Blood Bowl- Week 1 (So It Begins)

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Well-Known Member
I hereby designate (in true world cup fashion) group 2 the 'group of death'.

Many of my gobbos have already written thier willz on loincloth in preparation, writing in full about how they are bequeathing all their possessions to no-one and spitefully burying them.

They're all making sure to scrape words into their armour in hope it will affect thier enemies morale. Phrases like 'Not da face!', 'Pleeze Mercy!' and 'He's got da ball not me!'" are all favourite inscriptions.

Each night before a match they huddle around the team captain to draw straws. Everyone of them shivers as the captain looks into the tearful eyes of the loser and utters 'Yous on da scrumline with da trolls tomorrow.'


New Member
I look for favour from the great horned rat and hope to please the council 13 with the blood that will be spilt these nights. Pray for a quick death filthy man things for you shall recieve no mercy.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Many of my gobbos have already written thier willz on loincloth in preparation, writing in full about how they are bequeathing all their possessions to no-one and spitefully burying them.

They're all making sure to scrape words into their armour in hope it will affect thier enemies morale. Phrases like 'Not da face!', 'Pleeze Mercy!' and 'He's got da ball not me!'" are all favourite inscriptions.

Each night before a match they huddle around the team captain to draw straws. Everyone of them shivers as the captain looks into the tearful eyes of the loser and utters 'Yous on da scrumline with da trolls tomorrow.'

Simply awesome.


Game with me and bob was painful.

He Killed one player, badly injured 2. I did squat against him. He got 2 touchdowns too. I had unlucky rolls all game though. :( I WILL HAVE REVENGE DORFS! *Runs back to the nest to beat the captured Dorfs* :(


Junior Administrator
As requested a summary of the first game as best I can with my lacking knowledge of the game. It doesn't need to be said but this may be a some what biased report of the match. Dwarfs are sexy.

It seems playing against the dwarfs day 1 is not a place to be with their blockers having some favourable abilities from lvl1. Gombol's Skinks seemed reluctant to pickup the ball and found themselves in some unforetunate 2v1 through out the match. The skinks did however seem to misunderstand their role in the team somewhat. Although their natural agility seemed less effective than it should have been they were surpisingly solid and caused some unusual turnovers. Knocking down 2 blockers and a TS during the match.

The first few turns seemed to be pretty even with both teams trading players sitting on their ass slightly curious as to why they were staring at sky rather than an ugly lizard or a sexy dwarf. A reasonably balanced dwarf team was able to contain the lizardmen ealy on and although the lizards had possesion in the first 5 turns the dwarf blockers and blitzers were able to hold the supporting Saurus in place. The Skinks had no luck at all while they attempted to use their agility to out play the dwarfs ended with some poor passing and even worse catching. This allowed the dwarfs to get into a defensive position.

Some fine well aled (like oiled by who needs oil when you have ale) tactics from the dwarfs resulted in some nicely injured skinks and a few Saurus that took a visit to the fans who were ready to greet them with any weapon available. Rumours are flying that one of the saurus was actually beaten up with a skink that the medics were attempting to take off the pitch at the time.

At this point a dwarf runner Butrek who up to this point had been merely wandering from lizard to lizard aiding in the pushing suddenly found the ball in his hands and made his way towards the touchline when he realised all the lizardmen appeared to be having a bit of a rest. It was at this moment that up popped one of the Boneaxe Saurus in a valiant attempt to slow down Butrek and a skink attempted a similar thing and found the ground again somewhat sooner than he had planned when Ekraz the blocker threw one of 3 blocks during the match.

Skudal the blitzer concerned that the fans were cheering a little more for Ekraz than himself took the opportunity to hit one of the Boneaxe Saurus, the two Troll Slayers not to be out done in this show of blatant bravado jumped in as well and once they had all jumped off the slightly squashed lizard was deemed to be dead. Butrek not to be overshadowed took this chance to score before the half.

