[TWG2] The Game Thread


In Cryo Sleep
*GASP!* its a ghost! Fury i am truly saddened by your death and yet again i find myself lacking in customers >.< these beasts will wish they'd never managed to crawl out of hell when im done with em!

We must be cautious during these times of need, SgtFury was possibly the best fighter in the lands for him to be beaten spells disaster. he even had 2 other trained warriors with him at the time, it would seem the demon spawn should not be taken lightly.

i am also sorry for my not being hear, i was busy making a new weapon for Fury that was on order... it is unfortunate that even my skills weren't enough.


In Cryo Sleep

Capatin Fury! My heart is sad at thy passing, and now who will protect us?!

Mayor ThatBloke, you are right. Were you not a wolf, I would not fancy your chances beyond tonight. Perhaps we could then grant you a final favour?

With so little information for me to go on, I pledge my vote to our duly elected and trusted Mayor! Whomever he votes for, I also vote for.

But please Mayor, choose wisely!


In Cryo Sleep
I fear that now with the death of a beloved fury these killings will become more frequent may fury live on in peace and solitude

(Midge wipes a tear from his )

I do not wish to jump to any conclusions i will ponder my thoughts and will do so until hard evidence presents itself.


New Member
Mr. Piacular, thou should not abstain from thou's duty! We all must rally to protect the town, and thines actions appear to be cowardly and suspicious. Thou should be more careful, Piacular.


Junior Administrator
I disagree Taffy!
I believe for today at least we should follow the advice of Mr Piacular and follow the guidance of our mayor Thatbloke


In Cryo Sleep
Easy there Taffy. Little bit quick of the ol' mark aren't we?

I'm just agreeing with what our Mayor wants. Would you be happier if I indiscriminately voted against people?


New Member
Little bit quick of the ol' mark aren't we?

I merely fear for the future of or fair town. I maybe was a little hastey in my conclusions, but I just fear for my life and the lives of others. I shalt reconsider my thoughts...


In Cryo Sleep
Fair picaular has a point so dont jump the gun here, although someone is behind these attacks and i intend to find out who.

We musn't start fighting amongst ourselves we must enquire and watch for people mistakes so keep your eyes open.For these mistakes will be their undoing, may we purge the evil from our fair village



New Member
Aft' reviewing my position, I must immediately apologise to Piacular. In my drunken stupor (I had been trying to drown out our sorrows) I rushed to an irrational and unfair conclusion. I vote to allow our fair Mayor to choose.


In Cryo Sleep
here here! (i am also tired and haven't the wits aboot me at this late hour of... err something... i had lots of maths HW!)
and since agression got the last village no where perhaps wraith shouldnt be trusted now anyway?

edit: yeah that means im going with mayor aswell


Active Member
I am highly suspicious of Dr. Wraith in this instance, after all, was it not the case that he voted to lynch me not yesterday, when the rest of you citizens saw sense? I fear that there may be more to him than meets the eye, and so, citizens of Havenburg I put it to you that we drive Dr. Wraith from our midst as an evil and corrupt being!!!

Last night I voted to lynch Mayor thatbloke as I believed I had reasonable grounds to suspect him of these foul deeds, and followed my convictions to those ends. Now I am not so sure. Looking back over my reasons, I realise it was unscientific of me to jump to such conclusions, and with the evidence of this last night I am forced to wonder if my conclusions were erroneous.

Whether or not our valiant night watch men were watching the Mayor's house, they nevertheless had a clear view of it. If the Mayor had left to attack them, they would surely have seen him and been more prepared. I had also assumed that if the Mayor were a wolf, my logical arguments and dedicated adherance to my beliefs would have made me a priority target for him and his pack.

As this is not the case, I can only conclude that Mayor thatbloke is not a wolf. Despite his voting to murder me, I will not retaliate. I will not stoop to that tit-for-tat approach that is so like a politician. Mayor, I do not blame you for your ire, but I ask you consider my motive for my actions last night.

Unfortunately, I am now at a loss as to who to suspect. I accused the one I felt most likely to be a wolf, and now I question my decision. Who of the good people of the town do I accuse? I fear that it will not matter whichever way I go, as with so many tonwsfolk blindly following the Mayor's decision and with the Mayor still angered by my poorly thought out reasoning, I doubt I will survive to fear the wolves tonight.

I will not try to sway you from your course, but if I am to die by your hands this evening, I only ask you allow me an honourable, quick and clean death. Please allow Marksman elDiablo to pierce my heart with one of his truly aimed arrows.

I must cast a vote and I will do so. But I will no longer try to reason things out and will cast my vote to the winds of fate. By random choice my vote falls onto Carpenter Tetsuo_Shima. I offer my apologies to the townspeople for the randomness of my decision, but after seeing the flaws in my logic of last night, I no longer trust myself to make a rational decision.


Junior Administrator
After a long day working around his farm, Traxata has come to terms with what has happened today and thought about the actions he has to choose between.

Well i never though i' would come t' this !, bu' as we've all no'iced Dr. Wraith has been ac'in strangly... 'ryin to acheive personal gains! in this 'ime of grea' saadness. and i beleive tha' theres somethin' no' qui'e righ' with him.

'Nd so i vo'e Dr. Wraith on this dar', and uneasy nigh' ...


New Member
I concur with the wee one. Wraith hath acted suspiciously. However, I am undecided thus far as to how to vote.


Hmmm..... todays thy shall vote for thee "towns drinking water well keeper" Waterproofbob i suspect he is a wolf. Because he washes in the drinking water thy found non-human hair in thy cup, such hair could only come from a creature the Werewolf! :eek:

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]The clock strikes the hour and the hour grows late and the shadows long. Not long 'til sundown, 'til once again evil stalks the earth and hunts the innocent townspeople of Havenburg once more.

All must vote, and vote soon, for action must be taken by last light and that is but an hour away.[/desc]

One hour 'til nightfall. If you haven't already, vote soon.


Junior Administrator
following the advice of my man the mayor I'm voting that we lynch Dr. Wraith
Thatbloke is our town leader and i feel we should stand behind him at this time.


New Member
I vote for Carpenter Tetsuo. I doubt that Wraith really is a wolf. Would he be making it THAT obvious otherwise? I think he just got over-excited and tried to stir it too much.

The only reason that I voted for Tetsuo is because Wraith did, and the only way he shalt be saved from the town's grave error is in co-ordinated voting. I urge you, my fellow townspeople, to think carefully about your choices! We are talking of killing someone, probably an innocent, here!


In Cryo Sleep
yes i agree with taffy, let us vote for Dr.Wraith

(if you didnt notice the first bit was just for fun oh and to see if i can confuse ronin for correcting icle meh)


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with Miller Taffy, let us vote against Carpenter Tetsuo.

Will the Mayor cast a vote?

He would do well out of the coffin making business, and so has motive!