Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning


Well-Known Member
I like RP servers for the naming conventions, but I can see Warhammer RP servers being a little OTT for my liking. My preference is on an open RvR, (possibly core) as the RvR in the game is pretty cool, even in beta.


For anyone that's Interested I'm playing on DragonBack Mountain server. It's an Open RvR, and that's the server I'll be playing on from now on :).


Order :D, Shadow Warrior - High Elf. SgtSafety is also playing as Warrior Priest on DragonBack :).


Well-Known Member
Hehe, well I dont know now whether to stick with Order and help you guys... Or go destruction and try and find you out and gank you ;)

I shall probably go Order and be a tank of some form, Swordmaster is a larf...


Whoot! I was reading an article today in some PC Gaming Magazine, and it was saying that since Alot of people have other commitments etc etc, that alot of the dungeons and raids are 6 man raids. Meaning you don't have to go through the hours of organisation to get 40+ people to do a raid and then spend the hours doing it. It also says that it doesn't have to be done in 1 night, you can spread it over several nights. I personally find this pretty cool since I won't be playing more than a couple of hours a day. As far as I'm aware there still is the really big ones, but the majority you need less people for :).

So will most people be starting tommorow I'm assuming?


Well-Known Member
Sounds cool! I have early access and open beta, early access started today didnt it? I didnt get a chance to patch up or anything today as Ive just moved back up to uni...


Well-Known Member
Schweet! It seems the collector's edition people can indeed register/play today, but the standard edition have to wait until tomorrow morning (15th). I have the collector's edition so I guess Im one of the lucky ones :)

What are you names in game guys? If Im going to be an elf then "Huung" is out the window (little too orcy) so I guess I'll go back to my LotRO name of "Dinedal".


Junior Administrator
Early access started today if you pre-ordered the Collector's edition, and tomorrow if you pre-ordered the normal version I believe.


Well-Known Member
Added the pair of you!

Level 7 atm, but Im going to sleep now as I actually have to work tomorrow :(


Junior Administrator
No, if you pre-ordered it you should have had an email with your activation code in it by now, you can then use that to register your code on the WAR website and then download the game client from their website. Note it's a 10GB download so it may be worth waiting for the disk(s) to arrive anyway :)


Well-Known Member
No, if you pre-ordered it you should have had an email with your activation code in it by now, you can then use that to register your code on the WAR website and then download the game client from their website. Note it's a 10GB download so it may be worth waiting for the disk(s) to arrive anyway :)

Ah yeah I tried that ages ago but it wasn't ready for use and really cba with a huge download. In no rush to play it anyway.. :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It also depends on where you pre-ordered from. I pre-ordered from Amazon but the whole business of being emailed pre-order codes only applies to very specific retailers and for the UK I believe that's only the EA Store.