The second half continued on from the first, except for the efforts of one very ambitious skink. The dwarfs just able to sniff victory through the taint of increasing levels of lizard urine setup very aggressively on the LoS, this left gaps in the secondary and a skink made his way passed the LoS as Zarkan the other dwarf runner failed to produce and fumbled the ball. It looked briefly like the skink was going to be the little skink that could until Butrek who is looking to be an all round legend knocked him down and in the process once again found himself with ball in hand.

Butrek made his way once more down the pitch giving the dwarfs some time to stomp on any lizards that were brave enough to stand and scored another fine touchdown. The MVP award went to Ekraz the blocker with 3 big blocks and a casualty, big shout out also to Butrek who had 2 TD 1 casualty 1 block and ran for 66 (a fair old way for a dwarf). Honourable mention as well to Skudal the blitzer with 1 death 1 casualty and a big block notched into his tankard.

tl:dr version.

Gombol was a little unlucky, dwarfs are fairly hard if you give them an inch they will probably try and kill you with it.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
As requested a summary of the first game as best I can with my lacking knowledge of the game. It doesn't need to be said but this may be a some what biased report of the match. Dwarfs are sexy.

It seems playing against the dwarfs day 1 is not a place to be with their blockers having some favourable abilities from lvl1. Gombol's Skinks seemed reluctant to pickup the ball and found themselves in some unforetunate 2v1 through out the match. The skinks did however seem to misunderstand their role in the team somewhat. Although their natural agility seemed less effective than it should have been they were surpisingly solid and caused some unusual turnovers. Knocking down 2 blockers and a TS during the match.

The first few turns seemed to be pretty even with both teams trading players sitting on their ass slightly curious as to why they were staring at sky rather than an ugly lizard or a sexy dwarf. A reasonably balanced dwarf team was able to contain the lizardmen ealy on and although the lizards had possesion in the first 5 turns the dwarf blockers and blitzers were able to hold the supporting Saurus in place. The Skinks had no luck at all while they attempted to use their agility to out play the dwarfs ended with some poor passing and even worse catching. This allowed the dwarfs to get into a defensive position.

Some fine well aled (like oiled by who needs oil when you have ale) tactics from the dwarfs resulted in some nicely injured skinks and a few Saurus that took a visit to the fans who were ready to greet them with any weapon available. Rumours are flying that one of the saurus was actually beaten up with a skink that the medics were attempting to take off the pitch at the time.

At this point a dwarf runner Butrek who up to this point had been merely wandering from lizard to lizard aiding in the pushing suddenly found the ball in his hands and made his way towards the touchline when he realised all the lizardmen appeared to be having a bit of a rest. It was at this moment that up popped one of the Boneaxe Saurus in a valiant attempt to slow down and a skink attempted a similar thing and found the ground again somewhat sooner than he had planned when Ekraz the blocker threw one of 3 blocks during the match.

Skudal the blitzer concerned that the fans were cheering a little more for Ekraz than himself took the opportunity to hit one of the Boneaxe Saurus, the two Troll Slayers not to be out done in this show of blatant bravado jumped in as well and once they had all jumped off the slightly squashed lizard was deemed to be dead. Butrek not to be overshadowed took this chance to score before the half.

The second half continued on from the first, except for the efforts of one very ambitious skink. The dwarfs just able to sniff victory through the taint of increasing levels of lizard urine setup very aggressively on the LoS, this left gaps in the secondary and a skink made his way passed the LoS as Zarkan the other dwarf runner failed to produce and fumbled the ball. It looked briefly like the skink was going to be the little skink that could until Butrek who is looking to be an all round legend knocked him down and in the process once again found himself with ball in hand.

