Vowels optional

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Anyone else noticed that vowels appear to be optional in our names?

Ronin Storm => Rnn Strm
Haven => Hvn
Shadow => Shdw
Thatbloke = Thtblk
Thatbird => Thtbrd
Nanor => Nnr
Waterproofbob => Wtrprfbb
Docbot => Dcbt
DeZmond => DZmnd (hey, that's probably the best one)
Pestcontrol => Pstcntrl (or even that one!)
SgtFury => SgtFry (okay, maybe that one doesn't work so well)

We could go on and on... :D

[edit]*cough* Er vowels, not nouns![/edit]


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Re: Nouns optional

Is it nouns or vowels :)

I sound like a new way of cooking chips ?:?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
pHatBambi => pHtBmb
Piacular => Pclr
BiG D => BG D
Twisto => Twst
Tetsuo Shima => Tts Shm (hmm, that one really doesn't work)


In Cryo Sleep
I'd say they don't really work if you're not aware of the original version.

For example, who's this; Rch


Junior Administrator
rch=> uarch

bob is mighty, or has got another one with which those letters fit, and was beaten to it by big D

now i just feel silly.
meh! no real change there then

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I admit I had trouble with that one. Fortunately, D and bob are much faster to the gun than me. :)


In Cryo Sleep
Yarr, ye both be correct!

Should have dug deeper than the "Most recently visited" list :).

Anyhoo, omitting vowelage for names beginning with them seems to me to bust the name, but I reckon Rnn could get away with stealing them from all those beginning with consonants.

Question is though; what is he doing with all those nefariously appropriated characters?


In Cryo Sleep
I suspect he is collecting them until they reach a critical mass and start to cause a chain reaction, resulting in a catastrophic E-mail AEIOU-Bomb!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Maybe I could prefix any tricksy name that begins with a vowel with a "y" or something?

UArch => Yrch
Aldog => Yldg
Enis => Yns
Iasus => Yss

Then we'd have more sense but still no vowels.

As for what I'm doing with all those vowels... you think I'm content with only pulling them from proper nouns? Hw ybt ths ynstd? (see my cunning use of the "y" rule? ;) )


Staff member
Oh, this does not bode well at all!
*starts writing up english infractions*


In Cryo Sleep
Arr, but ye be putting letters that change the sound of the abreviation, it becomes a bastardisation, thus defying your initial reason!

Surely you would have enough vowels for your devious scheme if you take them only from words that begin with consonants?

Bg lv t th pppy dgs!

Oh, and @ Bambi, it isn't Eamo, it was Eoma :cool:.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Y lgh yt yr ynfrctns! Hh! :D

Hmm... maybe I need a vowel replacement policy. A "y" for every vowel or vowel pair, mayhaps?

Y lygh yt yyr ynfryctyns! Hyhy! :)

Hey, I'm beginning to like this. Almost looks like some bastard son of some Scandanian language (minus umlauts) and old English.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Piacular said:
Arr, but ye be putting letters that change the sound of the abreviation, it becomes a bastardisation, thus defying your initial reason!

Ah, but my nefarious scheme required an initial deflection in order to disguise its true purpose.

Or, more properly said:

Yh, byt my nyfyrys schymy ryqyryd yn ynytyl dyflyctyn yn yrdyr ty dysgysy yts try pyrpysy.

My god, or that's the language of Mordor!? :eek: