

Well-Known Member
I play Brick. Press F, rage, smash everyone into a pulp. Also because you're meleeing everyone you're closer to the loot :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Why do games still use Gamespy? I try to avoid it hoping it would die a naturally death but it dosent want to quit does it?


Junior Administrator
You've got mine already Ange, but for the other people, gamespy ID for BL is

I'm a level 40 soldier, Currently in Fyrestone on Playthrough2. I have stopped playing the game until bob finishes off playthrough1, and him, Ghostwolf and myself will start Playthrough2 properly :)


Junior Administrator
hunter skill is bad ass.
My bloodwing now pretty much one hits everything and does massive damage makes everything drop loads of loot and completely reheals me in one burst.
You can keep your filthy soldier :p.


The Siren. Don't think much of her power either, but meh!


Well-Known Member
I haven't been playing a great pile either. I'm just into the second area. I'm not that impressed tbh. Is every area an arid badland? And am I the only one that finds the skills a bit meh? :/


Junior Administrator
They're looking to balance the skills out, when more people get level ups and can see which classes people are whoring mostly, I think.


Well-Known Member
I have a levle 36 brick on playthrough two, but also up for starting a new chara

My ID is Silkgs


Junior Administrator
All I know is that the bloodwing is bad ass. I don't want any of the other skills however cool they are. It attacks multiple targets, heals me, does loads of damage, dazes the targets and causes them all to drop loads of extra loot. Sounds like a pretty awesome skill to bob :p.


New Member
Grmbl, all those douchebag hunters.. Siren FTW :p Requires leet skillz0rs
Also, my gamespy ID would be Tyrual
Lvl 37 ish atm.


Well-Known Member
I know what you were asking, and I thought my answer was sufficient :(. Yes there are other places that are not arid badlands devoid of all vegetation. Not exactly lush jungles, overgrown with plantlife, but they do have some plants :)