[THN]Buffalo_Hunter said:
Given the desire for global free trade, isn't forming a European superstate going against that principle? It's more like a protection racket.
On the issue of identity, I'll offer you my thoughts:
I live in Scotland, and therefore first and foremost I am Scottish. Then it could be said I live in the UK, therefore I am British. Being European is at the bottom of the pile, it has to be said.
The EU seems to be in a perpetual habit of creating crazy and ill-thought-out laws, which have a knock on effect in countries which have perfectly decent laws already. Case in point: pretty much EU law governing business.
Another example is fishing, which of very great concern to us Scots, as those who live in the north and at the coast rely on fishing for income, and the ridiciculous quotas which we have to abide by are killing the industry pretty quickly.
And don't even get me started on the Common Agricultural Policy.
The UK's rebate should have been kept, in it's entirety, until a solid agreement was reached to lower the French subsidy.
Yep, that's pretty much a summary of my thoughts. Though I should probably point out that I have nothing against our European neighbors, just the political union behind it!