[TWG2] The Game Thread


Junior Administrator
I feel I may live to regret this but I hearby side my vote for Dr Wraith. i'm sorry old friend but you made a large impeechment of MayorThatbloke despite many offers of help from us all :(

Prepares a funeral pyre for the victim of tonights lynching


I feel I too will have to follow our leader's example, and vote for Wraith. He was quick to accuse, and this has hurt his reputation.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]Votes are cast in a furious flurry as the light dips towards the horizon. A scribe with a strange contraption holds a white flag in one hand, poised, then just as the clock strikes his arm slices downwards in a flash of white. The tally is drawn and a grim-faced civil servant reads the verdict.

"School Master Waterproofbob, one. Carpenter Tetsuo, four. Doctor Wraith, seven," he intones.

A pair of guards step forward, the ranking remaining Night Watch men, and grasp Doctor Wraith by each arm. They lead him to the great oak tree but, mindful of his wishes, they choose not to hang him there on this day.

Instead, by his last request, Marksman elDiablo takes out his murderously powerful longbow. He nocks an arrow, torch light glinting from its razor edge, and draws back... then looses. The arrow flies straight, strikes true, and kills Doctor Wraith almost instantly and without pain.

As the townspeople turn for their beds, silent, even mournful, the guards set about the grizzly business of cutting Doctor Wraith's body down, impaled as it is against that great oak.

Another day, another death...[/desc]

It is night of day 2. Day break will be around 11:00 BST; I will make a "day breaks" post to end the night's actions. I will accept changes to actions up 'til that post is made, when I will use the last action provided to me (or "no action" if none is provided).

Doctor Wraith was lynched and is now dead.

  • Townspeople, you are asleep and can take no further action until dawn.
  • Wolves, let me know who you want to maul.
  • Seer, let me know who you want to check.
  • Occultist, let me know which Ghost you want to interrogate.
  • The Night Watch Captain is dead.

Three Ghosts haunt Havenburg: Hunter Bambi (for 1 night), Night Watch Captain SgtFury (for 1 day, 2 nights) and Doctor Wraith (for 2 days, 2 nights).

One townsperson failed to make it to the town square to vote this evening (Carpenter Tetsuo).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]The sun rises on the third day of the lupine reign of fear...[/desc]

No more night actions. Update shortly.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]The night is rocked by a violent storm, lightning crashing with frightening frequency and closeness, thunder sounding her retort in angry tones, rain lashing the streets without remorse; one might assert the gods' anger over Havenburg.

Fearful as much of the storm as the threat of wolves, Havenburg's townspeople cower in their beds and wait for dawn in the hope the weather will abate... and that they might survive the night.

Just before dawn, the weather moves off just as quickly as it came leaving the streets slick with rainwater but the town otherwise unharmed, despite the storm's severity. Unharmed, save for one, unmistakable detail; scorched into the bark of the great oak in the town square the words, "Doctor Wraith was Innocent". Even as each person reads the words, lightning crackles about their form as if embued into the living matter of the tree.

One poor soul, an impetuous sort, reached to lay their fingers on the words only to be thrown six feet backwards by an incredible discharge of energy from the tree. No other dared to try the same, just in case.

With this spectacle of godly power writ large and plain for eyes to see it almost escapes the populace's notice that one other is not there to experience this spectacle... at least not in the flesh. Wailing in dismay, poor murdered Miller Taffy appears before the town as a Ghost, ambushed overnight as he sought to protect the town's grain from drowning in the torrential rain.

Guards rush to find his body and initially are foiled in their attempts... 'til their eyes cast upwards to see each limb of his rent corpse bound to a blade of his windmill... at least twenty feet from each other. His head forms a gory centre piece and his body is nowhere to be found.

So many deaths, so little time.[/desc]

It is daytime of day 3. Nightfall will be at roughly 23:00 BST; I will make a "night falls" post to indicate that this has taken place and that voting has ended.

Townspeople, discuss, deliberate and decide who the evil is amongst you. By nightfall, you must vote and choose the fate of one of your number. Please vote clearly in bold. Your last vote is the one I will count. You must vote or veto.

From now on, the nature of a townsperson will be revealed upon their death, be it "Wolf" or "Human", when they are lynched. Consider it something to do with the happenings around the great oak tree.

Three Ghosts haunt Havenburg: Night Watch Captain SgtFury (for one day and one night), Doctor Wraith (for two days and one night) and Miller Taffy (for two days and two nights). They partake in the discussion but not the votes.

Over to you...


No one believes me and they killed an important innocent the doctor!

Those foolish humbugs!:mad:

Who is to cure my mental and physical illnesses?


Junior Administrator
i can' believe poor ol taffy, i is truely horrifed, these beasts have no regret, 'errible way to go 'errible.

We must get his body down and give him the proper far thee well from this world.


Indeed, it is horrific what those wolves have done, and it is time they paid... We must find who is responsible and we must stop them! These beasts must die, now!


In Cryo Sleep
poor old taffy killed going beyond his jobs requirements, 4 dead now that is way too much but how many more will it take until we find these monsters and string them up like they've done to miller taffy?!


In Cryo Sleep

What has happened to Miller Taffy is nightmarish! I fear I do not have the stomach to look again...

Doctor Wraith was innocent? I knew it!

