Your claims for recompense I feel are unjustified, there are other means for which money can be made, and such methods may be employed in this instance. It seems that your aggressive tone towards myself and concern only for the amount of money you will stand to lose rather than the fact that two valued citizens of our town have been brutally slain is casting a little suspicion in your direction, not only from myself but already from other notable members of our populace.
Mayor thatbloke I have already explained my request for compensation. Perhaps I could have made the request in a more private and considerate way, but one of my faults has always been that my mouth runs away with me before I can control it. The fact remains though that the projects I undertook for our regrettably departed kinsmen were extremely detailed works for which I have borne significant costs. As I am unlikely to be refunded even those costs, and as I would never be callous enough to present a bill to the grieving family, I requested a minor loan to allow me to feed and clothe myself in the short time. While you are correct that there are other means of earning money, they all take time to earn rewards. We are all facing the fangs of the wolves, but I am also facing the fangs of hunger and ruin.
When you consider the fact that I have devoted my life to science in order to make the lives and jobs of nearly everyone in this town easier, at the cost to myself of not learning a trade like Weaponsmith Sephiroth or Blacksmith Midgert, you will realise that it would be more difficult for me to learn a new job in time to provide for my family and myself.
Miller Taffy, you have my thanks for your generous offer and your friendship. Be sure that I will repay you for every crumb I consume. Just as I would have repaid any money loaned to me from the town funds, if only the mayor were as considerate as your good self.
Mayor thatbloke, I apologise if you find my tone aggresive. I prefer to consider it a tone of righteous anger, for I still believe you to be a likely candidate for one of the vile creatures stalking our fair town. Weaponsmith Sephiroth has cautioned us to remember the lessons of the last time an infestation of this sort occured, and I wholeheartedly agree. Let us not forget that the first wolf to be uncovered when the village of New Haven fell foul of this same curse not only shared the same name as our mayor, but was in fact a relative of his unless I am much mistaken. This I do not believe to be a coincidence.
If I am wrong in my judgement of you I will offer you my humblest appologies, however I still believe you have a lot to hide. Your refusal of my request seems designed to force me to humiliate myself by begging for scraps of food from the kind folk of this town. Perhaps a werewolf would not seek to merely kill, but to also destroy the spirits of those upon who they pray.
Good folk of Havenburg, see the evil that walks among you and eliminate it before it is too late.