Updates & News


Super Moderator
Staff member
A few recent changes:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2: DM)

  • Fixed the dedicated server not running on machines using Win2k

Team Fortress 2

  • Added the Monday Night Combat gear
  • Added Crit-a-Cola to the weapon drop list
  • Added missing chalkboard/serverbrowser materials for 5Gorge
  • Fixed some missing particles systems in the low violence version
  • Fixed a bug with the round ending when a control point is captured during Overtime in CP_Egypt
  • Fixed the game not running on machines using Fat32Updated the localization files


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2
  • Increased the base damage for the Scout's Sun-on-a-Stick, and changed it to always mini-crit against burning targets if the attack is not already critical
  • Fixed burning deaths to always use the death notice icon for the weapon that started the burn
  • Updated the RIFT pre-order items to be not-tradable until the RIFT pre-order period is over
  • Updated the burn effect from the Pyro's Sharpened Volcano Fragment to only last for a limited time on enemiesUpdated the description of the Well Spun Hat claim code item


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2

  • Made Bill's Hat always tradable.
  • Fixed a client crash caused by a malformed custom client spray.
  • Added a Red team skin to the Fists of Steel.
  • Fixed melee attacks not destroying remote detonation pipes.
  • Added the Rimmed Raincatcher to the list of Unusual hats.
  • Fixed the Stickybomb Launcher viewmodel sleeves using the wrong team colors for team Blue.
  • Fixed players getting set bonuses on tournament servers when the server is restricting the player's weapons using the item_whitelist.
  • Updated PL_Thundermountain
    • Updated the final stage to have the train begin receding after 25 seconds (15 seconds on the final stretch).


Super Moderator
Staff member
Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2: DM)

  • Fixed another server crash exploit caused by malformed network packets

Team Fortress 2

  • Added three new community maps:
    • Koth_Lakeside
    • PL_Frontier
    • PLR_Nightfall


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2
  • Fixed players not being able to fire their weapons immediately after spawning.
  • Fixed the decapitation counters not being displayed for some weapons.
  • Fixed the revenge crit label not being localized correctly.
  • Fixed the Demoman not using the correct animations for some of his weapons.
  • Fixed the new Shogun hats not being grayed out when paint is being used.
  • Fixed players getting a health bonus based on the weapon they're currently holding instead of the weapon that dealt the killing blow.
  • Updated Cp_Yukon
    • Fixed a hole in the map.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed a server crash caused by using the Half-Zatoichi to hit someone not holding a weapon.
  • Fixed the Soldier/Demoman taunts not working correctly when the Half-Zatoichi is the active weapon.
  • Fixed the Concheror animations not always playing correctly for players on the Blue team.
  • Fixed a bug where players could switch weapons after deploying the Half-Zatoichi before they killed someone with it.
  • Updated The Shogun Pack items to be tradeable.
  • Crafting changes
    • All recipes are now known to all players.
    • Reduced the cost of most recipes.
    • Items previously crafted using recipes that will be reduced in this update have been upgraded to Vintage quality.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2

  • Updated honor-bound weapons so they can be holstered within a second of touching a supply cabinet
  • Updated the Blighted Beak with creator submitted fixes
    • Fixed a clipping problem
    • Made it paintable
    Updated the Hero's Hachimaki to be tradeable


