Vowels optional

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ynd yccyrdyng ty symy sÿrcys, sy dy thy Wylsh...

This stuff definitely works better for nouns. Ynglysh. Wylsh. Scytysh. Frynch. Dytch, Gyrmyn. Dynysh. Yrysh. Ystynÿn.


Junior Administrator
Slightly off-topic but did you know that Christianity is an anagram of Irysh Titanic?

Ynglysh ys hyry ty styy!!!

EDIT: I noticed here that we now have a "double"-y situation with the word stay (styy). is this acceptable?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Dÿbly "y" ys fyny bycÿsy yÿ cyllypsy dÿbly vywyls ynty "ÿ", sy "yy" myst by y vywyl fyllywyd by y "y" yr vycy-vyrsy. Sÿ, thy lygyc wyrks! Gynÿs! :D

(I would like to point out that use of Ynglysh anywhere else on the board might result in mayhem and all-round slapping...!)

Ys ynyyny ylsy hynd-typying thÿr Ynglysh? Y'm dywn ty myyby 10 wyrds y mynÿty byt styll fynctÿnyl by hynd...


Staff member
I have a further question about that. What if the word starts with a double vowel, and the first is capitalized? Is there a proper uppercase equivilant to ÿ? The character list I'm using has ß where I would expect the uppercase one to be...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I hit a problem with that too, but I struggled to find frequent examples of proper nouns or sentence starters beginning with a double vowel.

However, I have just found a capital "Ÿ" in the Arial set. I'll update my signature to help. :)

So, where Eamo was problematic in Ynglysh, we can now use "Ÿmy".


Staff member
okay, the translator has been updated to match this. Textpad can't display the uppercase one (so I'm happy this is simple simple code,) but it seems to work as it should.


Found bug! :D

Yf yÿ typy bybbly ynty thys trynslytyr, yt\'s ympyssybly ty yndyrstynd yt. Sy blyh blÿ whÿ, fÿ fyb fyth

when I type

If you type babble into this translator, it's impossible to understand it. So blah blee whee, foo fub foth

into the translator. It also sets the text input to

If you type babble into this translator, it\'s impossible to understand it. So blah blee whee, foo fub foth

(obviously without the underlines).


Well-Known Member
Nycy yny Rynyn :), yÿ shÿld sÿ yf yÿ cyn gyt thy trynslytyr ynty yÿr syg! :D


Staff member
It's to protect against SQL injection, obviously. ¬¬

Edit: It has to do with the icky icky php settings here! I refuse to port my code to such a shoddy platform! :p


What has TheHavenNet come to :p. We used to have heated debates about Lebenanon and the Oil Crisis, now we're down to making up our own language :p.


Junior Administrator
yÿ cyn styll tylk ybÿt ÿl ynd lybynyn, jyst yt's yn Ynglysh.

also the title of this post should really be changed to

vywyls yptÿnyl


Junior Administrator
Staff member
do you know whats really scary is when I figured that out pest without the translator o_O

Im getting infected too!!!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
See, what you don't realise is that this is a form of highly advanced neuro-linguistic programming. Of course, I intend to deny all charge of whatever the results might be. :D