Tonight saw the first game of division one, and kicked off in style with two of the elf teams facing one another. The Wood Elves of myself vs DocBot's Dark Elves.
After DocBot lost the toss, I elected to receive. The first kick-off gave a Blitz result to DB, and he promptly KO'd one of my 7 linesmen before the game had technically even begun - a rather solid start.
After the WElf thrower had retrieved the ball he made a short hop and a skip over to one of the flanking catchers, popped the ball to him, and being a WElf, all went nice and smoothly. A small cage of linesmen was formed to protect the carrier, and they began to trundle up to the half-way line.
Piling in around the Hippies, DocBot's DElves got a couple of nasty rolls, and the two pre-purchased rerolls were spent by the end of the third turn, in order to prevent some nastily timed turnovers coming from failed blocks. The defence was solid, however, and the Hippies wouldn't be breaking through the (slightly) superior armour of the DElves any time soon.
A poor catch from the lady with the mohawk (Wardancer!) left the ball lying pitifully at her feet. It was then all too simple for DocBot to jump on this opportunity and reform a cage of his own in the following turn, rendering the light-footed attacker's efforts to this point mostly useless.
Due to the quick turnaround in possession, the following turn was a bit of a brawl, with 7 members of each team crowded round each other with barely a free space to move to. Three WElves including the 'dancer piled up against the carrier. This linesman clearly felt claustrophobic at this point, as he then fumbled a short pass, only for his team-mate behind him to scoop it up into his agile hands.
Whilst being in such a closely confined area had caused a successful panicked fumble, the tables were now turned. The DElves turned on their airy-fairy cousins and proceeded to knock two linesmen off the edge of the playing field, KOing them. As if this weren't enough, the 'dancer was also manhandled off, but managed to keep her composure to watch frantically from the sideline.
A daring blitz from the only linesman able to dodge in, saw both himself and the DElf ball-carrying linesman floored, the ball rolling away...
With his rerolls exhausted, the follow up block from DocBot was an unlucky one, with a quick turnover caused by the blitzing attacker falling flat on his tiny overly-pale ass due to a double "attacker down" result.
The WElf catcher zipped out to grab the ball, his MA of 9 giving him ample room to grab the ball and get as far away as he could. Unfortunately after overcoming this molehill, he attempted to go for the mountain, and tripped over his own feet after failing a simple "go for it" roll to get out of range of the disgruntled DElf Blitzers.
Capitalising on this mistake, DocBot quickly chased down this foolish Wood Elf, only to then fall over himself on the same piece of grass (someone needs to check that pitch before the next match...).
The embarrassed linesman picked himself up, rectified his previous lack of agility with a double dodge, and tucked the ball under his arm again, running off to get close to the second linesman who had snuck up the flank on the previous turn. A simple short pass and a few steps later and the linesman had the first touchdown of the game! This concluded the first half, and the prancing boys in pink went off the pitch feeling nice and elvenly smug.
As the players lined themselves up for the second half, the crowd seemed to still be reeling from the touchdown of the previous half, as this kick-off saw the Cheering Fans result, giving the Hippies another reroll, for a total of 3.
DocBot's Backstabbers grabbed hold of the ball and reformed their formidable cage around the carrier, whilst the WElf catchers skirted around the flanks again to get deep into the back field. The only female of the WElf team finally succumbed to her stupidity and after critically failing a simple rerolled dodge twice, managed to badly injure herself (but not her hair), taking her out of the rest of the half in the first turn!
The cage was built of some kind of Dark Elven steel, as it powered it's way up the field; the only way of blitzing the ball carrier was to face a 3d- block!
With the Wood Elves looking on in despair, the Goldenmoor Backstabbers scored a textbook touchdown, equalising the score!
The following kick-off resulted in a second Blitz result for the DElves, who made good use of it to knock down as many pansy forest-dwelling elves as they could.
As the Wood Elf linesman closest to the ball threw himself at the opposition, he grabbed onto it, only to then fall flat on his face as he attempted the blitz. The ball rolled away once more...
The Dark Elves retaliated by KOing the WElf thrower, leaving the ball totally open for pickup! The ball was picked up by a DElf linesman and a further Wood Elf linesman saw stars as he was KO'd and thrown to the side.
(It's worth pointing out at this stage that of the 8 men I had still on the pitch (linesman and thrower KO'd, 'dancer injured) only 1 of them was still on his feet, the others all having been pushed to the ground in the previous turn or two! Effective blocking!).
With the DElf ballcarrier being only a stone's throw away from the winning touchdown, extreme measures were to be had. A lone linesman blitzed in for a 3d- blitz, and managed to come out with a "pushed" result, giving him a little extra time and allowing him to get next to the carrier.
As the 3 DElves carrying and protecting the ball charged down the remaining stretch of field they found the nimble WElf catchers to be blocking their path, having run back all the way from the other half. Another daring (and lucky) WElf blitz sees a 2d- block come out favourably, with both Elves knocking each other down, and the ball coming free. This also left the DElf badly injured, but with nothing broken or fractured.
In the final nailbiting turn of the game, a DElf linesman made a pair of dodges to get to behind the touchdown line. A second DElf picked up the waylaid ball, and with a last ditch attempt, tried to throw it the last 25 yards needed for what could be a fantastic finish to a brilliantly tactical game. The ball didn't seem to realise how fantastic this would be though, and slipped from the thrower's hands for a fumbled pass. The Wood Elf closest was so relieved at this result, he did what the Hippies do best and fell flat on his arse, ending the game in a much less spectacular fashion!
tl;dr A hard fought 1-1 draw, with both the elf teams suffering no permanent casualties.
As the amount of successful passes and catches were low, and only one TD was scored for each team, the SPP was also rather low, with only two of DocBot's players receiving any, and only 3 of mine getting any. MVP, a touchdown and a successful pass was enough to earn one of my linesmen a further level however, and he decided to learn how to Block.
Really, really fun and tactical game, made a big difference from Vel's lizardmen I'm used to facing off against!
Huung's Hippies: 1
35% possession, 34% in opposition half
Goldenmoor Backstabbers: 1
54% possession, 65% in opposition half