The Mafia Forum Game: Game Thread!


Junior Administrator
Nooooo, not Ki!ler, he was such an asset to the town, a breath of fresh air in this community which was becoming so stuck in it's way! So long as we do not revert into our old ways, we must learn from this experience.
I wonder who should be next to stand trial in Havensville?


In Cryo Sleep
Argggg, why Ki!ler-Mk1?! he was a good man, im sure hes with god right now... asuming piacular the man we killed last night was indeed with the mafia. If not, then we are all doomed to rot in hell.


Active Member
At the:


Brother piacular is nowhere to be seen, is he inside or is he down below i guess we(i)'ll never know*.

*Until the end of the game
Note: I somehow thought tonight was the start of night 2, what a screw up.


New Member
That damn priest is gone from this world, and good ridance I says. I am quite positive that we dispatched one of those vile Clubbers to the hell where he belongs.

But K!ller was killed.. Now that reeks of evil wrongdoings. He was such a gentle soul, and his passing will be surely missed by us all.

I am not as yet convinced of Ronin Storm's innocence in these murders, and until I am swayed, I vote to string him up till he is dead dead dead.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]We have been here before, he thinks to himself. It rarely takes long for the accusations to turn towards any voice of reason or calm. Should he remind those here that chaos only serves to bolster the strength of the Mafia members in their midst? Would this obvious, logical point fall on deaf ears as it has in the past?

He ponders. Over his left shoulder, watchful and silent, his bodyguard eyes the room. His pondering leads him to wondering where, amongst them, the protectors of New Havenville are to be found. Are they keeping their heads low? Have they yet had chance to investigate him and find him as properly innocent? If not, he hopes that they will press into the fray sooner rather than later... and that they are not already six feet under.

So, the accusations are coming in and it won't be long 'til piling on occurs. Odd, though, that Citizen Twisto should be the one to lead this charge. He reflects to realise there was also fair vehemence in his prior accusation of Priest Piacular. A distraction, perhaps? In retrospect, Priest Piacular did no substantial harm except to create a greater confusion through his madness.

So, it would seem, Citizen Twisto is quick to point the finger and perhaps relying on human nature to grasp at straws, at any possible leadership in times of strife and confusion. Take advantage, one might say. That seals it.

"Little evidence for and a good handful against, yet Citizen Twisto seeks to accuse me and cut our numbers down yet further. His finger points at one who has fought this foe before, in different places and different guises. And, I feel, he knows it. Suspicious, I say. Treacherous, I say. You, Citizen Twisto, smell likely to be Mafia yourself and thus I accuse you."[/desc]

Citizen Twisto, in the drawing room, with the derringer.


Junior Administrator
An interesting argument there o esteemed Ronin, but, many of your arguments could also be used against yourself, you seem to have elected yourself to the position of high judge in this town, and are doing much acusation yourself. However, it does seem you were not present at the time of the first murder, but this could still have been arranged by communication!
I currently hold no decision, but i do agree with citizen ronin, where are the watch...


Junior Administrator
[desc]Returning to the town hall, a police officer shows up holding in his hand a tattered book.

He explains to the crowd that the book is in fact a diary, left by Ki!ler-Mk1.

It seems he had been doing some behind the scenes work of his own in trying to protect the citizens of New Havensville, as the following excerpts, written on the night of Mayor Midgerts death, shows:

"...The town appears to be under siege by an as-yet uncatchable criminal organization known only as The Clubbers. I intend to investigate the people of this town in an attempt to find out who they are and root them out! This is my home now too..."

"...I chatted with an old acquantance of mine in the bar, Freda's tonight. I believe him to be trustworthy in revealing to me the Mayor and his family's past history, where they have always campaigned for peaceful solutions to problems and attempted to stamp out crime as best they can...
...It seems the Mayor is an innocent..."

