a presentation about how game sales are declining on the PC (or how piracy is killing it, more probably), and that the company should therefore only make consoles games ever again.
Thing is, if they're already serving us console ports as if they were PC games, are we really losing out?
There are developers who write for the PC and ignore consoles. There equally are developers who choose platforms based on the game they're planning to produce.
Sure, I don't see Infinity Ward backing off on their work on consoles; instead, I anticipate they'll focus on that increasingly. But, then again, doesn't MW2 show plenty of signs of being defined by consoles as much as PCs?
Similarly, there are genres that don't work with a console controller. RTS, for example, just doesn't translate to console by replacing a mouse pointer with a controller pointer; the mouse is clearly the superior controller in this case. Now there's nothing in particular to stop a console adopting a mouse as a controller, but in the absence of that I imagine PCs will remain a dominant platform for developers with an interest in RTS, for example Relic.
All I see are development shops showing their colours. Infinity Ward are pretty much declaring that they're moving to consoles; not officially, of course, (or not that I've seen) but through their design choices.
Where one shop moves out, a space is made for another to move in. Will there be a temporary reduction of service for hardcore PC games? Perhaps. But if there's money, there'll be developers who want that money, and hardcore PC gamers aren't about to die out overnight.