Junior Administrator
i'll be on in 3 weeks after training, wll be order
I may try to catch up to one of you but my playing times are totally screwed as Woogle and Kershan keep stealing hours of my time by forcing me to watch them do bad things...
Contact a friend of mine in-game, his character is called "Sethvir"
I got him to create his character on the same server so that when I join in later I will be able to play with you lot and get him into the guild aswell.
Just tell him that you are a friend of "thatbloke from THN" and tell him that you are also from THN and you need his presence or whatever to start the guild and he should be a willing [strike]victim[/strike] volunteer.
Bear in mind this guy has never played an MMORPG in his life and will most likely be bombarding you with a smegload of questions![]()
Huzzah! I'll add you to the list!
So far to clarify, on Mount Silverspear (OpenRvR) we have (of people I know who will be guilding up):
Huung (Black Orc)
Spicypixel (Black Orc)
Pwnstar (Squig Herder)
Aymasia (Sorceress)
Helsin (Sorcerer)
Abbadon (Chosen)
Jiblet (Goblin Shaman)
If any other Havenites want to come join us on destruction, you're more than welcome, we could get some pretty sizable numbers going...
I don't understand people doing open RvR.. you can RvR whenever you want in this game, without the hassle of quest/corpse campers.
You cant RvR in the normal levelling areas unless people are flagged for it. It just means on the public quests, or attacking keeps, people can really get a good scrap going![]()