Junior Administrator
Yes but the only rape from a taxi I've ever seen in the news was a licenced taxi. So the debate to me isn't about a cab being licenced or not, it's about blaming a girl for jumping in a cab on her own.
Also the other things you mention are generally self inflicted, whereas rape most certainly isn't.
Unlicensed taxi stuff is or at least was a very real issue in London. Not just from the point of view of rape, but also from theft and mugging of punters.
Also the doctors posters are trying to achieve the exact same thing. They are not saying if you smoke a cigarette you are going to get lung cancer. They are saying here is the risk you are taking, you are increasing the risk to your health. This poster is exactly the same, it is not saying if you get into a unlicensed taxi as a woman by yourself you are going to get raped. It is simply stating that you are at a much greater risk. Licensed cabbies are on a clock, are traceable and have all passed a CRB. In exactly the same way as people who have never smoked still have a risk of lung cancer, you could still get sexually assaulted in a licensed taxi. However due to the rules enforcing that, it is much less likely.
Another example that comes to mind, I remember a bunch of police posters regarding typically older people who lived on their own and people claiming to be council workers/plumbers anything that could get them into the house to then rob the person. The poster showed a old lady crying having been robbed. The poster read to always ask for identification from the person and a work order for anything like that before allowing them into the house. It is not suggesting that it is the old ladies fault she has been robbed but increasing awareness of a potential threat in a shocking way.