Junior Administrator
Right... game over!
The Mafia members have won...
I have attached to this post an open document format spreadsheet file (open it with OpenOffice - am not sure if Mickeysoft Excel can handle it).
With this file I have kept track of what has been going on in the game, see if you can understand it yourself... For those of you who cannot open the file or cannot understand it, I shall put a day-by-day summary below:
The roles were assigned as follows:
On day 2:
On day 3:
On day 4:
On day 5 (the final day):
I'm gonna post in this thread and request some feedback. I would appreciate it of you all, as the players, would post and provide your thoughts.
The Mafia members have won...
I have attached to this post an open document format spreadsheet file (open it with OpenOffice - am not sure if Mickeysoft Excel can handle it).
With this file I have kept track of what has been going on in the game, see if you can understand it yourself... For those of you who cannot open the file or cannot understand it, I shall put a day-by-day summary below:
The roles were assigned as follows:
- elDiablo - Mafia
- Piacular - Innocent
- Ronin Storm - Innocent
- Ki!ler-Mk1 - Private Dick
- waterproofbob - Mafia
- Twisto - Sheriff
- Dragon - Innocent
- midgert - Mayor
- Sephiroth - Innocent
- VibroAxe - Innocent
- Traxata - Mafia
- BiG_D - Innocent
- elDiablo - Voted for no vote
- Piacular - Voted for sephiroth
- Ronin Storm - absent
- Ki!ler-Mk1 - Voted for no vote. Investigated Midgert.
- waterproofbob - Voted for sephiroth
- Twisto - Voted for no vote, did not protect anyone.
- Dragon - Voted for No Vote
- midgert - Missing in action
- Sephiroth - voted for waterproofbob
- VibroAxe - voted for No Vote
- Traxata - voted for Sephiroth
- BiG_D - Voted for waterproofbob
On day 2:
- elDiablo - Voted for piacular
- Piacular - Vetoed Twisto
- Ronin Storm - Voted for Piacular
- Ki!ler-Mk1 - missing in action. Did not investigate anyone.
- waterproofbob - Voted for Twisto
- Twisto - Voted for piacular, protected Sephiroth.
- Dragon - Voted for piacular
- Sephiroth - voted for piacular
- VibroAxe - voted for piacular
- Traxata - voted for piacular
- BiG_D - missing in action
On day 3:
- elDiablo - missing in action
- Ronin Storm - Voted for Traxata
- waterproofbob - missing in action
- Twisto - Voted for ronin storm, protected VibroAxe.
- Dragon - missing in action
- Sephiroth - voted for Traxata
- VibroAxe - missing in action
- Traxata - voted for twisto
- BiG_D - voted for traxata
On day 4:
- elDiablo - voted for Dragon
- Ronin Storm - voted for Dragon
- waterproofbob - voted for BiG_D
- Twisto - Voted for BiG_D, protected no-one.
- Dragon - missing in action
- Sephiroth - voted for dragon
- VibroAxe - voted for dragon
- BiG_D - voted for waterproofbob
On day 5 (the final day):
- elDiablo - voted for BiG_D
- Ronin Storm - voted for waterproofbob
- waterproofbob - voted for BiG_D
- Twisto - missing in action, protected no-one.
- VibroAxe - voted for BiG_D
- BiG_D - voted for waterproofbob
I'm gonna post in this thread and request some feedback. I would appreciate it of you all, as the players, would post and provide your thoughts.