We all started crap. Yes, as crap as you. We got better with practice is all.
Also, I no longer think of myself as crap.
I would now describe myself as 'bot and team competent'.
'What does that mean Panda?' you may ask...
Well, it means I'm no longer acting like a complete tool or goon, understand the basics of what I'm doing regarding last hitting, levelling, some of the items. Getting a grip on the feel of the game, i.e. when the laning phase is ending, understanding what the different team roles entail, and how I should be playing them, what lane I should probably be in etc. I'm not sure I'm a competent jungler, but other stuff is coming together.
It's difficult though, with bots on your team to coordinate properly, to the point that I don't know how much extra I'll get from playing with bots aside from learning new heroes.
I've now used probably about 1/3 of the heroes, but feel generally much more confident with agility and intelligence heroes, particularly ranged ones.
Heroes I feel I click with:
Axe (but who doesn't, he seems to be retard proof)
Slardar (slither me timbers, he seemed straightforward to play)
Night stalker - Either I just 'got' him, or he's massively overpowered. Was whipping people
Undying - Ronin saw me grow in competence with him rapidly over a single game last night
Riki - I now understand how to use him, and when to take risks.
Windrunner - YES YES YES.
Shadow shaman - Came back to him with a bit more knowledge and found him much more effective
Death Prophet - Moron proof. Highly effective.
Batrider - Fire farting everywhere was fine.
Heroes I can use and won't cripple the team:
Spirit breaker (though maybe helped by trax trapping this angry bear/wolf thing in a cage with himself and letting me rip him to pieces)
lifestealer, though jungling is not my forte.
Dragonknight - He's boring.
Templar assassin - not quite got the hang yet, but won't embarrass myself.
Ursa - Also retard proof, but not as effective as axe?
Phantom assassin
Clinks - Died more than I should
Crystal maiden
Ones where I (or they) suck. Hard.
Pudge - Don't let me use pudge. It's an autoloss for our team. Passive bots could wipe the floor with me if I was using pudge.
Anti mage - Yeah, tried, and died.
Drow ranger - Apparently she's easy to use? Should tick all my boxes? Then why am I so ineffective with her? Just feed the opponents all the time.
Vengeful spirit - Much thinner than pudge, but much the same outcome.
Bounty hunter - Docbot got the full brunt of me sucking with him on sun night.
Naga Siren- That's a nagative.
Slark - Oh dear.
Storm spirit - he's blue, probably from me getting him beat on too much.