What's Next on Haven Raiding


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

people have made it very clear that im no longer a part of this guild

Oh, give me a break. Your forum title is "THN Veteran", for Pete's sake. You're very much a part of this community, and a valued one at that, by me at least. You made it very clear you were no longer a part of this guild, and you did that when you made a point of removing all your alts from the guild.

But, just because you left the guild, doesn't mean you have to leave the THN community. So, cut the emo, already. ;) You're welcome here, and you know it.

I have looked alto of you in the eye and hugged you tight. I love you. You are my real friends WOW or no WOW. There are people on here and on TS that I feel the same about even without skin on skin contact.

When you LOL on TS or in /g with people.... remember these people and yourself make the guild what it is... no one else

I love you to death for this! :)



New Member
Okay, all we're doing here is identifying, and then arguing, and then re-identifying that Burrick's raids have might will have going to have been maybe more successful. This is a waste of time.

We need to collaborate the efforts of Burrick's main raiders, with those of the guild. If we're all going to stand under the banner of <The Haven>, then why are we standing on seperate sides of the same flag?

We're looking at the past to try and fix the problems that are happening now, and will affect our future. But now that we've figured out that there could be a few reasons why we are in this state, we've got to stop looking at the past, and start looking at what we're going to do now.

If this means taking the most experienced raiders to ICC, then go for it. Couldn't care less. Because we did this during Ulduar, and it worked. I know that we're a good enough guild, that once we get this done, the wealth of experience etc that we gain from having done it once will be spread around the guild, helping to drag the deadweight like me through it.

I know Zooggy started this thread with good intentions; in order to attempt to bring our guild raiding back up to what it used to be, so props to him for doing so.

I know Burrick started his ICC runs also with good intentions for the guild. And in the start, it was most likely a world of help. But now that it's starting to destabilise the guild, it's a problem.

And Burrick, there's no need to take everything here as a personal flame war against you. We're all trying to have a civilised debate about the future of the guild's raiding. We're not calling you out on anything.

Only 16 years old and already able to look at this from such a good perspective.



Well-Known Member
Raid schedule sticky and recruitment template updated with new raiding schedule (duhh).


In Cryo Sleep
My isnt this interesting. Im sorry, with all this flaming, trolling and stating the obvious, what was the origional point of all this? Oh yeah, what were doing now. What we seem to be doing now is not signing up enough. Get people signed up and sort THAT problem, then worry about all the principles of who goes when, and how , and where.


New Member