Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online



My personal preference in what faction we try and form somthing on would be:

Ork - Chaos - Imperial guard (though i fear we might share the citys and stuff with marines..) - NPC's - Grass on the floor - The Skull on the shoulderpad of a random chaos warrior - The severed head on the belt of an Ork - Marines.


Noticed a site with some nice CLEAR screencaps from the trailer.


Templar marine with a Techpriest. (Notice SErvo arm on his back.) Possible playable class.


Could honestly pass for a Librabian.


Active Member
The one downside to personalized armour - not a single canon-chapter of marines out there... But yeah, tactical marine, mechanicum techpriest and marine librarian fo sho.


The one downside to personalized armour - not a single canon-chapter of marines out there... But yeah, tactical marine, mechanicum techpriest and marine librarian fo sho.

Oh. There will be "Canon-Chapters" out there. Especially for the RP'ers.


Active Member
I'd be up for playing this, though nearer the time we could have race-poll-of-interest once we know all the faction combinations :) I wouldnt be against orks either, just plz lets not be eldar or tau :) (i like both races, but ive spent 4 years as a wow elf, and i dun wana be a puny tau).

PS, who needs heavy bolters when you've got hellguns.


Active Member
I'd be up for playing this, though nearer the time we could have race-poll-of-interest once we know all the faction combinations :) I wouldnt be against orks either, just plz lets not be eldar or tau :) (i like both races, but ive spent 4 years as a wow elf, and i dun wana be a puny tau).

PS, who needs heavy bolters when you've got hellguns.
Anyone who doesn't have plasma cannon, multi-meltas or lascannon needs heavy bolters, lol.


I'd be up for playing this, though nearer the time we could have race-poll-of-interest once we know all the faction combinations :) I wouldnt be against orks either, just plz lets not be eldar or tau :) (i like both races, but ive spent 4 years as a wow elf, and i dun wana be a puny tau).

PS, who needs heavy bolters when you've got hellguns.

When a Race List has been offically released, We'll do a poll (Hopefully we will also get a class list then, too.)


Just an observation, you're all saying "I don't want to play SM as there will be too many of them"... Surely a lot of people will feel this way? Therefore resulting in SM likely being one of the less played races by the hardcore.

Also, i'll be playing whatever race/class is brokenly imba on release :P There's always one.


Just an observation, you're all saying "I don't want to play SM as there will be too many of them"... Surely a lot of people will feel this way? Therefore resulting in SM likely being one of the less played races by the hardcore.

Also, i'll be playing whatever race/class is brokenly imba on release :P There's always one.

Space marines are one of the most popular races in the 40k Universe, so odds are most of the Tabletop Marines will go Marines, then they will get freinds to go marines so they can play them.


Active Member
I'd argue Tau were one of, if not THE most popular when there lists were so brokenly tourney winning... oh wait...
Marines, Tau, Orks - the big 3 popular 40k forces.
Now if we were talking about Necrons, Dark Eldar or Chaos, then we'd be able to really put em in a hierarchy of popularity.


Active Member
Space marines are one of the most popular races in the 40k Universe, so odds are most of the Tabletop Marines will go Marines, then they will get freinds to go marines so they can play them.

You are so anti marine its not even funny, they are the fucking figurehead of 40k get over it.

So, necron RP, anyone? :P


You are so anti marine its not even funny, they are the fucking figurehead of 40k get over it.

So, necron RP, anyone? :P

I'm far from Anti Marine. I just don't like the commonness of them.

And Necron RP = "Lord told us to go kill. *Kills till lord stops telling to kill*".


Active Member
Nah, I'm the resident SM hater here methinks. :P

I was introduced to 40K by my brother and we played with Orks and Eldar, when I found out about Space Marines I was never really very interested in them, nowhere near as fun as my precious Space Elves or comic-relief Orks so I ddidn't then or now see what the fuss about the genetically-altered religious fanatics was.

Most of my other friends are fine with them as a concept but don't like the amount of attention they get in comparison to other groups (I mean three codices while DE haven't been updated in over 10 years, and think of the poor Necrons too!), I just don't find them all that interesting, heh. It's why I've become a much bigger fan of Fantasy of late, we don't have a faction that dominates the updates. ^_^

Which is why I'd much rather be Eldar or Orks, with Chaos as a possibility seeing as their job is to slaughter the silly servants of the God-Emperor. ;)

Anyway, more on topic: where are people getting their information on what is and isn't confirmed for Dark Millenium? Their website is rather sparse to say the least. . . .


Anyway, more on topic: where are people getting their information on what is and isn't confirmed for Dark Millenium? Their website is rather sparse to say the least. . . .

We have no solid information atm, just guesses. :)