Blood Bowl- Week 1 (So It Begins)

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Ronin Storm

Staff member
"What? We're gonna be playin' un'erground?!" Coach Ronin was not best impressed with the choice of venue, clearly favouring the rancid-cheese-snorting Skaven. "Well, you guyz are gonna 'ave to git out there and smash 'em, right 'ard!"

Zan Longtooth, thrower and easily the brightest of this brawn-not-brains team, took the opportunity to kick first, figuring that they could use the first drive to whittle the flimsy Skaven down and then carry the ball to the endzone with nary a rat in sight. Just one problem: the Rat Ogre. Practise games had revealed that this monsterous fleapit had the capacity to cause serious holes in the Orc's otherwise solid line. Little did they know...

Lined up for a hard, fast blitz, aiming to kill them fast, the ball sailed... straight into the stinking hands of the rat thrower. Moments later, the Rat Ogre and one of the Stormvermin punched a gaping hole in the Orc defensive line and two sneaky Gutter Runners streamed right through. Already, the opening tactic of "beat them to death" was in shambles and one Orc Linesman was being carried off the pitch, knocked clean out of it.

Scrambling to regain some semblance of defence, a quick audible from Zan had the wing Blitzers falling back to man-mark the Gutter Runners and hamper any incoming pass and a solid diving block put one of them on the floor, stunned and singing some mad song about Brie.

The Orc defensive line continued to collapse, even the (exceptionally stupid) Troll being slammed back. The Skaven started their push for the endzone, running their thrower into a pocket just over the halfway line. The other Gutter Runner nimbly dodging around more clumsy Orcs and screaming for the other corner, ready for a deep pass. Only Blitzers and brave Zan stand between the Skaven and the first touchdown.

Hurting but not completely beaten, the D-line throws itself back to its feet, with the exception of the Troll soon to be known as "Too Effin' Stupid To Live" and a pair of Blitzers make a valiant push into the Skaven pocket. Munki Majik, Blitzer, punches through and bears down on the stilton-stinking thrower, while on the other side of the pitch the beleaguered line peels off and tries to fill in the holes and stop the seemingly unstoppable Skaven piledrive.

Then it is that the brave Orcs have their first bit of luck. It is almost as though the Skaven have worn themselves out in the first few minutes and the line holds and holds again, even the Rat Ogre finding it better to scream animal rage than to actually push forward. The rat-faced ball carrier looks startled at this clearly unexpected turn of events and does a sudden U-turn, dodging to the other side of the pitch behind the Skaven O-line. Another pocket starts to form, albeit weaker, but the first hole had been plugged.

Gutter Runners in the back field, holes on both flanks, Zan would have every right to feel demoralised but every Orc knows that victory is just a matter of punching harder than the enemy and Zan proves this right then. An incredible haymaker leaves one tricky Gutter Runner stone cold in the endzone, dragged off by snivelling rat vets. Heartened, the D-line starts to reform and usually clumsy Linesmen dart at the new pocket to slow its movement. Perhaps they can cut this drive dead after all?

More running behind the O-line, the Skaven thrower looks for an opening, chased by the Troll who, with one syllable instructions, manages to find its way through the Skaven line. Unfortunately, the following "look out for that Rat Ogre" shout was blissfully ignored and saw the Troll being dragged off the pitch by the dedicate Orc medical team.

The Skaven pocket stands strong against the Orcs, despite a line of Blitzers pushing hard to make a hole. Then the Rat Ogre, screaming murder, piles through the side of the remaining D-line and leaves a hole big enough for much of the pockmarked vermin to push their ball carrier into the centre and surround him with a wall of mangy fur.

Gasping for air, run back and forth, punched down repeatedly, the Orcs scramble to try to slow this fresh drive as half time looms. A last desperate blitz by quick-footed Munky fails to reach the ball carrier as a wave of rats rises up to throw him to the floor.

Another Blitzer takes rat-foot in the face and adds to the pile of Orcs in the KO tent and the Orc line crumbles. The Skaven thrower screams through the hole, still covered by a portion of his pocket, endzone in sight and no Orcs within range. Zan takes stock of the field and sees that it's a lost cause in this half, so the cry goes up, "Get to the fightin'!" Zan puts the other Gutter Runner to the floor but the team's heart isn't in it. Something about letting the ball go free just doesn't sit right, not least because so many of the team have already been carried off the pitch.

