[desc]Town clerks look mystified at each other. Each compare slates, each appear to have different results, and the confusion just worsens as they come to the slow but horrible conclusion that 'tis their boss, Mayor Thatbloke, who may be sentenced to death this day.
Afraid they have made some terrible mistake, the exceptionally elderly magistrate is brought from his sick bed to deliberate on the proceedings. He checks the tallies, counter-checks the vetos against the town's log of vetos taken in the past four seasons, consults a complex tome on matters of legal proceedings...
But finally he nods, gravely. Though he does not pronounce any sentence himself, he dons his black felt hat and waves the guards to do their duty.
Two guards lead Mayor Thatbloke to the great oak tree that has served as gallows a number of times through its long life. Another two guards stand by to ensure the first pair carry out their oath sworn duty to the town. A rope is slung over a thick and heavy branch as the sorrowful Mayor is strung up atop a tall stool. The magistrate sighs when the guards look to him for final confirmation and, albeit reluctantly he nods. The guard closes his eyes as he kicks away the chair.
A sudden, sickening snap fills the air as
Mayor Thatbloke's neck is snapped, killing him quickly. As if that snap were lightning, the skies thunder overhead in booming retort. Across the trunk of the tree, just below where Doctor Wraith's innocence has been indelibly recorded, lightning crackles violently, inscribing new words into the bark.
The words are left glowing with heat so that they are plain to see despite the twilight. They read, quite simply, "
Mayor Thatbloke was Innocent".
Another sorrow. Another breath.[/desc]
It is night of day 3. Day break will be around 11:00 BST; I will make a "day breaks" post to end the night's actions. I will accept changes to actions up 'til that post is made, when I will use the last action provided to me (or "no action" if none is provided).
Mayor Thatbloke was lynched and is now dead.
- Townspeople, you are asleep and can take no further action until dawn.
- Wolves, let me know who you want to maul.
- Seer, let me know who you want to check.
- Occultist, let me know which Ghost you want to interrogate.
- The Night Watch Captain is dead.
Four Ghosts haunt Havenburg: Night Watch Captain SgtFury (for one night), Doctor Wraith (for one days and one night), Miller Taffy (for one day and two nights) and Mayor Thatbloke (for two days and two nights).
Everyone made it to vote this day; good on you all.