Butrek made his way once more down the pitch giving the dwarfs some time to stomp on any lizards that were brave enough to stand and scored another fine touchdown. The MVP award went to Ekraz the blocker with 3 big blocks and a casualty, big shout out also to Butrek who had 2 TD 1 casualty 1 block and ran for 66 (a fair old way for a dwarf). Honourable mention as well to Skudal the blitzer with 1 death 1 casualty and a big block notched into his tankard.

tl:dr version.

Gombol was a little unlucky, dwarfs are fairly hard if you give them an inch they will probably try and kill you with it.

Great write up bob. More of this will make the campaign even more awesome! Really brings the games to life.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
For those interested, you can now upload the .db replay files as long as they're smaller than 250000 bytes (mine are all sub 150KB).

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Well, that was a good game with Zoggy. He devastated my Skaven, but nonethless was fun.

Some fantastic play from him in my opinion, so well deserved

A 2-1 win to him, with my Rat Ogre punching himself in the face in turn 3, and my thrower just smashed into the floor.

Good game ^_^

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
So, the second game in the group of death was conducted last night. Ronin's orcs vs my Skaven. Conscious of the fact that I'd already shown him all my best tactics to this point in our warm up games, I was hatching a new plan...

I took the ball to start with (obviously selecting 'tails' on the coin is a must for all Skaven players) and everything was going well for me from the start, as I used my severe mobility advantage to spread his orcs apart, stopping him from using his stronger players to gang up on my weaker ones and put them in the hospital. In fact, my players more than held there own, as my thrower, essentially a rat-faced Michael Vick (for those who pay attention to american football) scampered around with the ball, gently prising holes in Ronin's defence.

Eventually, after wasting a goodly amount of the first half, I scored on my final turn, leaving no time for the orcs to level before the half.

However, after this, I also made my first major mistake. Thinking that the half was over, and in fact I was kicking to him to start the second half, I lined up my players on the line of scrimmage in a manner conducive to stripping the ball from him. However, I forgot he had one turn left BEFORE half time, which he duly used to knock my rat ogre unconscious. - He spent the rest of the game asleep on the sideline, dreaming of feta cheese.

This left a massive hole in my defensive line for when Ronin received the ball in the second half, and to be honest, left my defence in tatters. When Ronin took the ball, my tactics essentially included isolating one of his players, then stamping on him, killing him! Though my player was sent off, it was totally worth it, and underhand tactics like this appealed to my twisted skaven soul...Surely the horned rat would favour us...

Ronin made short work of my D, leaving the score 1-1 by about turn 12, and I was to receive the ball again, with him planning to take the ball off my weedy rats, stomp 'em and smash the ball in for the winning TD.

Again, as I received the ball, I regretted the loss of my rat ogre, who can normally be relied upon to maraud through an opponent's lines causing chaos. Instead, I had to resort to using my speed to keep his defensive players isolated and on the back foot. In this drive, I also managed to cripple another of his defenders, meaning that he will also miss the next match, against Bobrek's B4st4rds. I made numerous mistakes on this final drive, with perhaps the most major being forgetting who's turn it actually was (it was late at night), sitting around, until ronin kindly reminded me at about 40s. A flurry of rushed moves essentially wasted my penultimate turn.

Further niggling little mistakes allowed Ronin to leave one of my gutter runners on the floor for my final turn, meaning it fell to a stormvermin to try to score the winning td.

1 rerolll left, the ball with my thrower (out of distance for the endzone) and the stormvermin (the only viable option) was marked by an orc blitzer and a goblin. I had one clanrat free to blitz the goblin, hoping to push it away from the stormvermin, meaning an easier hand off, and less dodging to get to the end zone. Here, in the depths of night, was my biggest error. With the game on the line, I made the blitz, rolling a defender down and defender stumbles result - 'YES!' i thought, 'It's all going to plan'. Sadly, and instinctively, I chose the 'defender stumbles' result on the gobbo, forgetting that becasue he has dodge, it would only push him back, not floor him, like 'defender down' would have done. This was still salvagable, as I COULD have pushed him towards the sideline, meaning one, or possibly two, less dodges for my intrepid stormvermin to have to make. Howver, I chose poorly, meaning my stormvermin had to make 3 dodges to get to the endzone.