Just minutes to go before half-time, the Skaven score. But while the scrawny rats jubilate, Zan gathers his team, now all revived with exceptionally foul smelling salts and tells them the plan.

"Ain't no chance of scorin' this 'alf. But we got a few minutes and we can sure make 'em pay. Get in dere, boyz, and make 'em hurt."

Sure enough, emboldened by their success, the rats line up as if they have all the strength in the world, knowing there's no chance for the puny Orcs to score before half time. But the whole Orc team, bar Zan who needs to receive, lines up on the O-line and throws back the Skaven blitz without blinking an eye.

Backfooted, the cowardly Gutter Runners start to flee for their own endzone, scared of the incoming punishment. The Orc line pushes back, throwing the blitz away, then the Troll takes the Rat Ogre by the neck and head-butts them both into the floor. A few moments later, the Troll stands back up but the Rat Ogre stays down. Turns out that Trolls have harder heads than Rat Ogres. Complete KO.

The first half ends with a little up note and the Orc supporters dare to believe that their team might just come back in the second half, jeering the rats as their Ogre is dragged off the pitch by its tail.

Second half opens and Green 'n' Mean fans hold their breath as they watch the Skaven dugout, but the Rat Ogre does not reappear. The rats line up only ten versus a full complement of Orcs. Quietly, chastened by the beating they took in the first half, the Orcs buckle down and prepare to drive hard.

An almost perfect reception by Zan, he pushes up to his O-line and a free lineman and three of his Blitzers form a pocket around him. The substantially weakened Skaven D-line is immediately thrown to the floor, one seeing his life flash before his eyes before being recovered by the medics due to serious injuries and another KO just a moment later courtesy of the Troll (now pepped up on "just hit everything" instructions).

Enraged by the brutality, both Stormvermin smash straight into a leading Linesman, throwing him into a waiting foul by one of the dirtiest rats. The referee, no laggard, promptly sent the cheating scum from the field, but at the cost of a seriously wounded Orc. Diagnosis: broken jawbone. Prognosis: certainly missing the next match.

Unperturbed, Zan leads his pocket to the right, intent on running the ball home. Even down a man, without their Rat Ogre the Skaven cannot stand up to the might of angry Orcs looking for a fight.

With the Stormvermin as the vanguard, the remaining rats try to punch through. One Blitzer hits the floor, out cold, but the line holds and the ball pushes swiftly down the pitch without serious resistance. Just a pair of Gutter Runners between Zan and the endzone and really them just a paper defence against hardened Orc Blitzers. Even their agility helps them none as the pocket puts one to the floor as he tries to entangle Zan.

Another dives through the pocket, almost getting its filthy hands to the ball. Unstoppable, the pocket smashes the last ditch resistance, sending the unworthy Gutter Runner to the medical tent, and leads Zan right into the endzone, Skaven scattered and simply lacking the manpower to make a difference.

With nearly a quarter of the match to go, the Orcs hope to use their fighting power to get a second touchdown in the second half. Unfortunately, their losses are beginning to show. One still unconscious, one seriously wounded, needs must bring the reserve Goblin onto the pitch.

"Look, you, just bite dem in dere ankles, or summat." That was the advice that Zan bestowed on the over-eager reserve. "And you," he tells the Troll, "keep hittin' everythin' in front of ya."

Ten Orcs versus nine Skaven. Fair odds on a fair day, but this was anything but a fair day. The Skaven lined up in a flank-heavy configuration, ready to push one side, then pushed straight into the waiting D-line barely a second after the ball arced over the half way flags. Their push tears holes in both sides of the line and rats scuttle swiftly through, filling the backfield with waiting receivers.

Once again, the Orcs face an ineviable choice: gang up and fight, or spread out and mark. Clearly better at the first, but fearing a loss, Zan audibles for man-marking and his team responds quickly. Blitzers chase their targets, harassing them from downfield. Even the Goblin, Mugs, finds himself hanging onto the cloak of a speeding Gutter Runner. Only the Troll, now confused as the enemy is behind him, fails to take sensible action.

Realising that the rats' superior agility won't let his Orcs mark them for long, Zan throws himself at the Goblin-hampered Gutter Runner but misjudges the distance and lands them both on the floor. Dazed, he fails to see the glint of steel as a clanrat prompt stabs one of his Linemen through the eye, killing him instantly. The crowd screams for the referee but no card is forthcoming, no foul is professed. "Is just a block," the referee declares, but the Orc fans know better.

