What's Next on Haven Raiding


New Member
I am with you Zoogmaster! I am always with whatever this guild needs/wants.
(Unless it is a fresh ICC run and I MUST come on my priest *cries*)

Now my own opinion:
Also, Burrick, you are a side event and you know, whatever you did was fine if you took everyone from the Haven that wanted to come and raid and not a select group. ( It were only 6 people I think.....)


Well last night i only took 3 people from the haven, so if that cripples raiding then you are all fucked


The only reason i have been taking people to icc10 is to help out your guild, there is nothing there i need at all, so i aint doing it for myself and trying to destroy your guild as your last post implied before someone edited it, anyway whats the point no-one is gonna listen or understand so dont worry im off.


New Member
Well last night i only took 3 people from the haven, so if that cripples raiding then you are all fucked

Nobody wants/needs a response like that one burrick.
Just relax and im sure you will all get something sorted out.
Cursing and putting each other down dosent help nobody.
If people wanna go with burrick's raid in my opinion they are free to do so..


New Member
Nobody wants/needs a response like that one burrick.
Just relax and im sure you will all get something sorted out.
Cursing and putting each other down dosent help nobody.

Belf, have a cookie. This was exactly what I wanted to say, though I did use the wrong words for it....


In Cryo Sleep
this whole thing has been blown out of preportion, no need to get pissy but burrick has a point. he has a few actually and maybe his language represents how hes being treated for helping people. swear as much as u like b man i for one find it refreshing your not hiding behind words.


Well-Known Member
Ok so now im being referred to as a "side event" nice one zooggy, As it stands the only reason i have been taking people along with me (and i dont just take haveners) is because each week i get whispered by ALOT of people asking me to make a raid this week as they dont wanna raid with the haven (for lots of reasons) and tbh im not gonna turn those people away who wanna have some fun raiding, it is not my fault your raiding has gone so wrong and why soo many people have left or just stopped playing as a result of that, and if your raids are so desireable how come we can take alot of your so called "lesser players" and get further than you can with half the fucking around and moaning??

sort it out.

You've been doing the right thing, mate. It may damage Haven raids, but a lot of Haveners go to your ones, and those people are succeeding and having fun. In this end-of-expansion-blues time where lots of people are playing less, not playing at all, or drifting away, the ability to continue to raid and have fun with your friends is important, and I have to thank you for offering a semblance of that to members of the guild.

Also, I had a damned good time last week when I raided with you; nice pace, little mucking about that interfered with what we were doing, and we annihilated 10 out of 12 bosses in that one evening. That's what I want to see our main raid groups doing a bit more often...


Thank you james that means alot coming from you.

On a side note to all those people who whisper me asking to come along and raid, if you aint got the balls to back me up here then dont ask me anymore in whispers, cheers


Meh, even some of our alt groups have cleared 10/12 TBH, it's not like we need to pug, take part in "side events" or whatever you want to call it.Not going into further discussion about all the other things said here, i dont want to get involved into that one, just stating this. If you applied to raid with the Haven that should be your priority.


In Cryo Sleep
I have been to one of Burricks LK runs, and some of the Haven runs and i think that i have better chance of downing the LK in one of Burricks runs at the moment. Killing the LK is my number one priority when it comes to raiding and a Thanks to burrick for creating these runs considering that he doesn't need the kill himself.

The problem with the Haven runs that i have found out by doing them is that we don't keep the same team for a specific lockout until we down him, because we keep changing the team about, people in people out and this does not help imo because for example one week we have got to beginning of phase 3 and if we continued the following week with the same group of people we most probaly would of killed him by now, however some other players come in and we have to start from scratch again and we don't even get past phase 1.

We need some consistency when it comes to raiding.


In Cryo Sleep
Fistly, I fucking love you Burrick, well said!

Second, as I see it we're falling apart raid-wise because we've got to LK and just trying to down him through sheer persistance. If we want to down him we need to use T-Bone's awesome tactic of elitism, as I remember a similar situation back when Ulduar was chewing us up and spitting us out. We need a group of people who all have the gear, skill, and knowledge to take him down. Unfortunaly, it's probably too late for this as the guild looks to be losing another tank and lots of people are taking breakes.

Finally, something that's probably going to get me yelled at in the vet section! Raid organization/leading has been shit. I remeber T-Bone's raids where the invites would always go out at 6:30PM (UK Time) and first pull would be at 7:00PM. More importantly, I also remeber alittle bit more blame being pointed, none of this 'Oh noes he must of bugged on my screen' or 'It must have random aggro because I couldn't have been an aggro-monkey'. When people log-on for the raid the don't want to be hangging around for 30 minutes only to be told they're not going, it's leads to raiders not signing up because they don't want to risk wasting their time.


In Cryo Sleep
Finally, something that's probably going to get me yelled at in the vet section! Raid organization/leading has been shit. I remeber T-Bone's raids where the invites would always go out at 6:30PM (UK Time) and first pull would be at 7:00PM. More importantly, I also remeber alittle bit more blame being pointed, none of this 'Oh noes he must of bugged on my screen' or 'It must have random aggro because I couldn't have been an aggro-monkey'. When people log-on for the raid the don't want to be hangging around for 30 minutes only to be told they're not going, it's leads to raiders not signing up because they don't want to risk wasting their time.

You k now I love him but Masia is totally right there we do need more organisation and he is right blame where blame is due, we all fuck up its a fact of life but get your balls out and admit to it if you do, but as long as you can move on from there and not just twat your head against a wall its okie.

Something needs to be sorted because lets face facts we barefly raid atm, and a large proportion of that is due to the impendingness of cataclysm and lots of people needing a break before then. So I would ask the officers and veterans to make a decision to either keep persisting with raiding or bite the bullet and cool it all together untill the expansion is out.The guild has a strong enough community to last out a raiding break as there are awlays pugs that can be done. But yeah a decision has to be made, because as were sitting in no mans land its pretty shit.


You cant start a raid at 7:00 when the people who are supposed to be raiding aren't there at that time, can't blame the raidleader for that.


In Cryo Sleep
I dont believe he is blaming the raid leader for that because yes that is rather stupid ^^


In Cryo Sleep
That it does indeed but also when this is left down to one person alone you will get problems. It is very dificult for one person alone to do all this.


New Member
"Raid organization/leading has been shit."

That's surely pointed at the raidleader right?

Look it we can sit here arguing about this and that. I think as a member of this guild we should cool it out until the expansion.
Too much dare i say "Drama" has occured and its ridiculous.


I think as a member of this guild we should cool it out until the expansion.

I disagree. I think we should try to get things back on track. If we cool things until Cataclysm arrives it would mean several months without planned guild raids plus the amount of time it will take for us to get to 85, geared and ready for Bastion of Twilight.

I think everyone has valid points and I think that our raid stagnation is due to many of them not one or two reasons in particular. I think Burrick should be commended for taking the initiative and trying to help out with leading a raid when he can.

Even though my raiding has been curtailed somewhat lately, I really hope that things get sorted soon.


There's nothing wrong with people having different opinions about things and there obviously are some issues that needs to be worked out. Just because there's an upcoming expansion coming out sometime in the future that doesnt mean we should just drop the discussion and wait for that, hoping it will somehow fixes all these things.

Also, dropping the whole raiding thing for the time being is.. well, no option for me. If we decide to do that people will leave to see if they can get some action somewhere else.