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The students in the classrooms don't glance up as dozens of reporters intrude, and their lecture continues without pause. The young people in the university pool career down the plastic slide, in front of TV cameras, as if they are completely alone.
Perhaps they are real students. But look into their eyes, and their pupils dance around you like you're not there, as if they've been trained to pretend you are not.
Now thats fucked up.
Only the official guides, always beautiful women in flowing polyester gowns in ice-cream colours, will talk readily. And any discussion always centre around the Kims: the Great Leader Kim Il-sung, the Great General Kim Jong-il and now - since his father's death - the Respected General Kim Jong-un.
They speak in relentless hyperbole. "The more time passes, the more we miss our Dear Leader Kim Jong-il," said Ri, the music centre guide. "I don't think we can ever find any person so great."
"Hello I'm Judee. There is no war in Ba Sing Se."
And for those of you who didnt watch Avatar the last airbender: Brainwashed!