

Active Member
For those who do not wish to wait until the 30th (heh, tomorrow) and get a taste of Borderlands sooner, here is how you can do it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks for the thought. I think taking a (albeit small) risk to get the game a day early seems like a whole risk too far, though. :)


Active Member
Yeah, pretty much my line of thought, but I thought I'd share it if anyone is rad enough to walk the line ;)


Active Member
Shush you guys, I've been reading Questionable Content the past two days non-stop, it's only understandable it left some marks on me so cut me some slack :D


Well-Known Member
That was posted on the Steam forums a day or 2 ago, no officials have commented on whether it's allowed or not so I wouldn't risk it, myself.


Well-Known Member
I played it on Weds (legit, boxed copy - not steam) :p

Looks awesome. Not played properly yet, came a cropper with a bug on training level, silly robot just stops moving and can't get any further. Happened twice.

Here's hoping it's just a glitch!

Edit: Apparently it's a known issue & here is the workaround:

Gearbox forums said:
Issue: Claptrap gets stuck during the introduction (~ within first 10 minutes of game) and will not progress
Status: Issue has been identified and will be resolved shortly
Note: As of 10/30, this issue will be resolved via a patch for the 360 and PS3
Verified Workaround: Save and exit your game, then restart a new game with your character. When approaching Fyrestone camp, walk into the camp before killing the last Bandit.

Well, no wonder I got stuck twice in a row - I'm a sniper ffs, why would I walk into the camp to pick off the last bandit? ;p


Well-Known Member
Also figured this would be worth posting since we'll no doubt be giving this a blast on MP tonight..

Issue: PC players experiencing difficulty connecting to multiplayer games
-Workaround: You need to do a few things if you are experiencing this problem:
The host must have these four ports forwarded:
7777 (TCP/UDP)
28900 (TCP)
27900 (UDP)
28910 (TCP).
You can find out how to do this at
All players need to allow the game in the Windows Firewall, whether you have forwarded ports or not. You can learn more about how to do this here:


Active Member
Only played like half an hour this morning, I like what I see! I might be going out in the evening but if not, we´ll totally rock out together.


Well-Known Member
Bob, DocBot and Ghostwolf. I'll be around after 10 this evening, from 5PM onwards tomorrow and all day Sunday if you all are too.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
You don't have to play with the 4 you bought with, y'know... ;)

That said, I should be around after 22:00/22:30 this evening for 2-3 hours.


Active Member
Dudes, I feel soo lonely when I play BL. Tell you what, do add me into your BL friends and we'll see if we can muster a game together at some point :) My GameSpyID is - i believe - THNAngelic or just Angelic, who knows. Or, alternatively, post your GameSpyIDs here so I can add you :)

Also, how far in are you guys? I haven't been able to play much lately so I'm only 25 in doing quests around New Haven...


Well-Known Member
26 myself. Next time me and my mate play I'll give you a poke Angelic if you like. :)
Should be some time this evening if you're around.


Junior Administrator
waterproofbob is my ID
Am now lvl30/31ish hunter, mostly focused on sniper and bloodwing skills. Just moved into Old Haven. My plan is to try to catch up to Trax and then run the game again on uber break your face difficulty.
Although he needs to stop playing so i can catch up :p.


Well-Known Member
Is it only me or is everyone 'round here playing a sniper? xD I'm a soldier anyways somewhere 'round level 10 atm. I really love his healing skills. Anyone interested in playing with me? :)


I'm playing a Soldier. I started as the Hunter, but I thought his skill was just plain old shit. I mostly use the turret, with healing, ammo giving and lots of damage, and then shoot things when I need to.

Might try Brick next, seems a different play style.