done nearly as well.
Dragon Age? Can't even begin to compare to Baldur's Gate and it's like.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
See, I didn't really get on with Baldur's Gate. I felt they hit the nail on the Head for me with KOTOR. Mass Effect and DA:O are just logical extensions of KOTOR which make the actual game parts more fun.

While the main reason I play a game is for the story (particularly in an RPG), making the combat more enjoyable isn't a bad thing for me.


Well-Known Member
While the main reason I play a game is for the story (particularly in an RPG), making the combat more enjoyable isn't a bad thing for me.

This. So long as the game mechanics don't grind on me too much, I can put up with a lot if the story is good. Mind you, I can put up with a paper-thin piss-weak story if the game is good enough (like the Unreal Tournament games, and now TERA Online).


Active Member
Well i see it as only a matter of time till it goes free to play. Most games will stick to just over a year of subscriptions (as you can often pre-order and then slap a year on immediately upon receiving) but after that id expect it to switch to a pay-2-win model.
Ironically i'd start playing it then, with friends.


Well-Known Member
I'd swoop my flattened hand down into a surface whilst making the sound of a plane crashing but its been done I think. I personally think it will soon be like like Aion with no ups and downs just its devoted fans.

WoW's loss of 2000 in almost a month is interesting but I cant help feeling that people no longer using x-fire (but still playing it) could also be a contributing factor to general decline.

You got the original link panda?


Well-Known Member
Do you guys still actively use X-Fire? I haven't logged on in years. I only used it for friends and Steam does that for me.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
So, do we think lack of users affects this dataset in any way? Are mmorpg users more or less likely to still be using x-fire.? Thoughts?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, do we think lack of users affects this dataset in any way? Are mmorpg users more or less likely to still be using x-fire.? Thoughts?

I think it's likely to be a polarised dataset. After all, the point of applications such as Xfire is to get together with your mates, so if your mates aren't playing a game then you're not likely to be either. Thus, it'll show drop-out trends for Xfire users (which surely can't be a huge community now, can it?) but I don't know that we can determine if that extends to a wider view on the gaming community.