Next came the handoff, and luckily for ronin, i had to use my final reroll to ensure the ball reached my stormvermin's claws safely. With no rerolls left, and three dodges to make, it was somewhat inevitable that my player stacked it after being clotheslined by the orc blitzer, ending the game at 1-1, leaving my Skaven to gnaw over the carcass of what should probably have been a first win.

Statistics of the game:

My Skaven had the ball for 72% of the game
Yet the score was only 1-1 (credit to ronin for some excellent defensive work).
Though i did manage to kill and severely injure 2 of his players, whilst not suffering any long term damage myself. - Not bad for a bunch of soft rats against hard as nails orcs.

The game was gloriously (and strenuously) tactical, and all credit to Ronin, who played a 'bend but don't break' defence well. A well deserved draw.

None of my players levelled up, though a few of them are closer, and none picked up any injuries.

I'm sure Ronin will post his take on the match later.

This, as of now, leaves Bob at the top of group 2, as the only player with 3 points, though that might change after the game between pwnstar and ghostwolf.


Well-Known Member
So the games stand at 3 down, 6 to go.

Closing date for week 1 matches will be sunday the 11th. Remember any issues with either the arrangement, timing or set up of the games dont hesitate to ask pandawithissues... or myself.


Well-Known Member
Tonight saw the first game of division one, and kicked off in style with two of the elf teams facing one another. The Wood Elves of myself vs DocBot's Dark Elves.

After DocBot lost the toss, I elected to receive. The first kick-off gave a Blitz result to DB, and he promptly KO'd one of my 7 linesmen before the game had technically even begun - a rather solid start.
After the WElf thrower had retrieved the ball he made a short hop and a skip over to one of the flanking catchers, popped the ball to him, and being a WElf, all went nice and smoothly. A small cage of linesmen was formed to protect the carrier, and they began to trundle up to the half-way line.
Piling in around the Hippies, DocBot's DElves got a couple of nasty rolls, and the two pre-purchased rerolls were spent by the end of the third turn, in order to prevent some nastily timed turnovers coming from failed blocks. The defence was solid, however, and the Hippies wouldn't be breaking through the (slightly) superior armour of the DElves any time soon.
A poor catch from the lady with the mohawk (Wardancer!) left the ball lying pitifully at her feet. It was then all too simple for DocBot to jump on this opportunity and reform a cage of his own in the following turn, rendering the light-footed attacker's efforts to this point mostly useless.

Due to the quick turnaround in possession, the following turn was a bit of a brawl, with 7 members of each team crowded round each other with barely a free space to move to. Three WElves including the 'dancer piled up against the carrier. This linesman clearly felt claustrophobic at this point, as he then fumbled a short pass, only for his team-mate behind him to scoop it up into his agile hands.
Whilst being in such a closely confined area had caused a successful panicked fumble, the tables were now turned. The DElves turned on their airy-fairy cousins and proceeded to knock two linesmen off the edge of the playing field, KOing them. As if this weren't enough, the 'dancer was also manhandled off, but managed to keep her composure to watch frantically from the sideline.
A daring blitz from the only linesman able to dodge in, saw both himself and the DElf ball-carrying linesman floored, the ball rolling away...
With his rerolls exhausted, the follow up block from DocBot was an unlucky one, with a quick turnover caused by the blitzing attacker falling flat on his tiny overly-pale ass due to a double "attacker down" result.

