[TWG2] The Game Thread


Active Member
Well this is just bloody typical isn't it. No sooner do I finish designing that new animal trap that Hunter pHatBambi requested than he goes and gets himself mauled to death by werewolves. Not only that but Potter DeZmond still owed me for those modifications I did to his wheel.

I say this is unacceptable. These vile spawn are endangering our lives and our livelihoods. They must be stopped. Night Watch Captain SgtFury, if there is any way I, as a scientist, can help with your investigation then all you have to do is ask.

I also call upon Mayor Thatbloke to authorise some measure of recompense to me for the earnings I have lost as a result of these wolves murderous action. I have a clear case for such compensation that only someone with pure evil in their soul could refuse. If I am denied, I submit that it can only be because our Mayor is one of them


Junior Administrator
Dr. Wraith aren't thee being a little aggressive !? in thy times of great sadness all thee can think about is coin ?!


Show some compassion for thee dead.


New Member
Where art thou's community spirit, fair trapper? Hath thou nought compasion for the dead of the town?

Besides, the town morgue shalt make plentiful trade in these dark days ahead.


Junior Administrator
Besides, the town morgue shalt make plentiful trade in these dark days ahead.

We do not wish to make any trade in these matters. I pledge to you citizens of Havenburg that any, and all who are lost in these tragic circumstances will see themselves depart into the next world with full trimmings and respect. And i ask nothing but your support for this pledge in return.

With this in mind I shall now cast the match onto the pyre of Bambi, and let him go unto the next world. Pray silence and revenge in the name of this favoured townsman!


In Cryo Sleep
Dear God! No sooner had I finished the carpentry on my new stagecoach when the mourning wails of my fellow craftsman, young blacksmith midge, alerted me to this terrible terrible tragedy. And master hunter Bambi as well, no finer citizen resides in this village!

Demon wolves, he says! Lord, we are doomed! Utterly doomed! *grabs a piece of spare timber* Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-should I spy one of th-th-th-the wolves *trembles with fear* I'll d-d-d-d-d-d-drive this st-st-st-st-stake through it's belly!


Active Member
Dr. Wraith aren't thee being a little aggressive !? in thy times of great sadness all thee can think about is coin ?!


Show some compassion for thee dead.

My request for recompense was an unfortunate necessity, as science provides little enough remuneration at the best of times. With two of my most frequent benefactors now felled by the hands of werewolves, I am forced to request assistance from the town, that I can survive starvation. Whether I can survive the threat of the wolves will not matter in the slightest if I die of poverty before the wolves get hold of me.

Compassion for the dead will not solve anything in these trying times. Only once the werewolves have been slain, will I allow myself to grieve. In the meantime, it is my firm belief that we should work together to unearth the identities of those tainted by this evil curse. Hunter pHatBambi and Potter DeZmond would surely want us to focus on avenging them and making the town safe before we express our deepest sorrows.

I don't blame you for being saddened by the passing of our friends, but I beseech you not to lose focus on the most important issue facing us in these dark times. We need to find and kill the wolves.

Let us not forget the all too true saying "Power corrupts". Mayor thatbloke has always been stubborn in his drive for power. Perhaps that lust for power and desire to keep it has driven our mayor to turn to darker methods of protecting his position.


Junior Administrator
Dr. Wraith said:
Let us not forget the all too true saying "Power corrupts". Mayor thatbloke has always been stubborn in his drive for power. Perhaps that lust for power and desire to keep it has driven our mayor to turn to darker methods of protecting his position.

Dr. Wraith, I find it both slanderous and offensive that you should cast such accusations in my direction. I have only ever had the best interests of the town of Havenburg at heart, and I believe that a majority of people here would agree with that statement.

Your claims for recompense I feel are unjustified, there are other means for which money can be made, and such methods may be employed in this instance. It seems that your aggressive tone towards myself and concern only for the amount of money you will stand to lose rather than the fact that two valued citizens of our town have been brutally slain is casting a little suspicion in your direction, not only from myself but already from other notable members of our populace.

I put it to the members of Havenburg, what say you on these matters?


New Member
that I can survive starvation.

Fear not, fine fellow. Thou shalt have a daily loaf from my mill as a gesture of goodwill and friendship during these dark days.

Maybe the Mayor is a good candidate for suspicion? With the local elections coming up, he may be fearful of another candidate contesting for his position?

However, I most sincerely doubt that the Mayor's intentions for this fine town hath been but pure and mutually beneficial.


In Cryo Sleep
i get the feeling my brain has imploded from all this information, and wraith you have no right to blame anyone as of yet we cant simply throw our votes in any direction! look at me, i being a weapon smith also need the late hunter bambi for income but i am not complaining! no i have gone back to my job to help out the village in the only way i know how, make weapons to defend our paradise with. let us not forget what happened in the last village these foul beasts occupied it got destroyed.