The rats jink left. The rats scuffle right. But the Orcs stick to them like crabs to testicles. One Stormvermin falls prey to a coordinated strike from a Blitzer and even the Troll manages to figure out that furry things equals stuff to hit, but the ball is a long way away and the Orcs are spread thin. A victory looks unlikely. Just need to hold out for the draw.

Then the rats pause. It's almost as though the fight has gone out of them. Down their Rat Ogre and a Stormvermin, undermanned and efficiently marked, they try to run the ball just because they can't see anything else to do.

Then they see their chance and the Skaven thrower streams down the pitch and hands off to the remaining Stormvermin. Tangled by the Goblin and an Orc Blitzer, he tries for a daring end-of-game push through the line. It's to no avail. The Blitzer puts him down just as the clock runs out.

Final score, 1-1, but with the Orcs weakened by a death and an injury for their next game it could be considered a morale victory for the Skaven. Orc commentators, though, would remark that it was a technical victory for the Orcs on account of neutralising the Skaven's speed and holding the game to a draw in the face of a heavy beating.

Battered, bruised, Green 'n' Mean needs to regroup and rethink to face their upcoming match against the Dwarves.


Stop being so lazy and go and read it. :p

That said, I don't think I can write another game summary of that length again. This one took nearly two hours!


Junior Administrator
"But the Orcs stick to them like crabs to testicles"

Love it!

Cookiefied for that line alone :D


New Member
Freem of Clan Freem has refused to comment as he is busy blaming everyone and everything as the skaven limp away from a 1-0 loss to chaos. There fragile rat bodies are still being collected and dug out of the pitch after, 5 tackles, 7 KO's and 2 casualties there weren't many that actual left the pitch of their own accord. It is strongly believed that the Chaos team actually forgot that they were in a Football game till the whistle was blown for halftime.

Even with the knowledge that they were playing a game of football they were to busy beating their opponents into a bloody pulp to approach the ball, it was only when a stray rat managed to escape the beatings and attempted to score to end the slaughter that they actually moved and after leaving a pile of blood and limbs realised that they possessed the ball.

The score only went to 1-0 as they would require spending time away from the carnage. Some one in Clan Freem must of done something terrible to earn the wrath of the Great Horned Rat to be left to such a fate. They were plagued with an inability to hold onto the ball and the famed Skaven agility was for nought as any attempt to dodge out of the way resulted in a chaos elbow to the throat. Mr Whiskers (The Rat Ogre) spent most of the time on the floor having his head kicked.

The Chaos were truly blessed and gained favour as their only casualty was bought back from the dead and will be back to cause more death and destruction in the name of their dark gods next match.

But having placed the blame on Lines Man Clan Rat 7 and had him feed to Mr Whiskers, the bad luck should be gone in time for my next match and Freem will be looking for blood.

“Glory to the Council 13 !!!!!!!!!!”


Active Member
Follows a brief extract from one of rantings of the coach and owner of Kasatka's Killers, Kasatka himself, after a recent match against Clan Freem, coached by Magosreborn.

So the game got off to a glorious start for chaos, with 4 knockouts in the name of the Dark Gods by the 4th turn, with half as many in retaliation from the silly ratmen.

The filthy ratties nearly got a touchdown in the first half, but a cunning beastman caught their intentions and gored him to the ground, keeping the score even at nil-nil. Certainly need to gift that beastman with some mutations as a reward...

Second half proved to be much more tactical, and by that i mean lacking in violence to sate the Dark Gods, as the ball stays around the mid-line.

Bahaha, that Rat ogre is still asleep! Wakey wakey mr ratty?!

TOUCHDOWN! Finally on the 11th turn, a sneaky beastman legs it up the pitch while ducking and weaving betwee... wait, those rats are unconscious. Still, touchdown!

Fortunately the rest of the match turned into vying tackle-lines, with the ball bouncing around all over the place as everyone fumbles it. Final turn was hilarious as silly beastmen got double-KOs all over the show.

All in all, Kasatka seemed happy with his teams performance, though was seen flagellating the 4 warriors for not pulling their weight as much as the beastmen, who were tossed a couple of spit-roasted rats for their post match victory meal.


FYI: I'm forfeiting the season... Turns out, i hate the game... go figure. No idea what this means for the teams in my group.