Super Moderator
Staff member
Updates & News - Japan Charity Drive is now over

Team Fortress 2

  • Ended the Japan charity drive
  • Added 9 new hats and 1 new bear


Super Moderator
Staff member
Updates & News - Server/Client Update

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD[noparse]:S[/noparse], TF2, HL2[noparse]:D[/noparse]M)
  • Fixed a packet injection exploit in the client/server streams
  • Fixed UDP logging exploit
    • Added a new server convar "sv_logsecret" which emits a new S2A_LOGSTRING2 UDP packet to any UDP log targets with the secret value pre-pended
Team Fortress 2
  • Added new map Koth_Badlands
  • Updated CP_Well
    • Spawn room by second cap for each time is now a one-way door
  • Updated Training
    • Added 3 new training courses for the Demoman, Engineer, and Spy
    • Added the Ready for Duty achievement for completing all of the training courses
  • Added a new system to associate dedicated servers with Steam accounts
    • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_create_identity" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to create a server account using the currently logged in Steam account. This will generate values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token"
    • Put the values for "tf_server_identity_account_id" and "tf_server_identity_token" into your server.cfg
    • Use the ConCommand "cl_gameserver_list" in the Team Fortress 2 client console to list all of the game server accounts owned by the currently logged in Steam account
  • Added a new system for coaching players
  • Added a new vote system
    • Server convars to control the vote system
      • sv_allow_votes : Allow voting?
      • sv_vote_failure_timer : A vote that fails cannot be voted on again during this period.
      • sv_vote_allow_specators : Allow spectators to vote?
      • sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed : Allow votes to change levels?
      • sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed : Allow votes to kick players from the server?
      • sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed : Allow votes to set the next level?
      • sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend : Allow votes to extend the current map?
      • sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed : Allow votes to restart the game?
      • sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed : Allow votes to scramble the teams?
      • sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode : Present players with a list of maps with the lowest playtimes to choose from?
      • sv_vote_kick_ban_duration : How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
  • dynamic model loading to improve performance
  • Combat Text changes
    • Added a new convar "hud_combattext_healing" to display the amount of healing done per second
    • Added bonus points to the items displayed using Combat Text
    • Starting position of values is now affected by range to target, making it easier to see numbers when next to targets
  • Updated voice to use the Steam voice codec to improve quality
    • Servers can toggle between the old codec and the new codec with the convar "sv_use_steam_voice", which defaults to 1.
  • Fixed not being able to see the correct colors for painted hats when running with DX8
  • Fixed not being able to see the | character in custom names and descriptions
  • Fixed a couple cases where custom sprays would not import correctly
  • Duel changes
    • The duel dialog has been extended to include class-specific duels in addition to the default duels
    • Duel badges now only show the number of wins a player has
  • Added Payload maps to Offline Practice
  • Fixed taunt kills made with a Katana not counting towards honorbound kills
  • Fixed a bug where killing a Katana wielder with a Katana was incorrectly causing an increased crit chance
  • Fixed infinite noisemakers exploit where noisemakers could continue to be used after their charges had run out
  • Improved the Medic overheal effect so it's more noticeable
  • Fixed func_build entities to respect the team value and prevent the associated team from building in the area
  • Items changes:
    • Added new "Sort by Rarity" option for sorting backpack items
    • Improved the backpack sorting algorithms
    • Added "styles" for the Ghastlier Gibus, Scotsman's Stove Pipe, Treasure Hat, Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect, and the Googly Gazer
    • Added paint preview to the preview section when shopping for hats
    • Updated the Googly Gazer to be paintable
    • Added new paint styles to the Pyromancer's Mask
    • Items in the action slot won't be swapped until returning to a supply cabinet
    • Replaced the no-crit attribute with -25% damage on the following:
      • The Eyelander, The Gunslinger, The Southern Hospitality, The Powerjack (also added +20% melee vulnerability)
      • The Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker, The Ullapool Caber, The Claidheamohmor
    • Dalokohs Bar
      • Removed item cool down meter and ammo count when using the Dalokohs Bar
    • Fists of Steel
      • Increase deploy times 20%
      • Ranged damage reduced 40% (down from 60%)
    • Loch-n-Load
      • Damage increased by 10%
    • Equalizer
      • Tuned high-end damage range so it's no longer possible to one-shot certain classes
      • Suppress the medic call effect while active
    • Battalion’s Backup
      • Reduced rage generation rate by 50%
    • Concheror
      • Damage-to-health conversion increased to 35% (from 20%)
    • Mad Milk
      • Heal 60% of damage done (down from 75%)
    • Sun-on-a-Stick
      • Base damage lowered slightly but guarantees crits against burning players instead of mini-crits
    • Fan O’ War
      • Marking someone for death now lasts 15 seconds (from 10 seconds)
    • Flaregun
      • Flares always crit burning targets, regardless of range
    • Backburner
      • Removed the restriction on airblast
      • Ammo cost increased 150% (4 blasts at full ammo)
      • Damage bonus reduced to 10% (from 15%)
    • Sydney Sleeper:
      • Charge rate increased 25%
  • Bot changes:
    • Added Spy TFBots. Spy bots have basic cloaking, diguising, sapping, and backstabbing behaviors now, and are ready to join the fight
    • TFBots understand the basics of the Payload scenario now, and will push the cart on offense, and try to stop the cart on defense
    • Added navigation meshes for pl_goldrush, pl_badwater, pl_upward, pl_thundermountain, and pl_hoodoo_final
    • Improved TFBot reactions to cloaked and/or disguised enemy Spies
    • Improved Demoman bot behaviors for planting sticky bomb traps
    • Demoman bots will now try to move to a safe spot and lob stickybombs onto enemy sentry nests to destroy them
    • Soldier bots switch to their shotgun after emptying their rocket launcher at close/medium range
    • TFBots will no longer hide from sapped or carried sentryguns
    • Engineer bots are better at moving their sentry gun nest as the scenario changes
    • Improved Sniper bot algorithm for finding good sniping spots for both Capture Point and Payload scenarios
    • Sniper bots will take opportunistic shots at targets while they move to their desired sniping spot
    • Fixed bug where Sniper bots would sometimes stand around in their spawn room doing nothing.
    • Improved TFBot ability to find a safe vantage spot to attack enemy sentry guns
    • TFBots will no longer try to use a teleporter entrance they can't actually reach
    • Added tf_bot_melee_only cvar. If set to 1, all TFBots will be restricted to only using their melee weapon


