Anyone else noticed that vowels appear to be optional in our names?
Ronin Storm => Rnn Strm
Haven => Hvn
Shadow => Shdw
Thatbloke = Thtblk
Thatbird => Thtbrd
Nanor => Nnr
Waterproofbob => Wtrprfbb
Docbot => Dcbt
DeZmond => DZmnd (hey, that's probably the best one)
Pestcontrol => Pstcntrl (or even that one!)
SgtFury => SgtFry (okay, maybe that one doesn't work so well)
We could go on and on...
[edit]*cough* Er vowels, not nouns![/edit]
Ronin Storm => Rnn Strm
Haven => Hvn
Shadow => Shdw
Thatbloke = Thtblk
Thatbird => Thtbrd
Nanor => Nnr
Waterproofbob => Wtrprfbb
Docbot => Dcbt
DeZmond => DZmnd (hey, that's probably the best one)
Pestcontrol => Pstcntrl (or even that one!)
SgtFury => SgtFry (okay, maybe that one doesn't work so well)
We could go on and on...
[edit]*cough* Er vowels, not nouns![/edit]