Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning


Now I know many of you have already got a main MMORPG that your playing justnow, whether it be WoW or AOC or whatever, but may I point your attention to Warhammer Online: age of reckoning

Gamespot said:
As its title suggests, Warhammer Online is all about combat. At a recent presentation given by Electronic Arts in London, fighting and destruction was the main focus of the day. We were shown how realm-versus-realm combat, rather than the traditional player-versus-player combat, will help form some of the most epic battles yet seen in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game genre. We were also tantalised by large-scale battles that will see entire cities burnt to the ground

Full article Warhammeronline - Home page

I was never a great fan of MMORPG's however a while ago I started playing Lineage 2, and then someone pointed me to this game. The main thing that appeals to me is the Realm vs Realm fighting. The thought of having a battle between hundreds of thousands of people seems like it will be extremely fun :).

The game was supposed to be released this month but they have decided to delay it for another month or two, there reason being that they want the game to run as smoothly as possible.

Anyway was wondering if anyone might be inclined to give it a go?

Oh and it is subscription based so it would mean more dosh every month.


Well-Known Member
Might give it a whirl. Haven't found an MMO that can hold me like WoW did. Damn you WoW and you're high standards!


If anyone's interested. I just preordered the Collectors Edition of this game. It's set up to become one of the biggest MMORPG's in the industry.

It was a steep price of £70 for the collectors edition, although this is due to the fact you get the usual graphic novel and figurines etc. However I was only really interested in the Online Open Beta code that you get when you pre order the collector's edition.

If anyone else is thinking of getting it, I advise you hurry, as Play.com has already sold out and the only place left to preorder it from in the uk is in an HMV store.

Anyway post here if you have got it, so we can have some pwnage :).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I understand that WAR is coming on apace but they've just announced that they'll be cutting four cities and four classes from the initial release of the game (source: Eurogamer).

That said, I applaud their sense in this matter. It's all very well making a broad world if it's all of two inches deep and doesn't provide ample reasons for people to stay together. Sounds like they're trimming the fat to leave a leaner, meaner core game. Unfortunately, I bet people take this as a negative sign.

There's a bunch more information in the original interview that Eurogamer references (link to: MMORPG.com).


Well-Known Member
Well that's a bit of a bummer, but as you said if it makes the game more enjoyable go for it. That said, they better not release the four cities and classes in an expansion pack that you have to buy.


In Cryo Sleep
was skimming the thread a bit so dont no if this has been covered but...ive had a fair history of Games Workshop and the affiliated stuff and have kept a close eye on the Game for a while now... i agree theres a lot of hype about this game but i kinda get the feelin its more because people "Want" it to be a a more hands on version of the games they grew up with.

Ive seen some of the gameplay from beta clips and...well its not convinced me at all tbh ...and i really want this to b a good game.

They have sooo much good material to use and i think that maybe the hard praphics and gameplay will suffer...but i guess we will see.

One thing i guarentee tho the fever pitch will b insain just before its released and there is no chance in hell that it will not be full to the brimm with bugs and graphic errors (guaranteed) they are pushing a schedual and sellind stuff off that doesnt even exist because there hyping there game to much theres no way there not gonna not release the game if its not ready! just hope there servers will cope and there admin have good therapists cos the 1st month is gonna be awfull i bet. On the plus side if im wrong and it lives up to all the boasts ill b there in a second :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
there is no chance in hell that it will not be full to the brimm with bugs and graphic errors

Thing is that no one can afford to release an MMO in that state, any more. In the days pre-WoW you could launch in bad state and figure you'd patch as you go along. However, with most (all?) recent MMO releases having launched largely stable and glitch-free (though often unbalanced, but that's a different sort of issue) they can't afford to release WAR in a poor technical state.


Well-Known Member
I think with WoW and other MMOs dominating the market they're really gonna need amaze people. It takes a lot for people to leave their characters that they've worked so hard on to start afresh.

They're gonna needa pull something bloody amazing to even come up against WoW.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I believe that the current aim isn't to go against WoW but to do something that people would play in parallel to WoW, when focusing on the PC MMO market.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
In part, yes. But also attract a slightly different crowd than are currently playing WoW, offering a different game experience. People like me who played WoW long ago, never really found any reason to play the expansions, and aren't likely to go back.