Super Moderator
Staff member
Updates & News - Server/Client HotFix

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2[noparse]:D[/noparse]M)

  • Fixed a startup crash for some users who were unable to load client.dllFixed a "status" command regression in the dedicated server console

Team Fortress 2

  • Added a missing material for the Scotsman's Stove Pipe
  • Fixed a server crash caused by the server triggering a nextlevel vote
  • Fixed the kicking of coaches for being idle as soon as they stop coachingFixed a coaching exploit


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed a server crash that could occur if TFBots were used across map changes
  • Fixed a client crash caused by weapons with attached models
  • Fixed a material system crash
  • Fixed a client crash with dynamic model loading
  • Fixed a few backpack images not drawing correctly
  • Fixed listen servers sometimes not authenticating with Steam (not being able to use Offline Practice)
  • Fixed the "itemtest" command
  • Fixed players not being able to access their backpack loadoutUpdated the localization files


Super Moderator
Staff member
Team Fortress 2

  • Fixed a crash on startup for Mac clients
  • Fixed class names/descriptions not showing up on the class menu
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the Crit-a-Cola to be used repeatedly with no cooldown
  • Fixed the character loadout panel not animating at the correct rate
  • Fixed the Sticky Jumper and the Stickybomb Launcher using the wrong skins
  • Updated the Grimm Hatte and the Pyromancer's Mask with changes from the community creators
  • Added more instructions to the Engineer training regarding metal resources
  • Added new styles to the Troublemaker's Tossle Cap


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Response]Updates & News - Dynamic Loading causing crashes

This patch, due to the dynamic loader, has caused various people issues with crashes and sound.


I'm one of these people, hoping for it to be fixed or an option to disable the damned thing soon....

I am looking into the issue. And will post here if and when I can find any sollution to it. If not, we will just have to wait for a proper fix.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Updates & News - Server/Client Update

Source Engine Changes (CS[noparse]:S[/noparse], DoD[noparse]:S[/noparse], TF2, HL2[noparse]:D[/noparse]M)

  • Fixed an OpenGL crash for Mac players
  • Fixed several crashes related to Alt-Tab in fullscreen mode on Windows
  • Fixed client crash caused by invalid meshUpdated shared interfaces to support the new Replay feature in TF2

Team Fortress 2

  • Added the Replay feature: http://www.teamfortress.com/replayupdate
    • Known issue with Mac replay rendering being blurry will be fixed in the next update
  • Launched the First Annual Saxxy Awards: http://www.teamfortress.com/saxxyawards
  • Added 8 new Replay achievements
  • Added 10 new hats
  • Added The Director's Vision, an item that provides you with a new taunt
  • Fixed a problem with certain equippable items rendering incorrectly on the loadout screen
  • Fixed a problem causing the Mann Co. store previews to render incorrectly
  • Crafted items will now remember/display who crafted them
  • Added a reward for the early crafters of new items
  • Added a new style to the Aperture Labs Hard Hat
  • Added a new style to the Blighted Beak
  • Fixed bugs with the refurbish items interface so that some properties will no longer be un-removable under certain circumstances
  • Fixed the briefcase not being drawn on players when it's being carried in CTF maps
  • Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen
  • Fixed the Kritzkrieg not drawing the correct model in the character loadout screen
  • Fixed the Horseless Headless Horsemann displaying the burning material in DirectX8
  • Fixed the Aperture Labs Hard Hat displaying the burning material in DirectX8
  • Fixed removing the burning/jarated conditions on players who are being critboosted by a Medic using the Kritzkrieg
  • Added Mad Milk to the conditions that are cleared when players are made invulnerable by a Medic with an überCharge.
  • For web developers: added tool and capability information to the IEconItems_440/GetSchema Web API

Undocumented Changes

  • Added the Frontline Field Recorder
  • Brain Bucket made craftable
  • Dead Cone made craftable
  • Janissary Ketche made craftable
  • Hetman's Headpiece made craftable
  • Idle animations restored to class loadout screens
  • Community contributed voice responses rules have been implemented for the following: Skewer, Kamikaze, and Spinal Tap


Junior Administrator
Maybe I can play TF2 without crashes from the Dynamic Content Loader .....

It's kind of made the game unplayable :(


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Response]Updates & News

Maybe I can play TF2 without crashes from the Dynamic Content Loader .....

It's kind of made the game unplayable :(

Fully understandable. Give it a whirl and let me know if the issues still presist :)