Sorry to be a ballache.


Junior Administrator
FYI: I'm forfeiting the season... Turns out, i hate the game... go figure. No idea what this means for the teams in my group.

Sorry to be a ballache.

That's a shame, I'd say give it a chance as I have gone through 3 stages of loving and hating the game in a fairly small time scale and have come out the other side still enjoying it and expecting to enjoy it more the less I fail at it.


Well-Known Member
FYI: I'm forfeiting the season... Turns out, i hate the game... go figure. No idea what this means for the teams in my group.

Sorry to be a ballache.

Sorry to hear that Pwnstar. The game can get frustrating at times, as everything from picking up the ball to movement of larger players has at least a 1 in 6 chance of failure. It isnt to everyones taste.

In terms of what it means for your team is very little. The team will forfeit their matches. Unfortunately for your opponents team it means that they will get no xp for any of their players from that match up. Essentially it will simply mean that one team gets an automatic win once per week at the cost of the getting no new player skills. An annoyance but shouldnt lead to league imbalance.

Would have appreciated earlier warning but c'est la guerre i guess. Hope you pick it up and give it another try at some point. Wont force the result until sunday in case you do change your mind.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for someone else to step in at this stage now? Or is the league locked?


In Cryo Sleep
Right Wing Rooks vs Lorien Longrunners. I can't find out how to replay the match, so no blow-by-blow. Just know that the score was 2-0 to the Longrunners, however the Longrunners will start the next game with one less player, having suffered the death of a lineman.

The money has been spent on an apothecary. A valuable investment to be sure, though it would have been nice to make that investment with 11 fieldable players.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for someone else to step in at this stage now? Or is the league locked?

Have made inquiries about this. The league is locked from the start, people can leave but no one can join meaning even if i did kick his team out at this stage we couldnt invite someone else in :(


New Member
Firstly im sorry to here that you are not enjoying the game.

Secondly replays can be found in the load options of single player while in game


A tape was handed into lost and found earlier today that seems to contain an attempt to get comments from Clan Freem after their loss to Chaos. Warning the following footage may be too much for those of you with a weak constitution or are girly pansies ….

“This is James Jessie reporting from just out side Clan Freems nesting area and from the sounds of it the coach has not taken today’s loss at all well, lets have a lisen”

Freem - “U’z are all weakz …. PATHETIC, you think you are skaven ….. YOU ALL SHALL END UP AS FOOD.”

Clan Rat – “We’z did our best est, the Chaos Man things were to strong”

Freem – “WHO DARE’S SPEAK ……..”

*Huge amount of commotion with a lot of finger pointing*

Freem – “MR WHISKERS!!!!!!!!!!!”

*loud stomping and a ROAR echoes from the nest and the commotion stops*

Freem - *approaches the closest Skaven* “It was you, you think we are WEAK”

Clan Rat – *obviously fearing for its life, weakly manages to answer* “Not me, we iz strong, man things musta cheated”

Freem – “Yes they cheated but then we must cheat better THEN, so why did you fail me”

Clan Rat – “ ...., ….., ….., …, I, I, I”

Freem – “MR WHISKERS …… LUNCH !!!!! “

Clan Rat – “ Nooooooo PLEASE spare me, I do better I promise”

*Mr Whiskers grabs the closest Skaven to him and bites him in half, It happens to be a completely different Skaven but no one seems to care*

Freem – “You are spared for now, BUT fail again and I shall not be so forgiving”

Clan Rat – “You are truly the greatest of all the Skaven” *Runs and hides in the crowd*

Freem – “I have a plan for the next match that cannot fail” *Freem reveals a board with what seems like blue prints of the stadium*

James Jessie *to the camera quietly* “Lets get a little closer” *manages to stumble and fall*

Freem – “INTRUDER, get the man thing, I what its head”

*The last thing the camera see’s is the jaws of Mr Whiskers before going to static*

Well there you have it folks any thing and everything can happen in this sport. In unrelated news the blood bowl association are looking for more trainee reporters and camera crews details to follow…..


Well-Known Member
Have made inquiries about this. The league is locked from the start, people can leave but no one can join meaning even if i did kick his team out at this stage we couldnt invite someone else in :(

I guess if Pwnstar is happy with it, I can log on his account and play his games. You guys at least get to level up a bit then.