The WElf catcher zipped out to grab the ball, his MA of 9 giving him ample room to grab the ball and get as far away as he could. Unfortunately after overcoming this molehill, he attempted to go for the mountain, and tripped over his own feet after failing a simple "go for it" roll to get out of range of the disgruntled DElf Blitzers.
Capitalising on this mistake, DocBot quickly chased down this foolish Wood Elf, only to then fall over himself on the same piece of grass (someone needs to check that pitch before the next match...).
The embarrassed linesman picked himself up, rectified his previous lack of agility with a double dodge, and tucked the ball under his arm again, running off to get close to the second linesman who had snuck up the flank on the previous turn. A simple short pass and a few steps later and the linesman had the first touchdown of the game! This concluded the first half, and the prancing boys in pink went off the pitch feeling nice and elvenly smug.

As the players lined themselves up for the second half, the crowd seemed to still be reeling from the touchdown of the previous half, as this kick-off saw the Cheering Fans result, giving the Hippies another reroll, for a total of 3.
DocBot's Backstabbers grabbed hold of the ball and reformed their formidable cage around the carrier, whilst the WElf catchers skirted around the flanks again to get deep into the back field. The only female of the WElf team finally succumbed to her stupidity and after critically failing a simple rerolled dodge twice, managed to badly injure herself (but not her hair), taking her out of the rest of the half in the first turn!
The cage was built of some kind of Dark Elven steel, as it powered it's way up the field; the only way of blitzing the ball carrier was to face a 3d- block!
With the Wood Elves looking on in despair, the Goldenmoor Backstabbers scored a textbook touchdown, equalising the score!
The following kick-off resulted in a second Blitz result for the DElves, who made good use of it to knock down as many pansy forest-dwelling elves as they could.

As the Wood Elf linesman closest to the ball threw himself at the opposition, he grabbed onto it, only to then fall flat on his face as he attempted the blitz. The ball rolled away once more...
The Dark Elves retaliated by KOing the WElf thrower, leaving the ball totally open for pickup! The ball was picked up by a DElf linesman and a further Wood Elf linesman saw stars as he was KO'd and thrown to the side.
(It's worth pointing out at this stage that of the 8 men I had still on the pitch (linesman and thrower KO'd, 'dancer injured) only 1 of them was still on his feet, the others all having been pushed to the ground in the previous turn or two! Effective blocking!).
With the DElf ballcarrier being only a stone's throw away from the winning touchdown, extreme measures were to be had. A lone linesman blitzed in for a 3d- blitz, and managed to come out with a "pushed" result, giving him a little extra time and allowing him to get next to the carrier.
As the 3 DElves carrying and protecting the ball charged down the remaining stretch of field they found the nimble WElf catchers to be blocking their path, having run back all the way from the other half. Another daring (and lucky) WElf blitz sees a 2d- block come out favourably, with both Elves knocking each other down, and the ball coming free. This also left the DElf badly injured, but with nothing broken or fractured.
In the final nailbiting turn of the game, a DElf linesman made a pair of dodges to get to behind the touchdown line. A second DElf picked up the waylaid ball, and with a last ditch attempt, tried to throw it the last 25 yards needed for what could be a fantastic finish to a brilliantly tactical game. The ball didn't seem to realise how fantastic this would be though, and slipped from the thrower's hands for a fumbled pass. The Wood Elf closest was so relieved at this result, he did what the Hippies do best and fell flat on his arse, ending the game in a much less spectacular fashion!

tl;dr A hard fought 1-1 draw, with both the elf teams suffering no permanent casualties.

As the amount of successful passes and catches were low, and only one TD was scored for each team, the SPP was also rather low, with only two of DocBot's players receiving any, and only 3 of mine getting any. MVP, a touchdown and a successful pass was enough to earn one of my linesmen a further level however, and he decided to learn how to Block.

Really, really fun and tactical game, made a big difference from Vel's lizardmen I'm used to facing off against!

Huung's Hippies: 1

35% possession, 34% in opposition half

Goldenmoor Backstabbers: 1

54% possession, 65% in opposition half


Staff member
brilliant write-up! cookies for you! Awesome match too, I thoroughly enjoyed myself :)
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