The EU thread

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Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Gizmo-5 said:
dudes, i think he was joking :P

hes taking the mic outta people who talk that way...

Spot on Gizmo...

I wan't being rude to any Europeans, i meant it as in the estyablishment, not the people. I just hate Brussels and all those MEP's who want all the countries within the Union to group together and become one superstate. I'm just saying that this idea is a bad one and that Britain would be better off without the EU.

Nothing to do with the average bloke who lives in Europe.

So i'm going to continue moaning and groaning about the EU. They take all our money and give them to French farmers. What do we get in return? Well, because of the Common Agricultural Policy, every family of four has an extra £475 added to their food bill each year. We also get stupid laws saying things like prisoners in Britain should be allowed to vote. Why? They don't contribute to society, so why should they choose who leads society?
AND... Britains membership cost to be a part of the EU is roughly £30 million A DAY!!! With that, a new hospital could be built EVERY 3 DAYS!!!

Comment on that you liberal b******s.


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Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Gibsonfire said:
Very true fi$hy :)

(He was talking about Britain leaving the Sterling and using the Euro)

Here's a fact for you: An 'unofficial' test was conducted by ex-fraudsters some time ago, where they tried to copy a £5 note, a $5 bill and a 5 Euro (my keyboard doesn't have the euro sign!) note. Guess which one was the easiet to duplicate? The Euro, they worked out that it was therefore probably the easiest note to copy in the world.

At the moment, Fraud costs Britain approximately £16 billion per year, which is roughly £340 per person ( Because this information is unavailable for the Euro, I can't give you a figure. But if a couple of real experts tell you tha the Euro is the most forgable note in the world, I think we should trust them.


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Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Gibsonfire said:
We are part of the EU and it will be so much easier with euros, it means you can go anywhere in europe without the hassle of changing the currency. Why does britian need to be an exception? It is just the name of the currency, a pound is not superior in any way to a euro, they are just a method of payment.

Gibson, you can get free currency exchange in quite a few places now, so it doesn't really matter all hat much.
It sounds like you are more than happy to be labelled European and not British in the future.

So it begs the question, do you think of yourself as British or European? (That goes to all Brits out there, not just Gibson)


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Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Taffy said:
So i'm going to continue moaning and groaning about the EU. They take all our money and give them to French farmers. What do we get in return? Well, because of the Common Agricultural Policy, every family of four has an extra £475 added to their food bill each year. We also get stupid laws saying things like prisoners in Britain should be allowed to vote. Why? They don't contribute to society, so why should they choose who leads society?
AND... Britains membership cost to be a part of the EU is roughly £30 million A DAY!!! With that, a new hospital could be built EVERY 3 DAYS!!!

Comment on that you liberal b******s.

read my post in this thread and
DocBot said:
shush, get your facts straight and stop exploiting us swedes. *grumble*


New Member
Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

I would never exploit the Swedes! Scandinavians are cool. As for my facts, they are very accurate i'll have you know!!! *Gives Docbot the one-finger salute in a friendly, jovial way*


Staff member
Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Taffy said:
As for my facts, they are very accurate i'll have you know!!!

If you'd read my post you'd know that the NET uk contributions add up to about £9 million a day, if you use the commission's way of counting it's about 4.5 mil. that's 9 friendly, jovial millions, mind you ;)

still, my point is this: UK doesn't pay that much, compared to other countries. and you have a stupid rebate that you're only allowed to keep because a) you were in on the whole thing from the start and b) you moan and bitch anytime suggests that, in fact, there's no legitimate reason for you to keep it.

EDIT: the french are just as bad, btw. and the germans. they set up stupid goals for economic growth, and if a country doesn't meet them they have to pay a heft fine, but oh! look! it seems when they can't meet those goals the fines don't have to be paid either. So the rules really only apply to us smaller countries. hooray.

*starts building a friendly, jovial barricade*

oh and for the record: by "you" I'm referring to your government, obviously. I'm not flaming (*huggles everyone*). But political issues on the net tend to become a bit... heated, so to speak.

So, beware: here be dragons.


New Member
Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

DocBot said:
still, my point is this: UK doesn't pay that much, compared to other countries.

Yes, this is true, but what we do pay in, mostly doesn't give us any or insignificant return!


