Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning


Personally, I'm keeping an eye on this one because I think it'd be a game that Rojaws and I might play together. I'm concerned about the minimum specs, though, as Rojaws' machine is at least two generations out of date and I've not really got any spare cash for an upgrade.

It'd be pretty cool if a few of us got playing it. These games are alot more fun and easier to start off with when you know other people playing.

Currently I and SgtSafety (if you's remember him :p) have bought the collectors edition, it'd be nice to have another few THN'ers playing :).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Bit more on the previously announced class cut back to 20 from 24 classes... but would you believe that's a cut back from 250 classes originally?!

Source: Eurogamer

I maintain that focus can only be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I pre-ordered a collector's copy sometime back in March I believe, so I'll be playing in the early access when thats out :)

We should try and all play on the same server too, but as we dont know the names yet its a bit hard to sort at this stage...

Oh, and at £10.31 a month, its going to pain the wallet more than WoW ever did :(


Well-Known Member
I pre-ordered a collector's copy sometime back in March I believe, so I'll be playing in the early access when thats out :)

We should try and all play on the same server too, but as we dont know the names yet its a bit hard to sort at this stage...

Oh, and at £10.31 a month, its going to pain the wallet more than WoW ever did :(


Let me know if you guys decide on a server.


Eurogamer have somehow slipped under the NDA and have been allowed to post quite a detailed description of their beta experiance. Well worth a read, I havn't been this excited about a game in a long time :).


Well-Known Member
We'll all need to decide on a server btw. Hopefully they'll release a server list early so we can all decide.


The only thing would be if we all wanted to play together we would have to pick a side, as (as far as I know) The Dark and Light characters can't party with each other.


Well-Known Member
Hehe, what would be cool is if we're all on the same server, even if on different sides. Would make the PvP fun, thats for sure ;)

I always play "bad guys" but White Lions just look so, so cool... Also, with the Black Guard being removed, there goes my dark-side preference :(


Junior Administrator
I'll be playing this with a friend of mine, he will be going for a ponce (er, I mean... High Elf) so I think I'll be going for a Dwarven Ironbreaker as my character of choice.