THN Banner Graphics Competition


I've not had much time to have a go at this, but I'll definately try and get something in before it closes :).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ronin Storm said:
All entries to be made by 12:00 GMT Thursday 7th February 2008.

Just a reminder to all those interested in entering that there's just a little under a week remaining.


10-15 mins work


CoD4 solider, TF2 Cast and the horde shield for wow (the 3 main games THN plays)

insult, compliment etc all you want, ill take it all in :)

EDIT: resolution looks crap on this upload site...anyone know a better one? photobucket and imageshack aint working for me =/


Junior Administrator
errrrr few complaints, can't see the N at all. and I really don't like the blur, I'm more of a fan of the clean cut look though. The THN with the backlight could be good as your eyes are drawn to it but as you can't see what it read it is kinda lost a bit. Tone that down a bit and it could look pretty cool.
And yeah the res does make it look a bit poo.


Junior Administrator
I agree with bob as far as the blur and the N goes, like the style though gombol

As for Trax's version, personally I think it looks awsome, but (big but) i dont think the colours of the nebula behind the text works with the rest of the image pallet, perhaps try changing the colours in it to match the existing background pallete?


Last go - Took about 30mins putting a few effects into into it and blending etc. But I'm still a noob! lol


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Any chance of lightening the text up on that one, Macca? No problem with an overall dark banner but the text is a little difficult to make out when the rest of the backdrop is dark too.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So currently I see entries from the following:

Missed any? Artists, have I linked (all?) the correct submissions for you?

Still some time left for more submissions! I remember Tetsuo saying he might mock something up.

[edit]Added Colrob's second entry.[/edit]
[edit]Added Wol's entry.[/edit]
[edit]Updated Wol's entry.[/edit]
[edit]Added Tetsuo's entries.[/edit]
[edit]Added Wol's second entry.[/edit]
[edit]Discovered Gombol's entry.[/edit]


In Cryo Sleep
I have already mocked something up but I'm not happy with it, so I'll have another go from a different approach. If that doesnt turn out I'll submit my original so you can expect at least one entry from me :)




In Cryo Sleep
So currently I see entries from the following:

Missed any? Artists, have I linked (all?) the correct submissions for you?

Still some time left for more submissions! I remember Tetsuo saying he might mock something up.

[edit]Added Colrob's second entry.[/edit]

lol you got to have the Homer!


In Cryo Sleep
I got bored, and cant be arsed to start doing class diagrams for this bit of software, so i played in photoshoop instead.



the heavy looks kinda out of place being so "cel" shaded, but out of the main ones, tf2 does seem to be the brightest / most colourful :p. Hue shifting / colorising it makes it all too blue, so I dunno.

The canvas does extend off the bottom about 30 pixels, so the image could be used as a background for a horiz menu bar underneath if you extend the photoshop canvas down a bit! The main background is a fractal which is my screen res (1680 * 1050), which is available for other stuffs if needed.

Has meant that ive put off work for 15 mins or so :-D

i can raytrace you some balls if you want! heh