Staff member
Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Taffy said:
Yes, this is true, but what we do pay in, mostly doesn't give us any or insignificant return!

now, please read my post. check out the links provided. in 2004, you got 7 million euro back. that's, what, 60%? still, spain paid about 8.3 million and got 16.3 million back ;)

(and strike my comment about the danish paying as much as us swedes. turns out they net like -400M. And Finland about -100M. oh and it seems the netherlands pay about the same as sweden per capita. )


New Member
Okay Docbot, we get 60% back... So what happens to the other 40%? It goes to French Farmers, German people and... for some reason... the Spaniards. My point is why? Why should Britain have to fund French, Spanish and German leeches, living off the state? The European Union was meant as a trading block, not a way of making sure everyone abides by the same laws, uses the same currency, essentially become the same race. I'm all for trading within the Union, but entirely against being run by some stuck-up, idiot arses in Brussels.


Staff member
Taffy said:
It goes to French Farmers, German people and... for some reason... the Spaniards.

NO it DOESN'T go to french farmers or german people, both france and germany pay more than they get back. I'm not saying EU is good, but if you're gonna complain about it, build your arguments on solid facts, not hearsay. (of course you could argue that since the money's pooled, you do pay for french farmers, but that's silly)


New Member
It is a soid fact that the EU was meant as a trading block, nothing else. Why should a mixture of British, French, German, Spanish, Italian etc. MEP's decide what happens on British soil? Thats my main point here. I hate the idea that MEP's should govern different people, different cultures and different countries as though they are the same. You can't do that, it just won't work. France is different to Britain. It same different geographical features, different types of politics, it is completely different, as is every other country in the Union. So why try to force them together? Keep them different. Diversity brings success, which is why the Allies won the War and the Germans lost (that and the fact that we had superior numbers!) The Germans wanted to be just Arian. Why? Why not celebrate different cultures, rather that try to force them out or amalgamte them?


Taffy said:
Why not celebrate different cultures, rather that try to force them out or amalgamte them?
Interesting coming from an anti-immigration anti-EU viewpoint.

Taffy said:
They take all our money and give them to French farmers. What do we get in return? Well, because of the Common Agricultural Policy, every family of four has an extra £475 added to their food bill each year.

Welcome to 1800's Politics. Agriculture doesn't create that big a return on investment when compared to nearly every other industry. So why don't all those farmers become industry workers? Coming from a "England is an Island" viewpoint I'm sure you can understand why it's vital the EU keeps people farming, if Agriculture in itself doesn't provide enough revenue to justify its existance, it gets subsidised to prevent it from dieing out.

Protectionist Policies mate,

The only other alternative would be free market economics, unfortunetly for the BNP and all those other British Lovlies, that would mean the end of any country as a reconisable "state" as all tariffs on imports and exports would have to be removed.

So in other words, we pay to support French farmers, to keep Britain inderpendant. tu comprende? :p


Because otherwise Farmers will shut up shop and go and work in a more profitable industry.

Now considering current world politics, do you think the EU or the U.K for that matter wants to be relying on Chinese or Middle-Eastern food imports?


In Cryo Sleep
Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

Taffy said:
Gibson, you can get free currency exchange in quite a few places now, so it doesn't really matter all hat much.
It sounds like you are more than happy to be labelled European and not British in the future.

So it begs the question, do you think of yourself as British or European? (That goes to all Brits out there, not just Gibson)

Taffy Im german, and germany is in the continent of europe so whether I like it or not I am also a european.


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy said:
Okay Docbot, we get 60% back... So what happens to the other 40%? It goes to French Farmers, German people and... for some reason... the Spaniards. My point is why? Why should Britain have to fund French, Spanish and German leeches, living off the state? The European Union was meant as a trading block, not a way of making sure everyone abides by the same laws, uses the same currency, essentially become the same race. I'm all for trading within the Union, but entirely against being run by some stuck-up, idiot arses in Brussels.

I just noticed this, :S

And Docbot is right the french, german and spanish 'LEECHERS' pay more than britian


Re: 1.2 patch information and 2 new booster packes, euro force and armoured fury deta

For me. European > British > English

Technically speaking due to attending a private school, I am hereditary part of the middle class, thus most likely Norman in decent, so I'm French possibly by desent.

The time for petty individual states left with Peelite Toryism, and colonism. We need stability, security and a sucessful economy, which this whole "ban people from our country" attitude can never hope to achieve.
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