In Cryo Sleep
Andy: And here we are at waht could turn out to be a fantastic game of blood bowl
Borgnak: That's right, Andy. Two rookie teams; The Right Wing Rooks and the Lorien Longrunners, squaring off in a league so minor that it's lucky we haven't been cancelled for a cookery show!
Andy: Quite. You know, I should take this opportunity to mention our sponsor, Bugman's Low-Qual Brew. It's not great tasting, but it gets you there.
Borgnak: Longrunners to kick off, and here it comes...
Andy: OH MY GOD! Apparently someone raised the price of pretzels, because the fans are not pleased!
Borgnak: The referee is trying maintain order, but he seems to have already started the timer!
Andy: Looks like this will be a short half!
*Sounds of a riot obscure the commentary*
Andy: And with that all over, here’s the kick
Borgnak: Well, the ball didn't go particularly deep. Perhaps it's Elvananfel has a weak leg.
Andy: Well, that's an easy pickup for Beltorf Jolthead there. Other players have come in to give him a hand and make it harder for an elven interception
Borgnak: Looks like the humans are just doing some housecleaning now: Marking up. Let's see how those dodgy elves respond.
Andy: Dodgy like the taste of Bugman's low qual brew?
Borgnak: *laughter* You know it!
Andy: The elves are surrounding Boltorf there.
Borgnak: The human defense is pretty poor...
Andy: And it's Thatyth! She's jetting across the half the pitch! I've seen only Skaven move faster!
Borgnak: SLAM! Jolthead is DOWN! That looks like hurt!
Andy: Thatyth going for the ball and...
Borgnak: Whoops!
Andy: Oh... Butterfingers.
Borgnak: Well, looks like they’re going to recoup their minor losses.
Andy: Mightybud there lashing out. Looks like he’s pretty pissed off about Thatyth’s failure.
Borgnak: Do treemen have emotions?
Andy: They have 3 that scholars in Altdorf have identified: Rage, Ire and Anger.
Borgnak: Longrunners now surrounding the ball... and Amalendil has got it. Pretty exposed on his left flank there.
Andy: That’s the crowd...
Borgnak: And two of the long runners are making a dash for the backfield... Ohh... and Aethbane is DOWN. That’s what you get for turning your back on Jek the Beloved! That man has some pretty bad abandonment issues...
Andy: Rook play now. Everyone seems to be bundling on Mightybud here
Borgnak: He is a force of nature
Andy: Literally
Borgnak: And a Palpable hit by Jekil Wulf on Mightybud there. If it’s possible for a tree to have a weakspot, Wulf found it!
Andy: Fentleberry takes a shot at Thatyth... Nothing special there.
Borgnak: Woras make a play for the ball... Past one defender... two... holy cow I think he’s going to make... Awww, and tripped up by Mahaltyth... Good effort.
Andy: Oh! And Fentleberry is DOWN! Where the hell did Al’anur come from?
Borgnak: Right in the grill. That’s the kind of play we like to see!
Andy: Serrenage the virtuous is floored and Amalendil makes a dash for the end-zone... This could be a quick score from the Longrunners.
Borgnak: Team mates coming up to support him.
Andy: Man, those elves are untouchable! Look at that dodging prowess!
Borgnak: Can the Rooks pull this back?
Andy: Nope. Gerraint Stephan is down already. Thatyth may not be able to pick up a ball, but she sure as shit can trip.
Borgnak: Cheap play from the Longrunners here. They’re setting up for a pass to the end zone...
Andy: Failure! These elves cannot handle the ball!
Borgnak: Gunther Ulman goes for the ball. He’s got it, throws to... awww Fumbles the ball.
Andy: Amalara Goes for Ulman... A heavy push. The ball’s free now
Borgnak: Amalendil has the ball. Hands off to Trilyth.
Andy: The elves are fleeing from the action now. They’ve run to the other side of the pitch. There is no chance that they can be caught now...
Borgnak: And now they’re just swinging wildly at the Rook Players now. This is violent play by the Longrunners...
Andy: And Mightybud has taken Wulf down. He looks pretty badly hurt there...
Borgnak: Revenge shot by Hermann! Mightybud is floored!
Andy: Ooooh! And they’re stomping on him! Where’s the ref?
Borgnak: He seems to be taking a blind eye to this behaviour!
Andy: That’s the spirit!
Borgnak: Jolted makes a play for the end zone... And he’s DOWN.