These were the last entries in his diary, perhaps they may be useful to the townspeople?[/desc]


Junior Administrator
I'm going to have to agree with Ronin here, He wasn't present during the Mayor or the Mayor's sons murder, and as Twisto was quick on the mark to accuse someone else, i feel he must be hiding something ... Especially as his only reasoning behind the execution of our poor priest was

Not that I think he is guilty, I just cant listen to another long boring sermon from that drunkard.

So I feel it is time to indicate my suspicions towards Twist ....


Staff member
That evening, as I picked up the paper again and tried to absorb all the details of the last few days, I had a revelation. There was one among us trying much too hard to stay low profile. Never committing anything on his own, but very quick to follow someone else's vote.

It was time for us to deal with Traxata.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]First to chance, now this to logic. It seems the resident statistical expert has made his choice. The Guild Master considers the possibility of a directed diversion, that Big D is, in fact, drawing attention away from the real truth. Well crafted, in that case, and convincing in its simplicity.

He still harbours doubts about Citizen Twisto's intentions but solidarity would seem as wise a choice as any in this time of strife and, on analysis, Citizen Traxata has indeed been quietly following the majority vote, even paddling his toes in potentially dangerous waters before committing himself to revealing action.

So, solidarity it is.[/desc]

I change my vote to Citizen Traxata, behind the curtain, with the cudgel.

(This may be my last vote for today as I'm out this evening but I'll try to check in before I go.)


New Member
You accuse me... haha, thats a joke right???

A fine upstanding member of this community for many a year is what I am. Never hurt a fly says me. Not my fault if people dont repay there debts to me. Sometimes a little heavy handedness is nessesary to remind people they havent paid me back yet.

I smell the clubbers hand in this accusation against an innocent person, in fact I smell two. The third may be dead or keeping quiet, I am unsure.

My vote still stands.

** Far too many people in this wonderful town are keeping quiet. Stand up and be counted you weasels. Or we are all surely doomed as the scumbag clubbers will pick us off with ease if we do not unite against them.


In Cryo Sleep
Following the vote is suspicous, Voting randomly is suspcious... there is simply no way to win. Due to a lack of knowledge i'll throw my vote in with Ronin, so against Traxata, because as the voting stands it doesnt actually impact the situation.


New Member
Fresh evidence I have uncovered into the identity of these deadly clubbers.

Yes.. As your Sheriff, I have been working undercover, in very difficult conditions I may add, to rout out these vile demons that reside within our peacefull neighbourhood.

I accuse you Mr big D of being one these evil wrong do'ers, and I also stand in my Belief that Ronin Storm is also an accomplice to the henious crimes that have befallen us in recent times.

The final devil of the trio I regret, remains hidden from my view. But you must all rest assured that no stone will be left unturned in my quest for peace and justice.


Junior Administrator
[desc]Those few citizens who have not been indecisive and have taken matters into their own hands tonight all turn on Traxata as he attempts to flee from the town hall.

An attempt in vain as there are already people in the way of the door. Grabbing anything they can, the people of New Havensville form a gradually closing circle around Traxata, until there is barely a metre around him on each side. Citizen Ronin then calls for quiet, and explains:

"It is believed that you are a member of the evil scum plaguingour fair town, and therefore we sentence you to DEATH!"

A load shout follows and is the last thing that Traxata hears as something big and heavy whips round from behind him and cracks his skull open, leaving an ever-growing pool of blood on the floor. In a frenzy, the crown continue to beat the lifeless body until it is just blood and bone left on the floor of the town hall...[/desc]
It is now night-time. Traxata is now dead. Morning will begin at approx. 9am on the 23rd Sept.

As a side note, the following four people did not vote today: elDiablo (known about), waterproofbob (also known about), Dragon and VibroAxe (posted but no vote). Please make sure that as part of this game, you are ALL taking part. and remember if any of you four don't vote for the next game day then you will be eliminated as per the rules of the game...