Active Member
Your claims for recompense I feel are unjustified, there are other means for which money can be made, and such methods may be employed in this instance. It seems that your aggressive tone towards myself and concern only for the amount of money you will stand to lose rather than the fact that two valued citizens of our town have been brutally slain is casting a little suspicion in your direction, not only from myself but already from other notable members of our populace.

Mayor thatbloke I have already explained my request for compensation. Perhaps I could have made the request in a more private and considerate way, but one of my faults has always been that my mouth runs away with me before I can control it. The fact remains though that the projects I undertook for our regrettably departed kinsmen were extremely detailed works for which I have borne significant costs. As I am unlikely to be refunded even those costs, and as I would never be callous enough to present a bill to the grieving family, I requested a minor loan to allow me to feed and clothe myself in the short time. While you are correct that there are other means of earning money, they all take time to earn rewards. We are all facing the fangs of the wolves, but I am also facing the fangs of hunger and ruin.

When you consider the fact that I have devoted my life to science in order to make the lives and jobs of nearly everyone in this town easier, at the cost to myself of not learning a trade like Weaponsmith Sephiroth or Blacksmith Midgert, you will realise that it would be more difficult for me to learn a new job in time to provide for my family and myself.

Miller Taffy, you have my thanks for your generous offer and your friendship. Be sure that I will repay you for every crumb I consume. Just as I would have repaid any money loaned to me from the town funds, if only the mayor were as considerate as your good self.

Mayor thatbloke, I apologise if you find my tone aggresive. I prefer to consider it a tone of righteous anger, for I still believe you to be a likely candidate for one of the vile creatures stalking our fair town. Weaponsmith Sephiroth has cautioned us to remember the lessons of the last time an infestation of this sort occured, and I wholeheartedly agree. Let us not forget that the first wolf to be uncovered when the village of New Haven fell foul of this same curse not only shared the same name as our mayor, but was in fact a relative of his unless I am much mistaken. This I do not believe to be a coincidence.

If I am wrong in my judgement of you I will offer you my humblest appologies, however I still believe you have a lot to hide. Your refusal of my request seems designed to force me to humiliate myself by begging for scraps of food from the kind folk of this town. Perhaps a werewolf would not seek to merely kill, but to also destroy the spirits of those upon who they pray.

Good folk of Havenburg, see the evil that walks among you and eliminate it before it is too late.


Junior Administrator
SO fine citizens, I put it to you tonight, what are we todo, do we lynch one of our own, Or do we abstain the vote, do we leave another to his death. It is a tough decision to make, and I feel unable to decide without guidence from the masses!

What do you feel we should do?


Active Member
I believe I have made my opinions, and the reasoning behind them, perfectly clear. At this point I feel the most likely culprit is Mayor thatbloke.


In Cryo Sleep
The generous miller taffy has offered you food, im sure we can all agree that money is not something to worry about at this time we all have our seperate jobs and as most of us are robbed of alot of our income we shall resort to trade and we shall continue this after the village is purged of these demons

edit: (and that was late because i was downstairs consuming pizza! PIZZAAA) so it is out of place my bad


Junior Administrator
(appologies for my change of 'speech' i'm trying to find one that suits a farmhand roleplay ftw :) - try and read my text in the voice of hagrid from Harry Potter :P )

I thin' that we aught to hol' off before we go accusin' anyone jus' think if we go n' lynch one of our own ... tha won't 'elp us out at all!


Junior Administrator
You speak with words far wizer than an average farmhand citizen traxata. But nonetheless I agre with you. Heaven forbid we help these wretched creatues take over our hamlet!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]One town scribe, in the employ of the Mayor, happens by with bundles of scrolls under one arm. A clumsy sort at the best of times, these scrolls fall hither and thither amongst you but as he collects them up he takes it upon himself to remind the populace that should they wish to cast a vote it must be made clear and soon.

The sun presses towards the horizon and the clock tower strikes the half hour; an hour and a half 'til sundown...[/desc]

Or, said another way, please be sure to bold your votes when you make them and roughly 23:00 BST is when I'll call the close today.


In Cryo Sleep
I'm also of the same mind as Farmer Trax, here. I want that filthy mangy ming-beast as dead as the next man, but let's not be too hasty to start throwing accusations around. I submit a Vote of Abstention for my part!


In Cryo Sleep
tell me, if its a draw in votes what happens? while my vote is will not be cast this night im worried about the mayor... without a man of reason to be there what will happen?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]The same scribe, apparently brighter than he is deft, is quick with the answer to such a legal riddle as what happens if a vote is tied.

"On such days as the citizens themselves cannot draw a clear conclusion, the final arbiter is given to Lady Luck herself, as represented by a simple coin toss."

The scribe shrugs, smiles and goes about his business.[/desc]

That'll be "I'll randomly choose, somehow" on a tie.