I am highly suspicious of Dr. Wraith in this instance, after all, was it not the case that he voted to lynch me not yesterday, when the rest of you citizens saw sense? I fear that there may be more to him than meets the eye, and so, citizens of Havenburg I put it to you that we drive Dr. Wraith from our midst as an evil and corrupt being!!!
Last night I voted to lynch Mayor thatbloke as I believed I had reasonable grounds to suspect him of these foul deeds, and followed my convictions to those ends. Now I am not so sure. Looking back over my reasons, I realise it was unscientific of me to jump to such conclusions, and with the evidence of this last night I am forced to wonder if my conclusions were erroneous.
Whether or not our valiant night watch men were watching the Mayor's house, they nevertheless had a clear view of it. If the Mayor had left to attack them, they would surely have seen him and been more prepared. I had also assumed that if the Mayor were a wolf, my logical arguments and dedicated adherance to my beliefs would have made me a priority target for him and his pack.
As this is not the case, I can only conclude that Mayor thatbloke is not a wolf. Despite his voting to murder me, I will not retaliate. I will not stoop to that tit-for-tat approach that is so like a politician. Mayor, I do not blame you for your ire, but I ask you consider my motive for my actions last night.
Unfortunately, I am now at a loss as to who to suspect. I accused the one I felt most likely to be a wolf, and now I question my decision. Who of the good people of the town do I accuse? I fear that it will not matter whichever way I go, as with so many tonwsfolk blindly following the Mayor's decision and with the Mayor still angered by my poorly thought out reasoning, I doubt I will survive to fear the wolves tonight.
I will not try to sway you from your course, but if I am to die by your hands this evening, I only ask you allow me an honourable, quick and clean death. Please allow Marksman elDiablo to pierce my heart with one of his truly aimed arrows.
I must cast a vote and I will do so. But I will no longer try to reason things out and will cast my vote to the winds of fate. By random choice my vote falls onto
Carpenter Tetsuo_Shima. I offer my apologies to the townspeople for the randomness of my decision, but after seeing the flaws in my logic of last night, I no longer trust myself to make a rational decision.