Junior Administrator
[desc]Dawn again creeps into the sky, but the Town hall is already abuzz with activity. Twisto is stood outside with two police officers and VibroAxe, and they then explain the following to the milling crowd:

"Indeed I am your Sheriff. The town is still under seige by the Mafia, but I have managed, overnight, to save one member of our town from the death that was to be delivered upon him by the Mafia. VibroAxe was to be attacked by the Mafia, however due to my own and actions of my police force, his life was spared... however one of my officer's lives was not. For this, I can assure you, every effort is being made to capture these foul criminals and they shall be brought to justice![/desc]

It is now morning. Night will fall at around 9pm(ish) on Monday 24th Sept. Overnight, Sheriff Twisto decided to protect VibroAxe with the power of his police force. The Mafia also decided to try and kill VibroAxe. The police thwarted the attack, and neither of them are dead as a result.

I can confirm that as he has claimed, Twisto is indeed your sheriff.


In Cryo Sleep
Good move twisto!! And congratulations vibroaxe! It is good to wake up in the morning and find that something good has happened in this plagued village of ours.


Staff member
It was an interesting turn of events, to say the least. I had simply assumed he was bluffing when he claimed to be the sheriff. The Clubbers must have assumed the same, or he wouldn't have made it through the night.

Sadly, we were short on time and short on evidence. I had one more theory to test, though. Back on day one, three men quickly rose up to vote differently after my initial vote. Of them, only one remained. Waterproofbob

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]The picture becomes clearer, one body at a time. Mayor Midgert, missing presumed murdered by the Mafia. Priest Piacular, quite insane but perhaps not the demon he was made out to be. Investigator Killer-Mk1, murdered before he could reveal the truth he had uncovered. Citizen Traxata, turned on by the town as a likely Mafia henchman.

Now, Sheriff Twisto makes himself known and, with him, implies the innocence of Citizen VibroAxe as well.

Who does that leave unaccounted for? Citizen Big D, with the statistical mind yet no fear of chance making his choice. Musician Waterproofbob, a former at the Jazz Club, quick to bemoan losses. Butcher Sephiroth, moving with the herd but clear to state that as being so. Doctor Dragon, a man out of tolerance for healing the sick and altogether too quick to dismay. Journalist elDiablo, always running off to something else, never his mind on the dangers right here. And, finally, Guild Master Ronin Storm, never short on words, always ready to combat confusion.

If Citizen Traxata was indeed one of the Mafia and one assumes Priest Piacular was not, then there are two left in their gang from. Eight are still standing, but six cannot "prove" their innocence. As doubtless Citizen Big D would say, odds of one in three or perhaps one in two.

Is it safest to assume three Mafioso still remain standing, that everything has yet been a huge error of judgement? Probably so. So, assume one in two are Mafia.

Devilishly tricky.

The Guild Master knows he is innocent and that would lead him to choose one of five. The Musician has been identified as a possible suspect but the evidence against him seems tenuous. Somehow, there is not an air of evil around the Butcher, just a stench of raw meat as one might expect. The Journalist would feel an odd choice for the mob, but the Doctor feels somehow... wrong. Finally, the instigator for Traxata's demise, Big D, could go either way.

If Waterproofbob is innocent then so was Traxata and Big D is guilty as sin.

If Big D is innocent and choosing as he sees best then Waterproofbob may yet be one of the Clubbers.

Despite, the odd feeling, that sense of "wrong" still concerns the Guild Master as regards the Doctor. Could the last two be Waterproofbob and Dragon? Or is Big D leading us astray with some silent accomplice?

Either way, Dragon could be a cold blooded creature and that would seem a sound reason to strike quickly...[/desc]

I vote Doctor Dragon, in the alley, with a scalpel.


Junior Administrator
My apologies for not making the vote, but my worklord is becoming heavy and I felt that I had no time to pass judgement!
I must give my eternal thanks to Sherif Twisto in protecting me this last night, at last some solid proof of my innocence. So far I find Citizen Ronin's innocance and logic to be good, and as such I will currently point my vote at Dragon If he is not innocence then let his argument sway my vote and our knives!