Andy: TOUCH DOWN! Trilyth scores the first point of the game.
Borgnak: Setting up for another play. Another shallow kick from Elvananfel here.
Andy: Jek the Beloved makes a play for the ball...
Borgnak: That looks further than he can go, the guy looks winded...
Andy: And he’s down. Apparently he’s not a distance runner!
Borgnak: And that’s half time. Well, the quality of play today was almost as good as Bugman’s Low-Qual Brew.
*It seems that the tape was recorded over at this point. Apparently, whoever recorded this match was not a fan of the half-time commentary*
Andy: Hermann to kick.
Borgnak: And a lovely deep kick it was!
Andy: Landed right next to Thatyth. Let’s see if she’s scraped the butter off of her hands.
Borgnak: No. No she has not.
Andy: Very unelven play. That’s going to waste some time for those skinny girls.
Borgnak: Well, it looks like that pocket the elves were trying to form will do them no good without a ball to protect.
Andy: And Ulmann goes for Alamara... BOOM! Floors him.
Borgnak: And Woras the Destroyer makes an unprovoked attack on Amalendil. Oooh! Floored, that’s got to smart.
Andy: The pansy deserved it if you ask me.
Borgnak: Thatyth finally manages to grab the ball and runs into a new pocket.
Andy: That’s behind their line of scrimmage though, that’ll take ages to punch through
Borgnak: Well, Mightybud might just have something to say about that...
Andy: Rooks closing in on the Longrunner ball...
Borgnak: The longrunners are going to have to break through this somehow
Andy: It’s quite the scrum, this does not favour the elves, just like barmen don’t favour Bugman’s Low-Qual Brew.
Borgnak: It is almost as disgusting as the quality of play we’re seeing here.
Andy: The elves are holding up well though.
Borgnak: They’ve moved the ball about 8 yards to the right, I wouldn’t say that that’s well.
Andy: Quite a lot of violence on the pitch here, the Rooks are breaking into the Longrunner cage pretty effectively
Borgnak: Mightybud has quite a lot to say about THAT
Andy: Quite a lot of back and forth here. I’m supprised the Longrunners can hold their own.
Borgnak: I’m supprised anyone can hold down Bugman’s Low-Qual...
Andy: Give it a rest. It's only funny when I do it.
Borgnak: Look, we get paid everytime we mention it, and I need a new chariot.
Andy: No one cares about your stinking money troubles. What’s an orc want with a chariot anyway?
Borgnak: To drive it, idiot.
Andy: Aren’t we supposed to be commenting on the game?
Borgnak: What? Nothing has happened for like 4 turns. The ball has moved NOWHERE.
Andy: Those humans should have pasted the elves by now.
Borgnak: There is a lot less chunky salsa than I’d like to have seen by now...
Andy: *Yawn*
Borgnak: Ok. This is some terrible play by the elves here. They could have moved out to the right through that huge hole in the human’s defences by now.
Andy: Nope, they’re set on ploughing through the middle...
Borgnak: Waste of time if you ask me. The match is almost over, and the ball has barely moved this half.
Andy: OH! A Hole!
Borgnak: Bloody hell, the elves are pouring through like water.
Andy: Rooks are closing in. Can they stop this last, desperate charge?
Borgnak: Jek the Beloved SLAMS into Alamarra! Both down!
Andy: Oh! Did you hear that crunch?
Borgnak: I did! What a sound!
Andy: Holy... Alamarra isn’t moving!
Borgnak: FATALITY! That pansy is going to meet his maker!
Andy: And Thatyth Pelts through the gap!
Borgnak: She’s making a bee-line for the end-zone!
Andy: TOUCHDOWN! 2-0 to the Longrunners!
Borgnak: The team re-set up, Rook ball!
Andy: What a pass!
Borgnak: And Manfred Roblar passes one, two defenders! Holy cow I think he’s going to make it...
Andy: And that’s time! No score for Roblar there.
Borgnak: Well, that match was as dull and watery as Bugman’s Low-Qual Brew.
Andy: You’re really pushing it now...
Borgnak: Bite me


Well-Known Member
I guess if Pwnstar is happy with it, I can log on his account and play his games. You guys at least get to level up a bit then.

If you could clear it with Pwnstar mate that would be ace. I doubt anyone would have any problems with you representing more than one team in a time of need :)
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