What's Next on Haven Raiding


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Right, so, we seem to have stalled a bit, lately, but, this is just me telling everyone that I haven't given up on Wrath.

Bosses still ahead of me, in order of personal importance, are:
- The Lich King
- Algalon, via Mimiron hard mode
- Halion
- Anub'arak heroic in ToGC

Fortunately for me, I have saved raid lockouts for all these bosses. :)

However, that's not what I want to talk about today. I want to wax poetic for just a tad about who we are as a raid crew.

The Haven is not and, if I can help it, will never become a hard core raiding guild. That much is true. What that means is, we don't use crap like DKP, we don't kick people out if they miss a raid or two, and we're happy to find room for... well... "under"skilled people, as long as they understand that they might not make every raid.

What that does not mean, however, is that we don't take our raiding seriously. If someone were to say we're "not a raiding guild", that would be flat out wrong.

Now, I realise that things have been shaky, lately, but, you know what, if people latch on to that, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more people slough off because "things are shaky", the more things get shaky.

Lately, a sizeable number of people have been happy to attend a couple of, shall we say, "side events". Normally, this would be ok, but as it turns out, it's screwing the Haven raid crew completely.

Take today, for instance. Today's raid was cancelled outright, due to a lack of people online and a lack of signups. This was a large disappointment for me. I was very much looking forward to a jolly raid, after such an epic guild meet weekend. I've meet some awesome people and I know they can and want to take the game seriously, so I'm left wondering where the hell everyone is... People, if you're a part of a team, please respect the team. I promise it will respect you back!

Now, me, I've never not signed up for a raid event, even those events that everyone already knows I can't make, such as, say, the Tuesday gearing run, which overlaps with LX night. Another thing I've never done is schedule things for the main raid nights, which currently are Thursday and Friday.

I flat out refuse to leave the Haven to go join any of those hard core crews. I seriously doubt I would feel at home there. I also flat out refuse to give up on progress just because "things are shaky".

The four bosses I put up at the top of the post, they're my goal for the remainder of this expansion. I want to do every single one of them before 4.0 hits.

Here's my question: who's with me?



Whatever you need need big dog.

Also, it is 2 years to the day since I applied to the guild! I would like some sort of reward, preferably in cookie or monetary form.


In Cryo Sleep
Hes says it like its a bad thing!

We have to have at least one IRRRRRRISH in the guild!


New Member


Sorry Zooggy. I wont give you my focus magic, thats Xylaks.
I'll give you my Pyroblast insted :)


Well-Known Member
Bosses still ahead of me, in order of personal importance, are:
- The Lich King
- Algalon, via Mimiron hard mode
- Halion
- Anub'arak heroic in ToGC

Aaaaand in order of ACTUAL importance:

*Lich King
*Anything else we haven't done yet

End-game content > older optional stuff.

That said... my personal priority list matches Zooggy's pretty much exactly.


New Member
Could swear I always got the Focus Magic.. >:|

Anyways, goals sound reasonable, y'all had a bit of a what we could call a break, but let's not get stuck on nothing and just keep progressing.


Lately, a sizeable number of people have been happy to attend a couple of, shall we say, "side events". Normally, this would be ok, but as it turns out, it's screwing the Haven raid crew completely.

Ok so now im being referred to as a "side event" nice one zooggy, As it stands the only reason i have been taking people along with me (and i dont just take haveners) is because each week i get whispered by ALOT of people asking me to make a raid this week as they dont wanna raid with the haven (for lots of reasons) and tbh im not gonna turn those people away who wanna have some fun raiding, it is not my fault your raiding has gone so wrong and why soo many people have left or just stopped playing as a result of that, and if your raids are so desireable how come we can take alot of your so called "lesser players" and get further than you can with half the fucking around and moaning??

sort it out.