Who must we look to now, my brothers?! There are 3 wolves, and only 9 of us! I would look to see who voted together, it is likely that they support themselves.


Active Member
I bring logic and reason and am ignored. Others bring hatred, revenge and lies. As a result, an innocent was murdered, another slain and the wrath of the Gods incurred.

9 remain, 3 of whom are wolves. Our brave deceased Night Watch Captain SgtFury counselled us not to trust Mayor thatbloke the very night he was slain. That very same Mayor thatbloke led the rabble rousing that led at least three innocent townsfolk to spill the blood of an innocent, forever staining thier immortal souls with the burden of a terrible guilt. Mayor thatblokes hatred of me could be the anger of an unjustly accused innocent, or it could have been the fear of an evil creature believing his vile secret had been uncovered. Which of these is true, I know not. But I have my suspicions.

Remember that a wolf is a pack animal, and we have no reason to believe a werewolf differs in that regard. Last night's voting saw our town split into two very distinct factions.

Those that rallied to my defense, the defense of one confirmed by the Gods to be innocent, were few in number but great in heart.
The noble Miller Taffy, spoke up in support of one he believed to be innocent, and was duly slain in the night because of it.
The honourable Blacksmith Midgert and brave hearted Mister Piacular still live for now, but my heart fears greatly for their safety this coming night.

Many more followed a darker path, the path of hatred, the path of lies, the path of evil. All still walk among you. Three at least are humans, led astray by vile creatures of the night. The others could also be pure, merely misguided in their opinion, but I find it unlikely given the conviction with which all gleefuly sentenced an innocent to death.
Mayor thatbloke, Farmhand Traxata, Teacher Waterproofbob, Funeral director Vibroaxe, Weaponsmith Sephiroth and Marksman elDiablo. All voted against me, and will reap the consequences, either as vile wolf, or as guilt ridden folk too blind to see the truth when presented to them.

More confusing are the random decisions. Cookalarcha, a man noted for his self admitted mental ilnesses and lack of a job, contributes little to the town. But does this mean he is a wolf, intent on the towns destruction? Was his vote against Teacher Waterproofbob, an attempt to vote for the least likely to be lynched in an effort to avoid the guilt that now plagues so many of our town? Or was it the cunning effort of a wolf to avoid being seen to too closely associate with the others of his pack? Only time will tell.

Lastly, Carpenter Tetsuo_Shima. Several votes cast against him in the defence of an innocent and yet he says nothing. Was it fear for his life, thinking that drawing attention to himself would lead to the same result that befell me? Or was he secure in the knowledge that his Satan spawned brethren had already secured the wrongful death of another of their enemy?

I urge you good citizens, use the intelligence that you all posess in great amounts. Reason out the identities of the wolves yourselves rather than blindly following others like sheep would do. Find the evil. Then eradicate it.


Junior Administrator
I feel the power of the Mayor Thatbloke is too great a risk in this oh so delicate of situations. I believe he was deliberately misled us into killing our Dr.
This can't be allowed to continue, unless a very good reason comes forth on his behalf i feel my vote must go towards Thatbloke


In Cryo Sleep
Why? WHYYYYYY? doctor wraith how could you do such a thing now he will walk in the lands of shadow and death he was a good man and yet you murdered him we must find the true culprits before more inoccents are killed.


In Cryo Sleep
My brothers!

The wise and sage Teacher Waterproofbob, is correct. Mayor ThatBloke holds too much power over us!

His casting of two votes gives him a much elevated sway in these sparse times! I put it to you that if Mayor ThatBloke is a wolf, and we do not remove him now, tomorrow it will all be over!

Follow me, innocents! Assume his wolf brethern vote with him, tomorrow the pack will have a voting power equal to ours! And then my friends, it is over for us. If he is innocent, then God rest his soul, but we will still have a chance to make right on the morrow!

So it is a choice between defeat at his hands tonight, or of our salvation!

I vote against Mayor ThatBloke.


In Cryo Sleep
i've had enough of the straight away votes, this is whats killing our home!

i shall wait untill later to decide my vote, in case theres more to see.
if for some reason i miss this voting (its hard to stop playing PS after you start) then the voting rests souly in your hands


New Member
You fools! Can thou not see who is to blame for these terrible deaths? The pack need someone to guide them, someone in power, who knows all of what happens in the town, someone with leadership skills! THINK, you fools! Save yourselves, before it is too late!

I shalt help thou in any way possible, but I fear that it may already be too late to save the town...


New Member
Now then, is it just me or is Piacular being a wee bit over-eager to accuse? I decided he was, so I looked in-depth at his behaviour. He tells me off for being hasty, then WHAT DO YOU KNOW, i'm dead! He is now trying to kill ThatBloke, who has 2 votes! He has also been working closely with BOB, who has behaved just a little too perfectly throughout these treagic events. It may be that he is a natural-born detective, but it is far more likely that he has formed a plan with his fellow Wolf Piacular to win the game! Heed my word!

I have evidence for this also. The seer contacted me in a seance and told me so.


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy the dead only ever speak of vengeance.
I do not what truly lie in piaculars soul but i do not yet see a evil esscence so i shall not vote for him but my gaze is fixed on him but.
In light of recent events i have to vote for mayor thatbloke for lack of vison for his followers many a people have put faith in him and he has let them down.

I hereby vote for MAYOR THATBLOKE