

Well-Known Member
I think it works out cheaper for you DocBot if one of us buy it. I'm pretty happy to do so?


Junior Administrator
I think the third bundle just got filled, Dragon, so you may well need to get your own one (unless 3 more people show interest in the game before friday?)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I think that Panda will want one too, so that'd potentially be 2 for another bundle. And maybe Xera's uncle too...? That'd just leave a fourth bundle one person shy...


Well-Known Member
As it turns out I'm heading out of town today and won't be back 'til Friday. I don't get paid 'til tomorrow so that leaves the earliest I can buy it too Friday and then it'll have to be before 5pm as I have work then. Are people happy enough with this or would someone else who is less time constrained prefer to take the reins?


Junior Administrator
May I suggest I buy it. In fact if there is anyone left needing to buy it ma I suggest this service. Rather than us all trying to work out how to get the money around we all put £21 or whatever it is into the THN paypal wallet and I'll buy it directly from there. This allows us to not have any one person having to chase funds. If you feel this is inappropriate shout but to me this would seem to be the most hassle free way to achieve our goal.