[desc]Votes are cast in a furious flurry as the light dips towards the horizon. A scribe with a strange contraption holds a white flag in one hand, poised, then just as the clock strikes his arm slices downwards in a flash of white. The tally is drawn and a grim-faced civil servant reads the verdict.
"School Master Waterproofbob, one. Carpenter Tetsuo, four. Doctor Wraith, seven," he intones.
A pair of guards step forward, the ranking remaining Night Watch men, and grasp Doctor Wraith by each arm. They lead him to the great oak tree but, mindful of his wishes, they choose not to hang him there on this day.
Instead, by his last request, Marksman elDiablo takes out his murderously powerful longbow. He nocks an arrow, torch light glinting from its razor edge, and draws back... then looses. The arrow flies straight, strikes true, and
kills Doctor Wraith almost instantly and without pain.
As the townspeople turn for their beds, silent, even mournful, the guards set about the grizzly business of cutting Doctor Wraith's body down, impaled as it is against that great oak.
Another day, another death...[/desc]
It is night of day 2. Day break will be around 11:00 BST; I will make a "day breaks" post to end the night's actions. I will accept changes to actions up 'til that post is made, when I will use the last action provided to me (or "no action" if none is provided).
Doctor Wraith was lynched and is now dead.
- Townspeople, you are asleep and can take no further action until dawn.
- Wolves, let me know who you want to maul.
- Seer, let me know who you want to check.
- Occultist, let me know which Ghost you want to interrogate.
- The Night Watch Captain is dead.
Three Ghosts haunt Havenburg: Hunter Bambi (for 1 night), Night Watch Captain SgtFury (for 1 day, 2 nights) and Doctor Wraith (for 2 days, 2 nights).
One townsperson failed to make it to the town square to vote this evening (Carpenter Tetsuo).