[desc]The picture becomes clearer, one body at a time. Mayor Midgert, missing presumed murdered by the Mafia. Priest Piacular, quite insane but perhaps not the demon he was made out to be. Investigator Killer-Mk1, murdered before he could reveal the truth he had uncovered. Citizen Traxata, turned on by the town as a likely Mafia henchman.
Now, Sheriff Twisto makes himself known and, with him, implies the innocence of Citizen VibroAxe as well.
Who does that leave unaccounted for? Citizen Big D, with the statistical mind yet no fear of chance making his choice. Musician Waterproofbob, a former at the Jazz Club, quick to bemoan losses. Butcher Sephiroth, moving with the herd but clear to state that as being so. Doctor Dragon, a man out of tolerance for healing the sick and altogether too quick to dismay. Journalist elDiablo, always running off to something else, never his mind on the dangers right here. And, finally, Guild Master Ronin Storm, never short on words, always ready to combat confusion.
If Citizen Traxata was indeed one of the Mafia and one assumes Priest Piacular was not, then there are two left in their gang from. Eight are still standing, but six cannot "prove" their innocence. As doubtless Citizen Big D would say, odds of one in three or perhaps one in two.
Is it safest to assume three Mafioso still remain standing, that everything has yet been a huge error of judgement? Probably so. So, assume one in two are Mafia.
Devilishly tricky.
The Guild Master knows he is innocent and that would lead him to choose one of five. The Musician has been identified as a possible suspect but the evidence against him seems tenuous. Somehow, there is not an air of evil around the Butcher, just a stench of raw meat as one might expect. The Journalist would feel an odd choice for the mob, but the Doctor feels somehow... wrong. Finally, the instigator for Traxata's demise, Big D, could go either way.
If Waterproofbob is innocent then so was Traxata and Big D is guilty as sin.
If Big D is innocent and choosing as he sees best then Waterproofbob may yet be one of the Clubbers.
Despite, the odd feeling, that sense of "wrong" still concerns the Guild Master as regards the Doctor. Could the last two be Waterproofbob and Dragon? Or is Big D leading us astray with some silent accomplice?
Either way, Dragon could be a cold blooded creature and that would seem a sound reason to strike quickly...[/desc]
I vote Doctor Dragon, in the alley, with a scalpel.